Dr.  Hossain Pezeshki

Math 1107 section C, Carleton University, Winter 2006

e-mail:   pezeshki8005@rogers.com      (No technical questions by e-mail please!)
Lecture room:   329  Patterson Hall
Lecture time and venue are as per Math Stats web site

Please refer to the university 2005-2006 undergraduate calendar Winter 2006 for some important dates.

Your TA's are:
Faezeh R. Sadeghi   frsadegh@connect.carleton.ca
Aliasagar   AbdulKadir   tzali501@yahoo.com

The text book is Linear Algebra and Its Applications 3rd edition update by David C. Lay
The author also makes available for download free of charge a set of handouts.
I will be following these fairly closely. You might find it helpful to print these and bring them to the class so
that you can focus on the material being presented and take a few notes rather than feverishly transcribing what's on the blackboard!

The course co-ordinator is Dr. Elena Devdariani.
Here is the updated course outline

Here is a list of practice problems for the entire term.

Chapter 1 solutions

Practice test #1 (includes solutions)
Here's another practice test #1 (with solutions)

Announcement: The math-stats department is holding review sessions for those students
who feel they many not have a firm high school background in algebra.
The review sessions for first year algebra courses will begin on Saturday, January  21st, at 10am in room 101AT of the Azreili Pavilion. The first session will cover basic algebraic operations and the instructor will taylor the session to the requests from those present so please be prepared to ask questions to get her to cover the material which is proving difficult for you. The marks from the diagnostic test will be posted soon and those students who remembered to fill in their student numbers will be able to see exactly how they performed.
There will be further review classes on Saturdays, January 28th and February 4th.

 Here is a note from Prof. Mike Moore about your diagnostic test; follow the link (and the explanation) in the e-mail to find out your score.

Chapter 2 solutions

Test #1 solutions

Chapter 3 solutions

Test #2 solutions

Chapter 5 solutions

Here is a bunch of practice problems on maniuplating complex numbers and applying DeMoivre's Theorem (reproduced here
with the permission of Mr. Adriano Palumbo Carleton University Math Stats)

Chapter 6 solutions

Important announcement for those of you have missed two or more tests with cause (illness, family issues etc).
I ask that on the day of your final exam or shortly after you send me an e-mail with your full name
and student id number reminding me of your special circumstance so that I can take this into account
with respect to prorating your test marks etc.

Test #3 solutions
Announcement: I just received  this  e-mail from the Chairman of the Math Stats Dept regarding employment
opportunities for science students for the Autumn of 2006.

Test #4 solutions

Final exam time and venue are according to the university website
Tuesday April 25th at 2:00 PM in Southam Hall.
On the day of the exam the room numbers for the different
sections and the names of the instructors will be posted on the walls in Southam Hall.
You must make sure that your write the exam in one of the rooms assigned to my section.

Help before the final:
If you want to sit down with me and go over some questions/problems send me an e-mail at pezeshki8005@rogers.com and I'll setup a time to meet you on campus.

Also the Tutorial Centre will be open:
Monday, April 10th to Thursday, April 13th from 1 pm until 2pm
and  Tuesday, April 18th to Friday, April 21st from 12:30 pm until 1:30 pm