Heinrich Scholz


From Geschichte der Logik, 1931 by Heinrich Scholz

[..]   Poland has lately become the main country and Warsaw the main bastion of research in symbolic logic by virtue of the work of Jan Łukasiewicz. We can only refer to the pertinent treatises . . . in the Fundamenta Mathematicae of which volume 16 appeared in Warszawa during 1930. They all are geared to undergirding the foundations of mathematics. Also Leon Chwistek: The Theory of Constructive Types, Principles of Logic and Mathematics (Cracow, University Press, 1925) must at least be alluded to.

English version, Concise History of Logic,
Translator Kurt Leidecker.
New York : Philosophical Library 1961, p. 82.


From MATHEMATICAL LOGIC IN POLAND, 1944 by Zbigniew Jordan

Łukasiewicz, whose own studies provided a crushing criticism of Prantl's Geschichte der Logik, demanded that the whole history of logic, till now distorted by involuntary ignorance of the subject and consequently limited to the Aristotelian syllogistic, should be rewritten by someone who had mastered equally modern logic and the technique of historical studies. H. Scholz's Geschichte der Logik (Berlin, 1931), the first step in this direction, was made thanks to the lead of, and in collaboration with, Łukasiewicz and his pupils.

( No. 6 in the series 'Polish Science and Learning',
Oxford University Press, 1945, with minor changes. )
Per POLISH LOGIC 1920-1930,
Ed. Storrs McCall, Oxford 1967, p. 397


From Aristotle's Syllogistic, 1951 by Jan ಕukasiewicz

The section on Galen is dedicated to my friend Professor Heinrich Scholz of Münster, Westphalia, who was of great assistance to myself and to my wife during the war, and especially during our stay in Münster in 1944.

Oxford 1957, p. ix.


From Concise History of Logic (1931, Eng. transl. 1961) by Heinrich Scholz



When Heinrich Scholz wrote his Abriss der Geschichte der Logik in 1931 he was Professor emeritus of Mathematical Logic and Basic Research (Grundlagenforschung) at the University of Münster in Westphalia, Germany. He was born in 1884 in Berlin, and had already forged a distinguished career as Professor of Theology at Breslau and Professor of Philosophy at Kiel, when he became the enthusiastic champion of symbolic logic.

With penetrating insight he had written critically on war and Christianity, on the idea of Immortality as a philosophical problem, on the As-if, on Kant, on Augustine, on the concept of relativity and many other topics, some with deep cultural concern. Thus in his Religionsphilosophie (1st ed., 1921; 2nd ed., 1923) had advanced the rather interesting and charitable idea that the three major religions cannot be arranged hierarchically because each represents religion in its fullness and all the ramifications of its manifestation. In 1941 he published his Metaphysik als strenge Wissenschaft. He died in 1958.

It was his avowed opinion that only after the appearance of symbolic logic did it make sense to write the history of western logic. In this lies a not too thinly veiled criticism of all historians of logic, including the great Prantl. It is the point of view of the new logic, then, which determined his selection of the thinkers constituting the mainstream of formal logic—the only type of logic worth the name, according to him. His treatment of thinkers from Aristotle through the Stoics and Scholastic philosophy to Leibniz and beyond is at once unique and a marvel of condensation and critical sifting. His immense regard for Aristotle is only matched by that for Leibniz, the found of symbolic logic, and by his contempt for all who are even mildly critical of formal logic. When he comes to men like Hegel, whom he considers a calamity, his criticism becomes charmingly skittish.

The translation of the Abriss der Geschicthe der Logik has been made from the second unchanged edition which appeared in 1959. The limitations of space to which Scholz was committed, as he tells us in his Preface, resulted in a syntactically and grammatically highly involved style which, of course, does not present difficulties to the reader of the original who may even welcome and justify it on grounds of a higher level of precision. If we have been able to lose none of the precision while admitting our inability to reproduce the charm, we are quite satisfied. Since this history will undoubtedly remain a principal work of basic research (Grundlagen forschung) in logic for some time to come, a few changes in phraseology, which would have date it too obviously have been deemed justified, along with some corrections.


Mary Washington College
of the University of Virginia

New York : Philosophical Library 1961, pp. ix-x.



