Mr. Sun
More of Maggie's Poems
Brilliant one, please shine on me today.
I love to feel your warmth and candor.
It's nice to have a friend like you.
I marvel at your splendor.

I don't know of a single person
who doesn't know your name.
How does it feel to shine so bright
and be a household name?

If you could talk I wonder
what you would have to say?
I know the earth would tremble
on that eventful, historical day.

Sometimes, in your shyness,
you hide from us awhile.
We seek you there behind the clouds
because we all need a smile.

                              by Madeleine Armstrong
                                        aka ~ Maggie
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Poem of the Week * June 9 to 15, 2002
Sheaves of Grass **A Collection of Poems
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