Bryan Thomas

Welcome everyone to my page. My name is Bryan Thomas. I just turned 5 years old. Mommy says she can't believe that I made it to 5. I always wonder what she means by that.

What's new since my mom last did my page. I have had my first taste of school!! I think it will fun. I hope that I have the same teacher that my sisters had when they first started school. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.

I still have some trouble sleeping at night. My asthma seems to keep me up sometime especially when the weather is changing. But I am learning how to deal with it. I have been given medicine to help with this so it isn't too bad. My parents hope that I will grow out of it when I get older just like my Grandpa did.

It's not easy being a big brother. I am trying to share my trucks and everything else with my little brother, Christopher. But he always wants the truck that I have in my hand or my new ones. Mommy has bought him some also. Which of course you have figured he doesn't want to play with. I guess he is an okay kid even though he wants to be just like me.

I like to play with Rachel and Kelly. They are really cool older sisters. I love them a great deal.
My sisters are still a big part of my entertainment. I love to chase them. Even when they chase me it's pretty fun. I miss them a lot when they are at school but I will soon be going there myself. Sept. isn't that far away. Christopher will be with home with mommy. I bet he will miss us all when we are at school.

Mommy still stays home with all of us. I am really glad that she is at home with us and not working. Daddy works for a school as a teaching assistant and network tech. I miss him when he is working but when he gets home we play together. We even watch football and other shows that we like together.

Well I have to go and save my new truck from Chris. Thanks for visiting me.

Kelly's Page
Rachel's Page
Christopher's Page
Mommy's Main Page