
ABSOLUTE BEST CONGRATULATIONS were given to MAMA*NOW*SCARLETT:)aka SCARLETT'S TARA MEHE LING!!! What a Wonderful surprise when OUR known as MAMA*SCARLETT...birthed:) THREE healthy MALE PEKINGESE PUPPIES Monday, April 12, 1999, beginning at about 9:10AM. Weren't they just sooooo Handsome...whatyacans@@of'em that is:)?

The Babies are *One* Week old in this picture above!:)

Our Babies were *4* WEEKS old in the pic above and they are thinky'n "Howl Much Is That, Puppy In The Window...uh, Mirror"?_== betcha! #1 Son:) aka Big Guy, in the middle, #2 Son, on the left & #3 Son, on the right are l@@ky'n at themselves in the Mirror Mats on the table by golly! Aren't they just *Adorable*,*Handsome* & everythingy:)?

This picture with their PAPA*derF was taken Monday, May 31st, on their BIG *7TH* WEEK Birthday:),:)! They were STILL eat'n and drinky'n and all of those 'other' thingys All Day...All Night...huh MAMASAN, giggle?

We can remember *WHEN* BABIES "BANDIT" CHANG & "RUNT" TINKER TOYE *ADOPTED* SOME LONG-TIME PEKE SLAVES/LOVERS *MEMORIAL DAY* BY GOLLY:)! The New Slaves ... MS. EVELYN & HER HUSBAND CAPTAIN (Retired)PAUL VERZONE ...LIVE IN ALABAMA! Their beloved *Male Pekingese MUFFIN passed on to the RAINBOW BRIDGE:( a few months B 4 they let BANDIT CHANGIE & "RUNT":0) adopt them when they were 7 weeks old! You can see "Angel*now" MUFFIN on our CANDLE CEREMONY PAGE! We are soooo happy that SLAVES' MR. & MRS. VERZONE have BOTH little babies to bring them so much love during this time! We also know that the babies will be loved deeply also by MS. EVELYN (Seen Hold'n "RUNT" TINKER TOYE BOY BABY:0) & MR. PAUL (Seen Hold'n "BANDIT" CHANGIE BABY:0!


WOW*BOW!! We have a NEW PIC of "BANDIT" CHANGIE & TINKER TOYE, Last time we saw them was Friday the 9th of July, 1999 after Mamasan & daDDy*derF & Sis*Debbie paid them a visit at THEIR ABD!Housey:),;)! MS./MAMA*SCARLETT barky'n:)!

Then MS. DOLLY (PRINCE I, SHANG'S SLAVE:0), and MAMA*D visited with them just a couple of months after that and they are l@@ky'n GRAND:0)!


OTHER *GOOD NEWS* WAS WHEN THAT HANDSOME GUY:) PRINCE,I :0)SHANG ADOPTED MS. DOLLY AND HER HUSBAND VINCENT MUSI OF ALABAMA AS *HIS* NEW SLAVES! They had, also, lost their precious Pekingese *PRINCESS* 2 the RAINBOW BRIDGE ...sigh! We have placed MS. PRINCESS' PICTURE on our CANDLES CEREMONY PAGE. *PRINCE,I* left for his new home JUNE 2,1999! There was a mixture of joy and sadness here AS MAMA*SCARLETT & PAPA*KOI*BOI *Missed* the little Guys and the Big Guy, too, along with GRANNY*D & PAPA DERF! We R so happy though that they all *three* have the ABSOLUTE *BEST* SLAVES & HOMES POSSIBLE:),:)!! We are keep'n in contact with these wonderful *New* Slaves & will be showing new pictures as the babies get bigger and bigger:):0,:)!! Uh...we had heard from them and MS. DOLLY was brag'n how well *trained* TT & TooToo*wise PRINCE is:)! In fact she keeps calling us'ns to let us all know just HOW HAPPY they all are with each other! We have another PIC of HANDSOME "PRINCE,I" that we HAD added as the result of a *surprise* visit from PRINCE,I SHANG MAI LING and his SLAVES one Saturday, the 3rd of July! Then another visit just a few months after that:0)! It was on Tishna's page:)!

Here is what PRINCE, I:0) SHANGIE LOOKED LIKE @ 7 MONTHS:0)!!!
Proud Mama*SCARLETT barky'n here:)!

Oops, Mama*D DID pull the pic off with my Teethy stick'n out:),:) after all! She's just gotz these thingys about our teethys stick'n up like Vampires/Vampireas:),:)! Hecky, *I* wanted it pulled off because I really wanted the one that SHOWS off my BEAUTIFUL PLUME TAILZZZZ:),;)!! No GO though!! Really kinda sad nowl that the Babies have *adopted* some NEW LOVING SLAVES! Guess I should have not been such a BIG *B* word to them, huh....sob?? TISHNA barky'n here...sigh!!

Originally, we were planning on having our very own LING FAMILY Page...==_WE R FAMILY!_==... because most of our 'other friendzzzs' have their own pages. Howlever, looks like the 4*mat is gonna be a little diff then figured, since SCARLETT had her Babysans. So, be patient, 'cause we have a whole lot of pics to go through B 4 this LING ABD!HOUSE is finished! In the meantime, enjoy listening 2 the music ==_"SIT'N ON THE RITZ"_==... and that is what SCARLETT does sometimes, 2, giggle, giggle! Tishna here!

