
Post-Secondary Info
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A Step Ahead

Your guide to post-secondary education in British Columbia


So you've decided to pursue post-secondary studies. Good for you! Now, here's the catch: some way or another you have to pay for all that schooling. Luckily, this section will help you figure out the best way to make a financial plan. Check out the following for some more information:

  • Average Cost of Living: This will provide you of an estimate of the various costs you'll encounter in university.
  • Student Financial Aid:
    • Student Loans: Loans from the government are widely available to students.
    • Scholarships: Millions of dollars are available each year in awards. Take the time to check some out, it's worth it!
    • Bursaries: More awards that are mainly directed to those who show financial need.
    • Grants: Like student loans, but it's money that you don't have to pay back!!!
    • Other: This includes co-op, apprenticeship, and more.