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09/29/00 01:49:37
Name: Marie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: 1 year old little girl
Potty training?: need Help!!!

My little girl is 21 months old and she does not seem to want to use the potty at all. She will sit there but never do anything. She hated to were a diaper so I tried the pull-ups she wears them for a little while and then off it comes.Do you have ANY advice I am willing to try anything..!!!

09/19/00 00:10:16
Name: jenny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

Our son turned 3 in August and we have been potty training him since he has been about 2 1/2 and he does well with the #1 but when it comes to #2, he goes in his underwear. We keep asking him how come he doesn't tell us and he just says 'cuz. Somedays h will come home from daycare and be in the same pair of underwear that he went in, but other days I am bringing home 1, even 2 bags of soiled poopy underwear. Trust me it isn't fun to have to rinse out poopy underwear and to have to wash them a couple ti es a week!!! We have tried the giving him treats, not letting him watch his tv, or play with certain toys. Does ANYONE out there have ANY ideas as to what I can do to get him to go on the potty??? We are so stressed out by this and will take any advice and help we can get. PLEASE!!!!!!!! Thank You.

08/26/00 20:18:49
Name: Janelle My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Yes.

I have a daughter who will be 3yrs old in Decemeber. She has shown an intrest in using the potty ever since she turned 2. I started off with the stickers, video tapes and training panties (not pull-ups). She had a fit! she didn't want to get rid of the diapers, so I told her that we needed to give them to her cousin; he was a baby and he needed them. . . That was fine with her but she still didn't want the wear the panties. I then got the pull-ups. I thought the star thing would do the trick---NO! Th n I got stickers to try and get her to go. Sure, she would sit on the potty, but still nothing. She continued to go in the pull-ups. I didn't want to put the diapers back on her, because I was affraid she'd get confused. I just cooled off the training for a while. I thought she my not be quite ready yet and I didn't want to push it. Months went by. Then one night we were at a friends house and she told me she had to go potty! It took me for a loop, but hey, I'm game. I took her to the bathroom and she went! I thought, "Whew, all down hill from here!"---NOT! She didn't do that again. Months passed, there was a battle everyday, so I quit again. . . Then I thought I would buy her big girl panties to inspire her. She loves Cinderella, so I got her the panties w/ her on them. Well, my daughter was so exited she ran to her potty and peed. I was so proud of her. My husband and I made a big deal about it. She seemed so proud too!---It didn't last, the novelty of the panties was over. I quit for a hile again. Then last month I thought I'd try something diffierent. I wasn;t going to force the issue, I just would have one of her little cousins she her that they go in the potty. She seemed tickled about it and wanted to sit on the potty, not pee or poop. Them when she went to my neighbors house to play with her daughter, she went twice! When I found out I told her: "You can wear the Cinderella panties now because you went pee-pee in the potty!" She refused to pee at home. She will hold it for ho rs which is a big concern for me. At night I fight her to put on a pull-up for over-night, so she wont wet the bed! (I want her to be trained before I let her go the threw night). She even will go at her school! What can I do to get her to go at home? Please help me with any suggesttions! Thank you.

07/06/00 19:08:58
Name: Paula Plonk My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Need Help!!!

My daughter is 3 1/2 years old and we can't seem to get her potty trained. She has started to poop in the potty in the last month, but absolutely resists peeing in the potty. We've tried treats, we've tried enticing her with pretty "big girl" undees, le ting her go around with nothing on, taking her to sit on the potty ever 30 mins.. I don't know what to do. If you have any suggestions, please e-mail me. Thanks!

04/09/00 01:26:51
Name: carl My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: help

We have a 4 year old who is trained but decided to start pooping in his pants again. He was good for months but just stopped. Any suggestions?????

04/05/00 16:04:24
Name: theresa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

i have a son 3years old things are very rough he does want nothing to do with the potty he crys when we sit him there hell hold it four hours anyone help please e-mail me for tips thank you.

