Your eyes are tired and weary
You carry the weight of the day
It's time to recharge your energy bars
So let me take you away

Step into this boat of rest
Recline your aching frame
Close your eyes and feel the stress
gradually begin to wane

The water laps upon the shore
of this riverbed in the night
You're floating free without an oar
The stars your only light

Swirling eddies sift through your thoughts
and spiral your troubles away
Off you drift in your slumber skiff
On a journey to dissolve the day

A maze of images flow in your mind
as you're carried along downstream
You doze and release them with a sigh
While the night air whispers your dreams

You're blanketed by the sky above
A pillow of peace for your head
The gentle rocking of the current below
renders the perfect bed

You're resting now beneath a shroud
of misty slumber deep
A nightly trip down to the slip
for your voyage into sleep
(c) 2004  Sheila W
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