I have seen the devil, and he has blue eyes
His long dark lashes mesmerize
I took him in and believed his lies
It nearly led to my demise

Not everyone I know would agree
but he was quite a handsome devil to me
He took advantage of my neurotic need
to do all I could to help him succeed

He stole my heart and, for a while, my life
There were times I didn't know how i'd survive
But I was all too eager to compromise
I became someone I didn't recognize

I fell for all his devious tricks
Took all the abuse that he would inflict
But then I, too, got in a few licks
Something he didn't expect or predict

The more he pushed the stronger I became
I rose up and fought, my soul to reclaim
Left behind me the shadow of shame
No longer bound by nefarious chains

In the long run it wasn't as bad as it seemed
A lesson in life leading to the extreme
For I had to be broken to be redeemed
An indirect path to self esteem

I started out gullible, weak and naive
Found an inner strength I had not perceived
When God says He's with you, you'd better believe
When trouble comes knocking, His help ye shall receive
(c) 2004  Sheila W
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