This is KOI sit'n up want'n 2 C HIS PUPPIES, 2! Butt SCARLETT wouldn't let him:(,:(!!!

KOI*BOI had some Absolute Best TREATIES instead of CIGARS for all his MALE (AND FEMALE:0) FRIENDZZZZS 'out there', Wooo Haaaa!!

"Cough...Sputter...Snortie! Wait just a second here:(, howls about ME. I'm involved here too yawl know? After all I WAS THE FATHER OF THE, PUPPIES! In factoe, Mamasan barks that I am MY OWN GRANDPAPA (whatever THAT means)! CHANGIE KOI MING LING, IV and proud of it too:)! BTW, What Ever Happened To The "PEKINGESE" Storky:)? Guess the BIG DIAPER it was carrying was soooo LARGE it was in a Hurry and just DROPPED IT OFF like that....PpLlOoPp! Oops, he is up there and has a *human* baby the silly*dilly storky:)!! Wrong place Mr. Storky, Chuckle!"

Ah sooooooooo Koi*Boi, and Mama*D is gonna be all UPSET because you have your COUNT PEKULA teethy sticking up, giggle, giggle! You know HOWL she feels about those teethys SHOW'N right?

"What R WE gonna doo doo nowl?? The pics ain't turned out worth a FLIPPY and Granny*Tishy turned her BACK ON US'NS...sob! Just because I growl at her when she came TOO NEAR her GRANDPEKEYS for PEKE PUPPY SAKES...sigh! CHANGIE KOI couldn't GO near the Babies either so wasn't be'n BIASED or nothing!" MAMA*SCARLETT (ALL SHOOK UP!:()

"NOTE: Tishna didn't only turn her BACKSIDE on us'ns but she also barkyed and growled at MY BABIES 2 B 4 they went to their New SLAVES and New HOMES! I'm gonna get her IF she don't WATCH OUT! Good thang she didn't HURT *MY* BABY BOYS....Grrrrrr! GRANNY*D & PAPAderF had to keep us'ns separated:(,:(!! SHAME ON TISHNA:(,:(!! AND....if'n she don't WATCH OUT there'll be an AD in the NEWSPAPER for yawl know what! Yeah!"

"I TAILED yawl that my TAILZZZ is the ABSOLUTE BEST L@@KY'N TAIL that there is in the WWW= Whole Wide World! And hey! My teethy aren't sticky'n out either, chuckle, TISHNA! Whatyathinky about THAT Ms.PRISSY*WISSY:),:)? WATCH OUT 'cause she'll have a BARKY BACK to THAT BARKY:)!"


"No way Koi*ay:) is YOUR TAILZZZ as BEAUTIFUL as mine! Just compare YOURS 2 MINE in the above picture of my beautiful ABD!Tailzzz, giggle!Maybe we oughta have a ABSOLUTE BEST TAILZZZ CONTESTY, giggle??

Pssst...We'll be SLAP'N UP:) some pics of TISHNA'S BABIES SOON HERE:)!..."

"WOW! What's this? We gotz some more PEKE PUPS here hide'n their faces or what:),:)? Uh...thinky'n you oughta STAY TUNED to R Radio/T.V. Station DAWG 4 surer and we'll get our NEWS TEAM 2 work on just who these Puppies R? You barky, RHETT, MELANIE & SCARLETT? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!:)"


"That was QUICK:)! This is CAMERA-SHY BABIES' MELANIE, RHETT (in the middle) & SCARLETT! Aren't they just simply *gorgeous* sweet thangys:)?? They all were birthed on July 11, 1997 so are a BIG *7* Years old nowl!! We'll try to get some current pictures of MELANIE & RHETT. Do know that RHETT is pure=-dee WHITE "All Over His Body" nowl though, giggle!" MAMA*TISHNA SHOW'N OFF *HER* BABIES, natch!

"Guess WHO that is up there, chuckle? Naw, isn't one of MY PUPPIES, 'It's' meeeeee, KOI*BOI:)! Ain't *I* some Handsome Little Guy at Age *SEVEN WEEKS*?? Sure I amm =-BOL!! On SECOND THOUGHT, maybe I can find a even MORE HANDSOME pic of HANDSOME ME, chuckle, especially since *I* am the ABSOLUTE BEST DOG:)!"


"Wait'll yawl s@@ MY PIC at *SEVEN* WEEKS, giggle! TISHNA barky'n here! Mamaaaaa....where's one of MY cute pictures of ME when a little precious puppy, huh, huh, huh:)?"

"I barked you soooooooooo:),:)? Mamasan says that *I* am Cuter Than A Bug N A Rug (Whatever THAT means) KOI*BOI so Whatyathinky? I'm *SEVEN WEEKS* old in the above pic. Uh...we all kinda l@@ky alike huh, giggle? *I* am the ABSOLUTE BEST DOG! 4 surer:)!"

....Updated 01/13/2005

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