Dog Poems

Here are some Dog poems about various things. If you have one
please send them to me. Thanks.

Selecting a dog

A bit too big?
A little to small.
Too fuzzy for me!
Too fat to crawl.

Before you wrap it tight
and crate it home,
Behold its appetite
and room, to roam.

A sloppy yap, a barking slur,
Puppy eyes to be let free,
A him? A her? an unmarked cur,
let's pout to see its pedigree.

The perfect pet quest;
Which pup for me is best?

If It Should Be

If it should be that I grow weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done
For this last battle cannot be won.

You will be sad I understand
Don't let grief then stay your hand
For this day more than all the rest
Your love for me must stand the test

We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears
You'd not want me to suffer so
The time has come please let me go

Take me where my need they'll tend
And please stay with me until the end
Hold me firm and speak to me
Untill my eyes no longer see

I know in time that you will see
The kindness that you did for me
Although my tail its last has waved
From pain and suffering I've been saved

Please do not grieve it must be you
Who has this painful thing to do
We've been so close, we two, these years
Don't let your heart hold back its tears.


What Dogs Do For Us:

Catch Frisbees.
Keep a lonely night from being truly lonely. Keep our homes safe.
Get us outside on beautiful fall days. Listen to our singing.
Treat us like celebrities when we come home.
Warm up our beds on cold nights. Star in our home videos.
Make our hearts more vigorous. Take us outdoors on snowy winter days.
Alert us to the arrival of the mail. Help us to live longer.
Make us smile. Agree with everything we say.
Warm our knees with their chins. Provide us use for old tennis balls.
Signal when a thunderstorm is coming. Pull sleds.
Help lower our blood pressure. Test how fast we can run.
Keep the squirrels from overtaking our yards.
Teach us the meaning of unconditional love. Take us out on rainy days.
Teach our children about responsibility.

-author unknown

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