04/03/00 23:27:20
Name: Eric My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Yes!!

As a Dad who is helping in training, I have to add my support of those who are against pull-ups. They are a waste of money and my daughter uses them as a "break" from training. Our 2.5 year old stays dry during the day EXCEPT when she is sent to time-out. She then gets upset and then wets herself. The night times are the toughest. She will now get out of bed, go to the bathroom, strip, wash off, return to her room and put on fresh pajamas, place the wet clothing in her hamper, pull her "for looks only" comforter over the bed and go back to sleep. Our only clue is the new pajamas in the morning. Last night she wet on the comforter as well and did the routine a second time but climbed into the guest bed in the next room to return to sleep. Any ideas on how to break this habit? I have taken away toys and priveleges but now she just comes to us in the morning and says "I wet my bed, here are my barbies, I will have to stay dry today to get them back". HELP!!

03/22/00 15:59:10
Name: janet
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

My son has been potty trained pee only at the age of 2. He never has a problem wetting the bed, but the poop situation has both me and my husband ready for a nervous break down. Everytime he needed to poop he would ask for a diaper and would poop, then e would change him in to underwear for the rest of the day. That was fine until he got very consipated when he was sick. Then he wanted nothing to do with the diaper or the potty. He would run around in circles when he had to go potty when he couldn't h ld it any more he would finally give in and go in his diaper. He got to the point that he would hold it in agony for five days at a time. We have tried mineral oil, laxatives, and sapositorys. This continued for months, my husband decided to give him a sapository and sit him on the potty until he finnaly went to prove to him it was ok. That worked and when he was done he said that he would go on the potty for ever and ever. But two days later when he had to go again, no he didn't want to go on the pot y and in his diaper he just wants to hold it. I am at witts end and ready for a nervouse break down over this. Does any one have any suggestions. Am i doing the right thing by forcing him to go? But if he is holding it that long he will have other pro lems? Please help me?

03/14/00 06:00:47
Name: Marci Hales
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Sure enjoyed seeing the pictures of you guys :). I can't believe that he is almost a year old! He's really quite cute and truely a combination of both of you (at least in pictures). So glad you sent us the email so I could see them. It's the first tim that I have ever seen G.W. Hope that you are doing well :). Time has been moving very quickly and days go by before I know it but overall we are doing well. We like being here at Ft. Campbell. My mom has been really sick and that's been taking a lot of my attention lately. The kids are doing great. Alex just turned 3 in January and Cassie was 4 last August. They like being here with Daddy a lot but sometimes still miss living close to my parents. Cassie is in half day preschool here on post and l ves it. We live on post and like being here (like it better than where we were off post). Michael works hard and puts in long hours but loves the work overall and his bosses are good guys so that makes it easier to handle the demands and hours. We go t church in Clarksville and see James McCoy there and other times too. Amazing how small Korea is but how far it continues to touch our lives! So sorry we have been bad about keeping in touch. Not even Christmas cards were sent this year and there are m ny who have not heard anything from us in quite awhile. We have been okay but just getting settled and embracing life here. But we want to be in touch so please don't feel like we have been brushing you off. It's not personal at all. Wendy, has your f mily met the Worley's yet? I was curious. And how is it to live in the good ole USA? I commend you for leaving all that has been normal to you and trapeseing all over the world with a military man. I actually am happy to be a military wife but it has t's challenges too. I am truely happy to be living with Michael again. I can not tell you how wonderful it is to be back together again :). And the kids are just eating it up. There have been some adjustments but overall it really hasn't been too rock a transition. We were really realistic about it though and have spent a lot of time together and all so our attitude I believe has contributed to our success in adjusting to being together again. I was just grateful that God brought Michael back safe a d sound and I think I could have been in Siberia and if we were living together again then I could be happy. We have wondered how you were/are many times but have been terrible about telling you that we were thinking about you. I am so glad that things ppear to be going well with all three of you. It was so nice to see your faces pop up on the screen :). Are those your parents, Joe, in the March 2000 pictures? Well, need to get to bed but wanted to take this moment to say hello. Sure hope that you a e doing well :)! Take best of care. Love to you, Marci

