"Wolf Hideaway"

This is a maned wolf.
I think they look strange,
but felt I had to add it

All pictures on these pages have
been taken from around the web.
If you can use them you may take them.
The music is
Ten Thousand Angels Cried"

Oh dear-no Java!!!!

As I stand on the river bank and wonder, I wonder why.
Man hates us and kills our kind.
Can someone tell me what man has in mind?
Then I Pray
Dear Lord hear us as we pray
keep us safe by night and day.
Make our pack healthy and strong,
return us to where we belong.
Make our prey easy and many
so many times we don't get any.
Help our young to learn right
as we run through a moonlit night.
Make our song ring strong and true
this our Lord, we pray of you.

Copyright © 1999
by C.K.O'Dell

Howl of the Wild

The one below reminds me of the one
we had when I was a little girl.
We lived in Missouri& his name was Buck.





© 1997 MIKA02@netscape.net

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