I'd like my cheese melted, please
It's the only way for me
You can keep your hard varieties
It's okay if we disagree

I know that some of you are snackers
Content with a slice between two crackers
Or you may think it quite divine
To nibble some cheddar with your wine

For me, to enjoy a cheesy treat
It must be soft and chewy
That warm sensation can't be beat
The best cheese is stretchy and gooey

When you lift that slice of pizza pie
and the cheese just won't let go
You can almost taste it with your eyes
Mmm... just savor it ...really slow

A sweet cream cheese that's spreadable
can certainly evoke a sigh
It's smooth and quite incredible
as any edible you can buy

I know we're all familiar with this:
The blue and yellow label
That Krafty box of instant bliss
has made it to everyone's table

And when it's time for breakfast
To me, there's nothing better
Than a good ol' Greek omelette
stuffed full with lots of feta

Another soft and gooey fare
of which I love to partake
Are the many choices and flavors there are
to indulge in with cheesecake

There are fried cheese sticks
Sauces and souffles
So many things you can fix
I could go on all day

There's cheese you can squeeze
Even squirt from a can
I'm sure Elsie the cow didn't foresee
the limitless imagination of man
(c)  2004  Sheila W
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