03/08/00 13:54:00
Name: Beck
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Help please! My daughter turned two in February. I started working with her on potty training at about 16 months and still nothing. She's started taking her pull ups off when she's in her room playing or after she goes to bed at night. At first I thought he was doing this because she didn't like having the dirty one on but then she started taking off dry ones. I've tried sitting with her in the bathroom for an hour, I've tried rewarding her, I've tried putting real panties on her and nothing seems to be w rking. I've spent a fortune on Febreze and carpet cleaner and nothing I do seems to work. Please e-mail me if you have any advice.

03/06/00 19:40:32
Name: Robin My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

Be careful using the stars or flower game that pull-ups advertises for a training incentive. My daughter went completely backwards after almost being totally trained. She now thinks it is funny to make the stars or flowers dissappear. I am now starting al over from the beginning after almost three months of training. It may work for some but it didn't work for me.......

03/01/00 22:29:47
Name: Beth Ashabranner My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: <1

To bad you don't have an award for "pee-peeing in the potty" to print out. Thanks

02/13/00 16:17:38
Name: Denise My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Help

I have two daughters one is four and the other is 26 months. My oldest had a little trouble with potty training but putting her in panties worked she wanted special panties so she kept dry. With my second daughter who is now 26mths, will not work. We a e using the reward chart and bribing her with candy. She will go when she is put on the potty but she still goes in her pullups. I have put panties on her and she does not seem to mind being wet. Although she does not like changing herself. I know she can do it but she doesn't seem to care help!!!!

02/09/00 03:36:54
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01/26/00 02:31:31
Name: Julie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

hello, I am potty training my 2 1/2 year old boy and while some days he will go most of the day without peeing in his pants other days he refuses and he has never pooped in the potty, I never know until it's to late and he tells me that he's pooped and wa ts his diaper changed. For a while he was wearing the cloth traing pants and felet very big but he doesn't seem to mind if they get wet, now he usually throw a tantrum when i try to convince him that he shouldn't be wearing diapers like his baby brother( 5 months old)If anybody has any good ideas please email me, I want to get this over with and I am open to all ideas, by the way I've tried the reward system with stickers and while it worked for a while he's bored with that now. thanks alot for your help. p>
01/23/00 22:32:47
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01/16/00 17:46:58
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01/12/00 19:17:45
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01/10/00 04:59:15
Name: Stacy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

I have a 3 1/4 year old girl who I have been trying to potty train on and off since she turned 2. I've tried the "bribing", the "rewarding", the putting the big girl pants on and letting her decide. She absolutely does not want to do it. Finally, I tri d the "hard nose" approach, putting her on the potty every 1/2 hour. It got to the point where she would scream and plead with me to take her off the potty. She has started holding it when she has to urinate, so much that she only goes when she cannot h ld it anymore! And the BM's - I've had to give her Fleet suppositories to make her go because she holds it in, constipating herself! She is very smart and advanced in every other aspect of her development, so I cannot understand why she refuses to do th s. I've totally stopped again and try not to bring it up to her at all. I've been putting diapers on her now and tell her to just go in the diapers and Mommy won't be mad, but she still holds it. I am sooooo frustrated and worried about her - any comm nts would be appreciated!

