Very Different


An Interactive Romantic Fiction Novel

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Interactive Features

I began this novel a few years ago. At the time, alternate stories kept crouching up to confuse me. In one, he was in love with her, but she was unable to respond in kind. In another, she was dealing with a reluctant lover. With each new section, a variety of conflicting and criss-crossing stories appeared, most of them entirely disconnected from the others.

Well, this summer, I went online looking for some free reading and I came across a free interactive novel. It got me thinking that this story should have been interactive. Well, for now, I am leaving it as-is, but on a continual basis, I will be breaking it up into chapters or sub-chapters and providing a variety of choices at the oddest moments. Some will involve the mundane, and others will appear life-altering. Have fun!



Preview & Summary


It all started for Christine in high school, when she faced a possibly life-altering assignment. You see, she was taking Civics, a required course, and the teacher had assigned a project that made a strong impression upon the young student. Her task was to design a Life Map.

This map, if drawn correctly, was to fully plot their road to success from high school to early adulthood. All during these tumultuous years, the map would help them keep their goals ever before them. Hopefully, their professor joked, one of them would make it through the teen years unscathed.

Knowing that the steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord, Christine asked God for help with her map. Not only did she get an “A” on the assignment, but she also found that after all her work, it provided a truly usable plan for her life. Since then, she had followed it exactly.

Everything from then on had been well-ordered, and everything she touched had prospered. But now, Christine realized, just three months from her 27th birthday, she was supposed to be preparing for a wedding.

Could it be that for the first time, her life map was not going to provide perfect guidance? She didn’t know what to think, until her mother pointed out an unlikely prospect. Watch it unfold.







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