3D PICS 1-50


Join the Mount Moon Topsites !


Angry Jigglypuffs: At the cave level save one or more jigglypuffs . Then at the end of the level throw a pester ball at them or play the flute and watch them get offended. Submitted by Jordan Clark

Arcanine and Growlithe At the end of the volcano level you'll see 3 small volcanos on your right. Throw pesterballs into all 3. Sometimes a Growlithe will appear and sometimes an Arcanine will appear. It is possible to get three Growlithe and three Arcanine, but that is difficult to do.

Chansey To get Chansey, go to the beach level. After the bridge and the long grass Eevee is chasing a white ball throw a Poke food at the ball and if you hit it, the ball will turn into Chansey. Submitted by Chris Wright

Charizard To photograph a Charizard, throw an apple at the Charmeleon by the lava pool near the end of the volcanic level. If you knock him in the lava he will evolve into a Charizard. Submitted by Pokemaniac

Charmeleon Volcano Level- If you want to see a Charmillion before the end of the level, throw an apple between the Magmar and the Charmander. Magmar will kill Charmander and he will evolve into Charmillion Submitted by Todd (Nore5413@aol.com)

Dancing Snorlax: While going by Snorlax, play your pokeflute to watch him dance. He will dance diffrently when you play the different songs on your pokeflute. The first song scores the highest. Submitted by Tyler Hobson (tylerhobson@hotmail.com)

Ditto: In the begining of the cave level, throw Pesterballs at the Bulbasaurs and they will turn into Ditto.

Dragonite In the valley stage, when you get to the whirlpool, throw some pester balls into it and Dragonite will appear. Submitted by Justin

Dratini: To get a photo of dratini, go to the stage where you photograph the dragonite. Photograph it then throw pester balls to the left of it and a dratini will pop out. Submitted by gamekiller

Dugtrio: In the Tunnel Stage,photograph the Diglett that pops up next to the Pikachu. The Diglett will run away and then the Pikachu will run after it. Photograph the Diglett again. Repeat this process until Dugtrio finally comes up. Note: If you miss a photo of Diglett once you will have to start all over again! Submitted by Teef E. Leaf

Get Muk: In the Cave there are two grimers. Take lots of pictures of them. When the third appears near the three bulbasaurs, take a picture. Now throw lots of pester balls at him. He will evolve into Muk. Submitted by Shane

Goldeen: At the beginning of the Valley stage after the squirtle shells, throw pesterballs into the middle of the lake. Goldine will appear and disappear very fast, so Snap fast! Submitted by MichaelB (cybergal2@cybergal.com)

Starmie: Take one picture of Staryu on the valley course. After that follow Staryu to the whirlpool, and you'll Staryu go into it and Starmie will come out. Submitted by Evan Mucasey (EvaN642000)

Victreebell: To take a picture of Victreebell, knock the Weepinbell on the Cave stage into the water where it will evolve into a Victreebell. Take lots of pictures of it. The Weepinbell is found after the three transformed Dittos, which are Bulbasur, you will first run into the Koffing and the Jigglypuff. Submitted by Todd: the Camera Boy

Vileplume: In river on your right you will see a red mushroom inhaling poisinous gas. Use the poke flute and Vileplume will jump up and start dancing Submitted by pokemaster (jsmith@walgreens.com)

Scyther: In the beach level , when you first see meowth coming out of the grass keep on throwing pester balls into the bushes. when the grass ends u will see leaves poping out and scyther will come out. Submitted by JUdgE Z (Jujekabab@aol.com)