1 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956 Grundzüge der mathematischen Logik, �9 2 Full Record Molendijk, Arie L. Aus dem Dunklen ins Helle : Wissenschaft und Theologie im Denken von Heinrich Scholz : mit unveröffentlichten Thesenreihen von Heinrich Scholz und Karl Barth / 1991 3 Full Record Hauptschriften zum Pantheismusstreit zwischen Jacobi und Mendelssohn. English. Selections. The Spinoza conversations between Lessing and Jacobi : text with excerpts from the ensuing controversy / 1988 4 Full Record Logik und Grundlagenforschung : Festkolloquium zum 100. Geburtstag von Heinrich Scholz. 1986 5 Full Record Hermes, Hans. Ein neuer vollständigkeitsbeweis für das reduzierte Fregesche Axiomensystem des Aussagenkalküls. 1970 6 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Esquisse d'une histoire de la logique. 1968 7 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Metaphysik als strenge Wissenschaft. 1965 8 Full Record Luthe, Herbert. Die Religionsphilosophie von Heinrich Scholz. 1961 9 Full Record Schleiermacher, Friedrich, 1768-1834. Kurze Darstellung des theologischen Studiums zum Behuf einleitender Vorlesungen / 1961

10 Author Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Uniform Title [ Abriss der Geschichte der Logik. English] Title Concise history of logic. Publisher New York, Philosophical Library [1961] Description 140 p. 20 cm. Language English

11 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956 Grundzüge der mathematischen logik, 1961 12 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Mathesis universalis; Abhandlungen zur Philosophie als strenger Wissenschaft. 1961

13 Author Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Title Abriss der Geschichte der Logik. Edition 2., unveränderte Aufl. Publisher Freiburg, K. Alber [1959] Description vii, 78 p. 24 cm. Note Publised in 1931 with title: Geschichte der Logik. Note "Bibliographischer Anhang": p. 70-74. Language German

14 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Descartes; 1951 15 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Vorlesungen über Grundzüge der mathematischen Logik 1951 16 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Vorlesungen über Grundzüge der mathematicschen Logik / 1950 17 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Zwischen den Zeiten. 1946 18 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Fragmente eines Platonikers. 1941 19 Full Record Hermes, Hans. Ein neuer Vollständigkeitsbeweis für das reduzierte Fregesche Axiomensystem des Aussagenkalküls. 1937 20 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Die Sogenannten definitionen durch abstraktion; eine theorie der definitionen durch bildung von Gleichheitsverwandtschaften, 1935 21 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Goethes Stellung zur Unsterblichkeitsfrage / 1934 22 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Der platonische Philosoph auf der Höhe des Lebens und im Anblick des Todes, 1931

Author Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Title Geschichte der Logik. Publisher Berlin, Junker und Dünnhaypt, 1931. Description vii, 78 p. Series Geschichte der Philosophie in Längeschnitten,4 Note Bibliography: p. 70-75. Language German

24 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Eros und Caritas; die platonische Liebe und die Liebe im Sinne des Christentums. 1929 25 Full Record Hasse, Helmut, 1898- Die grundlagenkrisis der griechischen mathematik, 1928 26 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Religionsphilosophie 1922 27 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Der Unsterblichkeitsgedanke als philosophisches Problem, 1922 28 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Die Religionsphilosophie des Als-ob, eine Nachprüfung Kants und des idealistischen Positivismus. 1921 29 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Die Bedeutung der Hegelschen Philosophie für das philosophische Denken der Gegenwart / 1921 30 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Zum "Untergang" des Abendlandes. Eine Auseinandersetzung mit Oswald Spengler. 1920 31 Full Record Die Hauptschriften zum Pantheismusstreit zwischen Jacobi und Mendelssohn / 1916 32 Full Record Herbert of Cherbury, Edward Herbert, Baron, 1583-1648 Die religionsphilosophie des Herbert von Cherbury; auszüge aus "De veritate" (1624) und "De religione gentilium" (1663) mit einleitung und anmerkungen 1914 33 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Rainer Maria Rilke : ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis und Würdigung des dichterischen Pantheismus der Gegenwart / 1914 34 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Schleiermacher und Goethe : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des deutschen Geistes / 1913 35 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich. Der amtsrichterliche Strafbefehl nach der Reichsstrafprozessordnung von 1. Februar 1877 mit Berücksichtgung des dem Reichstage am 26. März 1909 vorgelegten Entwurfes einer Strafprozessordnung / 1913 36 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Glaube und Unglaube in der Weltgeschichte ein Kommentar zu Augustins De civitate Dei : mit einem Exkurs, Fruitio Dei, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Theologie und der Mystik / 1911 37 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Glaube und Unglaube in der Weltgeschichte; 1911 38 Full Record Scholz, Heinrich, 1884-1956. Christentum und Wissenschaft in Schleiermachers Glaubenslehre ein Beitrag zum Verständnis der Schleiermacherschen Theologie / 1909


Page created 9 April 2004
Last updated 13 April 2004

W. Paul Tabaka
Contact paultabaka@yahoo.com