Cheat League Roster

Run by: Luke Taylor (PerfectSky) and: Brian King (DarkOne)

Cheaters League Roster

Player Cheat League Times Elite Times E-mail or Name
Perfectly Dark One (cheat times) (elite times) Brian King

PerfectSky (cheat times) (elite times) Luke Taylor
OctoInky (cheat times) (elite times) OctoInky
DarkHawk ??? (elite times) Andy Day
Ringwraith7 (cheat times) (elite times) Ringwraith7
sephiroths702 (cheat times) (elite times) Joey Hutchings
BornKilla (cheat times) (elite times) Greg Brooks
CrazedPanda (cheat times) (elite times) Blair Howarth
MonsieurLeManchot ??? (elite times) Chris Bohl
DarkFox13 (cheat times) (elite times) Sam Sweeney
PerfectDarklich ??? (elite times) Dirk Olson
PDSurf (cheat times) (elite times) Johnny Boombots
FinalFantasyGuy (cheat times) (elite times) ???
Shock ??? (elite times) Craig Makepeace
ExpertGamer64 (cheat times) (elite times) Chris Rayola
Discombobulator (cheat times) (elite times) Randy Buikema

Links of the Cheat League

The Cheat League Main Page
See the league's WRs and uhh stuff...

The Cheat League Roster
A few people now have their times up...

The Cheat League Bulletin Board
Yes, it is here...come share strats and talk about the new league.

Links to the Perfect Dark Elite

The Perfect Dark World Rankings
The official ranking page of the world's best players, the Elite.

The Perfect Dark Elite Bulletin Board
The official forum for the Elite. A great place to find speed strategies! You can also find info and links to other leagues, such as the PDark ones, and our Team Elite, LTK, and the ER league.

The Perfect Dark Elite Roster
The index of web pages for everyone in the Elite.
Also includes various links related to PD or the Elite.

The Perfect Dark Elite Theater (re?)
The compilation of the vids from some of the best players in the business, including Snap, Marsh, DarkHawk, etc. You can also link to Wes's site from here.

PD Elite Proof Page
Finally, a page of e-mail addresses, home adresses, and technical capability of all the important "fathers" of our site from around the world. Send your proof in and it will be up in days!

How To Join
Interested in joining us? Here are the step by step directions!