Poem of the Week * September 1 to 7, 2002
Sheaves of Grass **A Collection of Poems
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The Writer In Me

Feelings spool off fingertips,
treasures spun out as living thread
into art that confesses

Summer's breeze...
Black-out moon...
Crystal moment...
Crusted memories.

Embroidered, gilded, laden,
with tears and blood.

Quilted pictures out of time
lay forgotten, unordered, layered
between dust and lint.

Do they glow or sparkle less
held deep within their cardboard casket?

Still, inner currents, an image ~ moves my hand
to reach for the spool, the needle.

by K. Violet
January 30, 1998
Copyright            (1998, 1999, 2000, 2002) poetrykk/Sheaves of Grass

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