01/07/00 18:40:55
Name: Christie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: almost 2
Potty training?: trying

I am having a problem. my daughter will be 2 on the 27th of this month. She shows an interest in the potty, and she is able to tel me when she is wet or dirty. I have tried to get her to go in the potty, and all she does is sit there, and she goes immedia ely after she gets up. I have tried the panties, and the daycare she goes to is ready to start, I am not sure how to go about this. If any one has any suggetions on how to get her to start, please email me. Thank You so much

01/05/00 04:08:49
Name: brandy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: trying!

i have an 18 month old daughter who just started saying "poop" and "pee"when she goes in her diaper i have learned from experience that pull-ups are just adiaper w/o tabs!they are absorbant just like a diaper and keeps them dry so they dont know when they're wet!if your child is like mine,she now hates to be in a wet or dirty diaper and will tear it off so i use the cloth training pants and plastic diaper covers(to prevent messes) and she will now go to her potty when she needs to go because she will really feel wet,if she goes in her training pants!(you will have to do alot more washing but its all wort it in the end!)

01/04/00 02:08:43
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12/30/99 21:50:13
Name: rfreeman My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: 1age 2years
Potty training?: all most completed

I have the best thing ever!!! My son and I made a potty chart together and every day that he is dry with NO acceidents at all he gets to put a sticker that has race cars on it, on the chart. He loves it and it eases tention in our household. Good luck w th the victory of potty training.

11/24/99 14:11:34
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11/16/99 23:24:32
Name: Lisa My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: 3yr old

1. No pullups, they are too much like diapers. 2. Naked and $75.00. Let them wear regular panties or go naked for a couple of days. My girl started to go on the toilet after 2 accidents. The $75.00 is to clean your carpet!! Well worth is and low stress!!

11/07/99 03:13:41
Name: Yolanda Johnson My URL: Visit Me
# of children: two boy/girl Potty training?: 1 down 1 to go

My son is 5 he mastered potty-training at 3. It was the poop part he had trouble with. He would always hide and poop in his pull-up. One day he was outside playing and ran in and pooped in the potty all by himself. I really believe he just had to make up is own mind to do it. My daughter is 2 and we are still working on it. she knows what the potty is for, and she will use it if you catch her at the right time. I dont think it will be much longer because she finally realizes that she doesn`t care for a di ty pull-up.

10/26/99 12:08:08
Name: Adele Mahan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Yes


10/20/99 16:38:47
Name: Marion My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: 5& 2 grandkids
Potty training?: music as a reward

I bought a Tinkle Toonz musical potty for my grandkids and they were both trained in less than 2 weeks---I couldn't believe it,considering what I went through when I was raising my own kids.The music makes the children actually WANT to go potty---it seems they train themselves.Unbelievable!!!

10/11/99 01:44:10
Name: Dawn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: FRUSTRATED!!!

I have a 3 1/2 year old little girl that refuses to use the potty! She has pooped twice (quite awhile ago) and it seemed to have scared her and she's been scared to go ever since! She'll sit on there when she doesn't have to go, but throws a fit when sh actually does have to go and I put her on there (then she'll go as soon as I take her off the potty!) HELP!!! Any suggestions?

10/07/99 14:43:44
My URL: Visit Me


10/03/99 23:58:35
Name: Shelly My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: one
Potty training?: done

When my daughter was potty training I made a setting for her potty and decorated it to look like a little bathroom. It worked like a charm! You can see her Potty Surround at my Website, http://www.ablebaby.com

09/10/99 22:54:57
My URL: Visit Me


09/10/99 17:05:44
Name: nicole My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: done

I don't have a comment I'm asking for help for a friend. She has a 3 1/2 year old daughter who has been potty trained for at least 6 months and has had no problems or accidents all summer. In the passed 2 weeks she has suddenly started to poo her pants n a very regular basis. She says she was too busy playing to go to the washroom. My friend is getting very frustrated and has resorted to pull-ups again but this is like going backwards. The 3 1/2 year old has told me that she is very upset that she ha to wear "diapers" again but she still hasn't stopped. If anyone has any answers please help!!!

09/07/99 05:35:17
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09/05/99 15:06:46
Name: Lynn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Yes

My son will be three in December and he is not potty trained after five months of trying. He will readily pee in the potty when I take him to it, but won't initiate it himself. Also, he would poop on the potty several months ago, but will not now. I re d that one mother stayed in the bathroom with her daughter for an hour and she finally pooped and has ever since. I have tried this twice and neither time has he pooped, and both times we ended up mad at each other. Help! My daughter was potty trained s easy as 1-2-3 by the age of three and never has any accidents. She is five now. Thanks.

