Peter M. Hansen
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Peter Hansen's Newsletter
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Well, here we go with the second attempt at a newsletter on this website. I've read over the past news letter and will comment on some of that stuff before possibly mentioning anything new.

On the job front, I was laid off from the Colony Hotel due to not enough guests staying at the hotel at that time of year. I was given a week's notice, as was the lady that worked the Monday to Friday shift. I'm still working at the school, although the new principal doesn't want any activities taking place at the school when there are no janitors there, so June 21 will be my last night working there until sometime in September.

Back in April, I started working at Boston Pizza as a pasta cook. They first trained me in the area where they make the pizzas, but management thought that was to much running around for me. Basically I'd prepare the pizza (or other food) in one area, and have to walk about twenty feet (or less) to put it in the oven. While working pasta, everything is more or less within arms reach. That does bother my back some days though, as if I don't move around, I tend to get a sore back. My only complaint (other than the occasional sore back) is the lack of hours. I get 10 to 15 per week, and am still looking for something for full time, if those hours do not increase.

Speaking of more hours, one day when I came home from work a few weeks ago, my father had told me that the Grand Hotel had called. I had applied for a job with them when I was still working at the Colony, and was warned that they take their time to hire people. I had an interview the following week and it sort of looked good. I think a bunch of other people have also applied though. My only complaint is that I'd have to have another criminal records check done, and pay another $20.00 for that. I had a criminal records check done a month ago for the Red Cross. It would be nice if the Colony will accept that, but I doubt it as it would be a photocopy that they'd receive.

As for my volunteer activities, I'm still involved with the same organizations. The SPCA has their grand re-opening on June 23, 2007 and I'm going to be there to try and help get some of the cats in there adopted out. The fire department has their fire men's weekend coming up on the Canada Day weekend. There are usually games and stuff for the kids at the playground in Lower Wedgeport on the Saturday, and then the parade and stuff for the adults and kids at the fire hall on Sunday. You're more than welcome to come check it out. For more information, check out the fire department's upcoming activities. I'll probably be there doing traffic control or something like that.

I'm also still involved with the Argyle Recreation Commission as well as the YMCA Board of Directors. I've also gotten myself involved with the YMCA's Camp Committee and I've also expressed an interest in their International Committee. I've also joined the Red Cross and became part of their Emergency Response Team. I'm still sort of in training, but the team sort of helps people to get back to a sense of normalcy after a fire or other emergency has taken place. From what I can tell, each division has their own vehicle which can used to respond to more large scale disasters, which is more than I can say for another organization that I had mentioned in my previous newsletter. As for the MS Society's walkathon which was to have taken place in May, the people in Halifax decided to cancel it due to the fact that not enough people had signed up to do the walk. The other fellow from Yarmouth that was part of the local organizing team was not impressed with that at all, as he had sort of expressed a concern about that in a teleconference that we'd had with the people in Halifax. They told us in that teleconference that it wouldn't be canceled. Oh well.

My kitty, Tyson
As for the pets, Tyson is still alive and well. Whenever I get a small plate from the cupboard he comes running thinking that he's getting a treat. Whenever I feed him wet food, it's placed on one of those plates. I'm thinking I should have named him Squeaky, cause when he meows for a treat, it's more of a squeak. My mother's dog is still fine. The dog had her nails and hair trimmed here last week, so she doesn't smell like a dog anymore. She's also getting more used to the cat when he tried to rub up against her when he first comes into the house.

As for the love life, things didn't work out with the gal that I was dating.1 (For those that don't know what I'm talking about, contact me and I may give you the web address for my new blog.) Due to how things went in that relationship, it may be a little while before I feel like dating again. That may change though, if the right gal were to come along. There's a teacher that I dealt with a bit at the school that I work at that I find to be attractive, but I hardly know anything about the gal.

Pubnico Meat & Produce
As for the rest of the family, my parents are still well. I think my father has fixed the battery problem with the bus, but he still hasn't gone anywhere with it. That may be cause it needs to be inspected, but what other repairs it may need, I don't know. The realty company that he's dealing with for the store in Pubnico has stopped advertising it in the weekly flyer that goes out. Why? We have no idea. He had someone that may have been interested in buying the store though. The person was a single mother, and wanted to know how many hours per day she'd have to be there. Plenty, unless you've got workers that actually want to work.

As for my sister, she was living at her house for most of the spring, but is moving to her boyfriend's place (for the summer) which is situated on a lake just outside of Tusket somewhere. I've joked around with him and told him that if he ever came home from work and my car was in his yard, but I wasn't around, I was in my canoe, in the lake somewhere.

As for other things to mention, there isn't a whole lot else. Most of my spare time is spent working on various websites or doing yard work outside. A friend in New Minas has asked me to mow the lawn at a house that she owns in Wedgeport, and it was the first time the thing had been mowed this year. Between work, and mowing the lawn at home, I'm still not done all the way. I've got a small patch on the southern part of her property left, but need to rake a bunch of the cut up grass out of there so I can actually mow the remainder.

Well, I guess I'll end this newsletter, and say that I hope everyone has a good summer. Hope you enjoyed reading this, and see you in the fall.

* Please note that the comments above are strictly those of Peter Hansen. They do not reflect the comments or opinions of any of his friends, family, employers, nor any of the volunteer organizations that he is involved with. Please note that any of the links provided above were working at the time this newsletter was typed. He apologizes if they no longer function properly.