Rachel's Page

Howdy everybody!! It's really nice to have some friends over to my page here.

Well first grade is a breeze. I have the same teacher my sister, Kelly had when she was in first grade. Mrs. Campbell is really nice. At one time I was a little afraid to go to her class. I am happy that I am not afraid any more. You just can't beleive what other kids tell you about a teacher.

I have been helping my mom with my baby brother. Okay she helps me take care of him. I am really enjoying having him in the house. His name is Chris. Everyone thinks he looks a little like me but I think he looks a great deal like my other brother, Bryan. Bryan and I are still great playmates. We play a great deal together when I don't have school or homework. Okay we do have some disagreements but then what brother and sister don't. I know that we will always be very close.

I have been learning how to ride a two wheeler. I love it. I think I do better at it then my sister, but don't tell her I said so.

I am learning a great deal at school. I love to read the books Mrs Campbell sends home for homework. They are really easy. I can't wait till I am in second grade. I don't want the homework but I think it will be really fun. Especially when we hatch baby chicks. The second graders did it this year. They all said it was great and very interesting. Kelly has been trying to teach me how to do dividing and mutliplying. I think I remember some of them. Watch out secong grade I will be there soon.

Sorry I have to run now...my friend, Nikki, is waiting to play together. Stop by anytime.

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