08/26/99 18:17:00
Name: marion george My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: 5 + 2 grandchidren
Potty training?: musical potty

My grandchildren were trained in absolutely no time flat(within 1 week) by using a musical potty called Tinkle Toonz.It was so easy and fast I couldn't believe it--the kids seemed to have fun and basically trained themselves---I sure wish this potty would have been available when I was trying to train my own kids.

08/26/99 18:01:29
Name: myrna almezini My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes


08/24/99 21:47:11
Name: Cori My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

Help! My daugther was doing great with potty training. She hadn't even had an accident in months, now all of a sudden the past 2-3 weeks she keeps pooping her pants. What should I do? HELP! She starts pre school September 7th!

08/20/99 15:44:28
Name: Shayla My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes/no

Please help, i spent the whole summer potty training my 21 month-old his choice. He had it down to a "T", now his is in daycare, will not communicate with teacher, started wearing pull-up instead of cotton training pants. Teacher wants me to put him bac in diapers because pull-ups are "messy". What do I do?

08/20/99 04:58:24
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: YES


08/18/99 17:02:08
Name: SARAH My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: one has, other not yet

I say just take one day (or many) for nothing but potty training no phones,no tv,no visitors. set up the kitchen or bathroom with potty chair and every 15 mins. have your child sit on his/her chair for 10 mins. if theres an accident don't change pants let them touch and tell them wet pants (do oppisite with dry pants)it teaches the differance real fast. This really worked for my oldest after one day see understood the conseped and that she did not want to be wet and she never and a poop accident. she was completely train at 21 months and night time training was over shortly after her second b-day.I will try it this way soon with my next potty champ. Really start at breakfast and end at bedtime, another tip for night no WATER after dinner if possible it helps stop night,(oops;).only a little is fine i think.

08/18/99 00:47:04
Name: Connie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: YES!!

With my eldest daughter, who is now 8 years old, we used the pretty panties routine. She really LOVED Barney the Dinosaur. So one day I came home with a package of Barney panties. She knew what they were and immediately started trying to take off her d aper so she could wear these pretty new panties. "Oh no, only big girls who can use the real potty can wear pretty Barney panties." was my reply. She was trained in 2 weeks. She still had a few night time accidents and a small change in the amount of b verages she was allowed before bedtime pretty much fixed that. Oh yes, and she was 18 months old when she was trained. Now I have another daughter who just turned 2. Her favorite characters are the Teletubbies. So we tried the pretty Teletubby panties routine with her. She isn't going for it. 2 seconds after she gets off the potty, she wets or poops herself. She isn' afraid of the potty, and she knows what it's there for, she just flat out won't use it. Any suggestions will be welcome and appreciated. Thanks!!!

08/17/99 23:47:13
Name: Jen My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

My first son was finished potty training by the time he turned 3 1/2. His biggest obstacle was that he was afraid to go potty anywhere, but in his diaper. He would hold it until he was in pain and then I would give in and put a diaper on him. Then I de ided to cut a whole in his diaper and sit him on the potty when he had to go with the diaper with the hole on him. Sure enough he went no problem. We eventually made the hole bigger and bigger until there was no more diaper left. And he was trained. M second son is now almost 3 1/2 and he is very stubborn about the whole process. Cutting the hole in his diaper doesn't work for him. He refuses to go on the potty at all. He will only go out in the garden. That is fine and dandy in the summertime, bu I hope he will have the potty down by winter time! I would love any suggestions.

08/16/99 19:15:36
Name: Jodie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

I tried after my daughter turned 27mos to start potty training and had a battle with her for about 2 mos. I realized that I was fighting a losing battle and gave up. About 2mos after that she started by herself, but for the life of me, she will not go poo in the potty! HELP!!!

