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My Cat, Sammy

September 2001 to February 2007

Shortly after my last cat (E.T.) had passed away, my sister brought me Sammy. She was a tortoise-shell cat, the same color that E.T. was before she passed away. I also spoiled Sam, as I do with all my cats.

Sitting on the patio
Sam quickly aquired the nicknames of Phsyco-Sam, and also Sassy-Sam, as she did not like to be petted or picked up much. She did not like her belly rubbed as E.T. did. She'd growl and hiss, especially if you petted her tail. I'm not sure why she got so mad about that though.

I don't have any stories like I did for E.T., but Sammy also had her favorite foods. Knowing how much E.T. liked donuts, I gave Sam a piece. She didn't care for it. She did however love feildberry yogurt. Her other favorite thing was licking the peanut butter and jam out of a PB&J sandwich, but it had to be toasted. It was funny to watch her trying to get the peanut butter unstuck from the roof of her mouth as well.

Maybe a year and a bit after we'd gotten Sammy, she disappeared for a bit. She was probably missing for about 4 months and I was considering getting another cat when she came strolling into the backyard one day as if she'd been gone for a day or two. She was a little on the skinny side but was alright for the most part.

While working at the call center, I was renting a house in Little River Harbour and brought Sammy with me. While there, I also got a new cat named Tyson. He liked to tackle Sam and she hated it. Because the house was on a fairly busy stretch of road, I kept the cats inside at all times. Sam did not like this as she was used to going outside.

I'd read about cats making bird noises before, but had not heard such a thing until one day at the house in Little River. There were some bluejays outside on the patio, eating from a bird feeder I had put out there. Sam was sitting on the opened window sill, with a screen between her and the birds. She started to make this weird noise that almost sounded bird like. It surprised me.

Sam laying belly up, showing off

Sam laying belly up, showing off

Sitting on the walkway

Once I lost that job and moved back into my parent's house, Sam was allowed to go outside again. She sort of taught Tyson things he should stay away from, like the vehicles coming into the driveway and my sister's dog.

As for Sam's last months, I went to pet her once and felt that I could feel her backbone. I found this odd. Later on that same week she was laying on one of the rugs in our living room and I went to pet her. It felt like she had an entire orange inside of her somewhere. A visit to the vet found that she had a mass, and medication was given to make her feel better. Less then 4 days later, she died in her sleep under the couch in the basement.
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