Peter M. Hansen
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Peter Hansen's Newsletter
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I'm going to start this newsletter by wising everyone Happy Holidays, no matter which one you celebrate. I tried to get my mother to take a "Christmas" photo of Tyson and I and the resulting image is the one to the left. The cat wasn't to fond of being held at that time, so I had a heck of a job to get him to look towards the camera. As for the funny look on my face, I was trying to figure out if my mother was using the camera properly or not. Hence I'm offering my apologies if it doesn't look as festive as I had hoped that it would. To all my friends in the various parts of the world, I wish you all

H a p p y H o l i d a y s

To any friends currently living in or originally from the United Kingdom, I wish you a Happy Christmas. To anyone in North America, I wish you a Merry Christmas. To those of you that may not celebrate Christmas, I wish you Happy Holidays. No matter where you're living, I'll wish you all the best in the New Year.

As you might be able to tell from the picture to the left, I've allowed my hair to grow back as the weather has started to cool down. As for my health, I've more or less been fine, aside from a toothache that I'm soon going to need to have something done about on the left side of my mouth. Due to things that have taken place over the past month or so, I've put on an additional 10 pounds or so. That's another thing that I've soon going to need to do something about. (Those of you that know the where-abouts of my blogs will be able to read about what's taken place, once I have the newer blogs and other changes saved online.) I've got to start walking more, but expect the weather to be nasty over the coming months which will probably prevent me from walking more. Anyway, enough with my rambling on...

As for work, I'm still working at the French high school in Tusket as an after school supervisor. I'm still working at Boston Pizza as a pasta cook, but have had concerns as I wasn't on the schedule at all from November 29 to December 17, 2007. I've also been working part-time for the Try-A-Temp placement agency who has placed me at a business town town that deals with the sale of fishing and other boats in the area. Between the 3 jobs I'm lucky if I get 20 hours per week, and hence I am looking for something more full time. Once January comes around, I'm hoping to have a major overhaul of another website completed and hope to then get more aggresive in the search for a full time job.

As for my volunteer activities, I'm still involved with the same organizations. The fire department is continuing with their weekly cribbage nights, every Friday from 7:30 to about 10:00 PM. Anyone interested in playing is welcome to come to the Wedgeport Firehall any Friday night for 7:30 PM. If you need directions, click here. For more information about cribbage, read the fall/autum 2007 newsletter. As most of you know, I'm also involved with the SPCA. I volunteer there most Saturday afternoons from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, after working with the karate class at the school. If anyone is interested in adopting a cat from the shelter, I invite you to come to the shelter on the day (and time) that I'm there, and I can tell you about the various cat's personalities which will hopefully allow you to know which cat is best for you.

As for the pets at home, they're fine. My mother's dog has gotten over her sore leg but is now having trouble with fleas. It's not that she has a lot of fleas to deal with, but she's developed an allergy to them or something. She'll scratch at the same spot so aggresively that the area gets raw and she'll start to whimper from the pain. She had this same problem last year and had to get an injection to ease her pain. As for the cat, Tyson is fine. The photo to the right was taken one day when he was laying on my bed. I was washing my sheets that day, and he was laying on the unmade bed.

As for the love life, I still don't feel ready to start dating again. Based on the comments made by the gal that I was dating a year ago, I'm wanting to have a better employment situation before I attempt to go out with someone. There are a few gals that I'm interested in that are friends on facebook and are around my age. There have been a few photos that these gals have placed on their profiles which I've found attractive and have wanted to comment on, but have chosen not to at this point. Now don't automatically assume that the gals in these photos are sexy, as that's not the case. I've always been a sucker for a pretty face, and a few of my facebook friends have them. (Once the employment situation improves, I may choose to contact some of them.)

As for the rest of the family, mom and dad finally finished the bus/camper on the first weekend of October and were able to take it to Keji for the Halloween festivities. They spent a few days at Keji before heading off to visit friends in other parts of the province and had a good time visiting various parts of the province. The photo to the left was taken of my mother standing in front of the bus at Keji on her 53rd birthday. (Click on the image to see a larger version.)

I didn't make a not of the date that the procedure took place, but my father had a defibulator/pacemaker installed some time in the last 2 weeks of November. He had to go to Halifax to have things checked out a couple of weeks ago, and things are going smoothly with the so far with the device. To my knowledge, things are alright with my mother's health.

As for my sister, she bought herself a new car and now has a 2003 Pontiac Sunfire. She was finally able to sell her Cavalier earlier this week to one of the customers at the store. Speaking of the store, it was on December 24, 1987 that we first opened the store for business. Why my father chose to open on Christmas Eve, I have no idea, but the business has served them well through the various expansions and other businesses that they've tried to operate. Those of you that have been in the store may not know that when the first expansion was added, the front part of the area where the beer and pop coolers now are was a restaurant. P.T.'s Take-Out didn't work out so well, so the wall between the store and the restaurant was torn out and the store was expanded into that area.

As for more recent events with me, I've been editing the various pages of another website of mine and it's taken me more time than I'd expected to make those changes. I've also found some unexpected spelling mistakes and hence have copied the text from each page into MS Word to check for errors. The computer that I normally use to edit websites doesn't have MS Word, so I couldn't check the spelling on that computer. I've also got a number of changes that I want to make to the fire department's website but those also may take some time, especially if I'm able to get a full time job.

Posted: December 23, 2007
* Please note that the comments above are strictly those of Peter Hansen. They do not reflect the comments or opinions of any of his friends, family, employers, nor any of the volunteer organizations that he is involved with. Please note that any of the links provided above were working at the time this newsletter was typed. He apologizes if they no longer function properly.