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==_FLY ME 2 THE MOON!_== ...


*Rescue* ABSOLUTE BEST KIT*KAT BOBBIE SOX is strictly DADDY MARK'S BABY:) and lets his MOM*DEB play with him, feed him, and all of those "other things" that must be done to safeguard a beloved pet's health!

. Updated February 28, 2006.

BOBBIE SOX will be *FIVE* years old as of June 23, 2006 and will celebrate it with his Dad MARK, who has a BIG BIRTHDAY the 23rd too, heehee!!

So WATCH OUT 'cause we will be working on Manx:) Big Tom Kat BOBBIE SOX's page from here on out. Howl's about that, giggle? Mama*D FINALLY learned how to operate her new HP OFFICE thingy! (Tishy barky'n here!) And by the way, giggle, do BOY KIT*KATS like ROSES 2,huh, huh, huh, heeheee? His MAMA*DEB had to put the ROSES UP HIGH so he couldn't reach them VALENTINE'S DAY 4 gripes sakes:(!!

We've decided to CHEER UP THINGYS AROUND HERE and will be *switching* our music to somethingy *diff*... Now And Then:)! Like right nowlllll! Well we switched it back to "Fly Me To The Moon!" because CUZ "Jj" liked it sooooo much;)! So does BRAT*KAT*BOBBIE SOX 2(VBG)!

CUZ was a ABD!TOY POODLE, and was REALLY *somethingy on a sticky* ...most times! HIS MOM DEBRA and daDDy MARK treated him just like a baby! No wonder he was spoilt sooo! 'Course yawl have figured 'it' all out by nowl that SISSY DEBBIE is Mama*D's and daDDy*derF's ABD!=Absolute Best Daughter!:) natch!

We have a Memorial for "Jj" nowl (TISHY bark'n)!

WATCH OUT:), as we just MIGHT barky SISSY*DEBRA into singing some songs on a *few* of our ABD!, et al pages! Yea! BOL! Tishna (Hinting here for sure!) ...Updated: 03/28/06

We will continue working on this page for BOBBIE SOX slowly BUT surely:)!

| Mama*D | Tishna | Ling Family | Holiday Card |

Jesse' Memorial | Other Stuff | Groom'n Tips |

Kats ColeNKayleighNKassidy

Peke "Prince",I Shang | PawPrints | Candlelite Ceremony | Poster Kids |

song: =_"Fly Me To The Moon_=:)"


(c) 1998 ~ 2006- ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! All rights reserved. No original graphics or text may be copied or used in any form without permission of the authors or their agents. All pictures used are used by permission of their owners.