



Romania is blessed with all of nature's wonderful creations: lots of rivers, lowlands, hills, forrests, a sea, a delta and ...mountains! Lots of mountains, some more difficult to climb than others.
The Carpathian mountains, named as such after an ancient dacic tribe that inhabitted them, the Carps, envale Romania in a celestic embrace. The Carpathians are divided into three main ranges, the Oriental Carpatians in the East, the Meridional Carpathians in the South and the Occidental Carpathians in the West.
Europe's largest glacial lake, and world's second, Lake Bucura, as well as Europe's only vulcanic lake, Lake Ana, plus a thousand other lakes, bigger or smaller, can be found within these mountainous ranges. The Carpathians also have over 120 peaks which are higher than 2,000 meters (6,561 feet).

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Photo Gallery

Pietrosu, december 2000

Pietrosu 2000

The year 2000 had almost passed away, and I haven't been into a single trip yet. That chance came when some college friends planned a trip at the mountains, on Romania's National Day of december 1st. The trip, which spanned 2 days, was on the Pietrosu Peak, Calimani mountains.

Pietrosu, december 2000

2nd of December 2000

click any of the two photos to see the entire Pietrosu 2000 trip's photo gallery and read its story

2nd of December 2000

Bucin, 2001

Bucin 2001

In august 2001, after being to RoIAS 2001, I took another trip, this time at the Bucin meteorological station. Bucin is located somewhere in the north-west of my city, an area which craves with beautiful mountains and places, and which is a very conveniant place for me to go to, since it is very close and therefore fast and quite cost-effective.

Bucin, 2001

august 2001

click any of the two photos to see the entire Bucin 2001 trip's photo gallery and read its story

august 2001

Lunca Bradului, 2003

Lunca Bradului 2003

Lunca Bradului is a famous place for us living here in central Transylvania. It's only a small village, but it's located at the heart of the mountains. The village is scattered around the Mures river, which flows here flanked by mountaineous ranges. That helps give it a post-card kind of view. If you want to go to Pietrosu or Salard, this is your starting point. And as I've never actually stayed in Lunca Bradului, only passed thru it, this was my chance.

Lunca Bradului 2003

Lunca Bradului
late august 2003

click any of the two photos to see the entire Lunca Bradului 2003 trip's photo gallery and read its story

Lunca Bradului
late august 2003

Apuseni, 2003

Apuseni 2003

One of Romania's many treasures, the Apuseni mountain ranges are located in the North West of the country. The Carpathian mountains, which pass thru Romania in the center, are divided into three main mountain ranges: the Oriental Carpathians to the East, the Meridional Carpathians to the South, and the Occidental Carpathians to the West. The Orientals are also called the Sunrise of Dawn Carpathians, while the Occidentals are also called the Sunset Carpathians. These last two words in Romanian mean "Apuseni".

Apuseni 2003

Apuseni mountains
late august 2003

click any of the two photos to see the entire Apuseni 2003 trip's photo gallery and read its story

Apuseni mountains
late august 2003

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Well people, if you want more, I can only give you one advice.
Pack your bags, your equipment and go out there to find your own adventure and make your own photos! Nothing compares to the real thing, wether that thing is climbing a mountain or flying a plane.
Don't forget your proper equipment and the basic safety rules, a bit of common sense, and... YOU'RE DONE !


Sorin's Mountain Trips page is copyright 2001-2004 by Sorin A Crâsmarelu from Sorin®Air Group
All rights reserved