~ Their Story ~


William David Hudson was a private in the 27th Mississippi Infantry. He died at Camp Chase on February 8th, 1865. His Grave # is 1129. He was survived by his widow Louisa Jane Jones Hudson and five young sons, William Henry David, Christopher Newton, George W., Jonathan J., and Thomas Gilmer.
Source: Civil War Prisoner Name Database ;

James Hezekiah Jackson was a member of Co. K, 5th Mississippi Cavalry. His son, John Whitfield Jackson, was also a member of his unit. The 5th Mississippi Cavalry fought at the Battle of Franklin, TN, on November 30, 1864. James Hezekiah Jackson, because of his age, held the horses during battle. When the retreat was sounded, James refused to leave John who hadn't returned for his horse. He was captured and sent to Camp Chase where he died. John had escaped with other soldiers. His family did not know what had become of him until eighteen years later when a list of deaths was published and a neighbor notified the family. He died on March 7, 1865 and is buried in grave # 1588.
Source: Ann Simmons Bowers, GGG-Granddaughter

Thomas J. Kent was a private in Co. E, 15th Mississippi Infantry Regiment. He was the son of Smith and Sarah Kent, and born on March 15, 1836. He served from the begining of the war virtually unscathed, writing regularly to his family. Then, at the end, visiting a friend, he was captured and died as a prisoner of war in Camp Chase, Ohio, on March 1, 1865, from typhoid fever. Thomas J. Kent's grave # is 1499.
Source: Kent Family Genealogy website

James Buchanan Steele enlisted in Co. "K", 33rd Mississippi Infantry Regiment on January 16, 1863. A short time before his enlistment his house had caught fire, he managed to save the children but his wife Rebecca A. Causey Steele died in the fire. James was burned on both arms badly. When he enlisted he still had bandages on his arms. He left the children who were ages 4 to 14 in the care of relatives.
James had 4 other brothers to enlist also. [Davis Benton Steele, born Aug. 29, 1835, was shot through the bridge of the nose at Vicksburg and was blinded for the rest of his life. Samuel Steele, born Jan. 10, 1842, died at the hospital in Oxford, Ms. after being wounded in battle. Andrew Jackson Steele, born July 12, 1832, returned from the war and lived to an old age. Harom Steele, born 1835, returned from war and died in 1881].
James Buchanan Steele was captured at the battles around Nashville, Tn., on December 22, 1864. He died at Camp Chase on March 31, 1865 His grave is # 1791.
Source: Gr. gr. grandson C. V. Glennis

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