08/15/99 05:04:23
Name: Dr. R M Prasad
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Please check out http://www.webschooling.com a leading web site for kids, parents and teachers to learn and play. Would appreciate a link...

08/10/99 02:40:15
Name: Jill My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes:1

I use a kitchen timer, the portable kind, and put it where the child can hear it. when it goes off the parent or caregiver should go with the child or tell the child to go and be creative how to get the child to the bathroom.

08/09/99 16:12:57
Name: Roseann Schmid My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

My daughter is almost 2-1/2 years old. She is trained to go pee on the potty (very rarely has an accident) and has never wet the bed at night or at naptime. My problem is she won't go poop on the potty. When I see her grunting in the corner and ask her if she wants to sit on the potty she says "NO! Leave me alone." and will proceed to poop in her pants. I tried offering her an incentive - like a special treat - if she pooped on the potty but that hasn't worked either. Has anyone experienced the same t ing or have any suggestions?

08/05/99 00:56:21
My URL: Visit Me
Potty training?: YES

07/26/99 17:53:25
Name: Anna My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: yes

My 3 1/2 year-old son is still working on it. We think he may have more interest now--we've been back and forth between underwear and diapers since he turned 3. We've put him firmly in control of his own toileting this time instead of trying to play the s cond-guessing game. Reminders just made him mad and he wet and soiled constantly. The incentive of pre-school may be working too.I would like to hear from other parents of boys to see at what ages your sons mastered the toilet. It's for mutual support pur oses and I'm trying to write a humorous piece on the subject.

07/21/99 00:35:59
Name: Peggy My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: no

Ihave been searching for these lyrics and am so glad you put the music on!

06/30/99 07:20:03
Name: tonie reichman
My URL: Visit Me
Potty training?: yes


06/02/99 18:44:24
Name: Jeri
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My Email: Email Me

My daughter potty trained herself about a month after she turned three years old. Basically, she got sick of diaper changes and wanted to wear pretty undies. She still uses diapers at night because she often wets the bed otherwise, but it helps if she g es potty before she goes to bed at night. I think soon she will not need the diapers at night anymore. :) Here's a page on my site about potty training... Potty Training

05/25/99 23:22:15
Name: joanne woodard
My Email: Email Me
Potty training?: yes

please help i'm really frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!

03/11/99 20:38:00
Name: Joni My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me # of children: 1 of my own...21 at school!
Potty training?: At present...7, I've toilet trained my son...plus about 20 other kids...

Wait until they are ready. Signs of readiness include the ability to talk to some degree...the fact that they notice when they have to use the washroom (maybe hiding), an interest in being clean...(wanting to wash their hands..or maybe telling you when t eir diaper is dirty), the ability to pull up their own pants (sweat pants are really good here...and buy loose training pants...if they are tight its frustrating)... I like to offer the child the opportunity to use the toilet when I change them. If they don't want to, don't make them. At home, in the summer let them go naked as much as you can. I don't like pullups because the children sometimes still treat them li e a diaper. Cloth training pants are great, just put some plastic pants over them if you're concerned about leakage (buy good ones if you can). And let them pick out some fancy underwear, it can work magic! My son loved his batman underwear and was ver careful not to get it dirty. He was just over 3 when he trained, and he was day and night trained in a week...cause he was ready!

02/27/99 12:44:25
Name: Janet My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: finished with it :)

Hi, Would you select hide emails on the webring. This option can help prevent the members from being spammed by outsiders. :( I hate getting porno email and such. Thanks alot. [check the options on the ring management area of the webring]

01/24/99 06:39:09
Name: Mary C. My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Potty training?: Yes!

The best advice is to just let your little one go at their own pace. My oldest son was 2 in October, and is only now starting to show real interest in using his potty and recognizing when he has to go. Some days we thought it'd never happen! Just be pa ient, and it will. :)

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