The greatest detractors of the movement to get rid of political parties and replace them with a real democracy in Nova Scotia are the people who are connected politically and now call the shots.These are the same people who have the most to lose if Nova Scotians ever wise up and make a real effort to get themselves good and honest government. For example, callers have periodically said on the HOTLINE that," independent candidates can't be effective unless they have that party behind them" --- or words to that effect.

If we were to accept that as TRUTH ~ and we don't ~ how would any observer of the political scene, explain the fact that Canada's own Northwest Territorial Government functions quite well ~ without political parties?

One commentator, obviously ill-informed,or, most likely benefitting from the status quo, recently argued that the NWT has a relatively small population and that a government, without the direction and input of political parties, would be doomed to failure in the larger context. When pressed, he could offer no rational argument to support his statements and, when it was pointed out to him that Switzerland does not have political parties involved in its " direct democracy" form of government, he shut up completely. There are those, including certain elements of the media, who do not want anyone to know that there is a better and far more equitable method of sustaining stable government than this very expensive mess we now have.

Those of you who give real thought to the subject will conclude, as we have, that political parties are the root cause behind much of the bad government we have had at all levels for the past 100 years or more.AND certainly, every year at tax time, it should become more than apparent to you that the "party plan" of government is not cost effective.

Legislation rammed through to satisfy the wishes of a big party supporter or to attempt to sway public opinion by buying it (with its own money) eventually costs taxpayers directly and indirectly through higher taxes and decreased services. Space doesn't permit going into great detail here but, if you can't think of any and want specific examples, write to us and we'll send them to you. Cynicism aside, it is more than apparent that government holds taxpayers in form of slavery in order to provide it with a never ending supply of money to do whatever it wants. Whatever happened to the old ethic that government is a servant of the people?

ONLY the PEOPLE can turn things around by getting directly involved and holding governments to account. We must stop the practice of allowing this political party or that to having exclusive domain over us all... and our collective finances in the guise of "government". This is not democracy by any stretch. Think about this: are you satisfied with the Young Offender's Act ? Again, I'm sure many of you can think of other examples of legislation that has been foisted upon you without any consultation or input from you or the people who have to put up with the current "catch and release plan" for young criminals. There are those in all parties who have as much as said that the majority of the electorate ( US) are not capable of determining how our lives should be administered. Only THEY have been given this divine right. Imagine~ here, in the twenty-first century, we are expected to live under governments and laws that haven't progressed much beyond the seventeenth century in which they were first conceived.

We have all been sold a "bill of goods" that none of us should be prepared to accept. The only people who will tell you there's nothing wrong with the system are those who profit most from the way it is constituted~ the same people who run the political parties and manipulate the public purse to their own ends.Again, a throwback to the very class-ridden societies that existed in England for the past three or four centuries ~ where you had a snobbish aristocracy at the top who expected everyone below them to pay for their high salaries and even higher life styles ~ very much as our political establishment does today.

Nova Scotia is another good example ~ almost 12 Billion dollars in debt ~ 68,000,000 of that debt was added by John Hamm's "government" in a TORY attempt to retain its position of power by convincing voters what great guys TORIES are because they gave you a cheque for $155. Obviously , there must be gains to be made by someone in the TORY party if they were so desperate to hang on to their power at any costs - TO YOU. They are not using THEIR money. They are using YOUR money. You pay for it many times over through additional taxes or user fees. If the TORIES can't beat it out of your hide using tax laws, THEY'LL make it up by cutting back more of the services you thought your taxes were paying for.

The LIBERALS will not do any better by you ~ they would like to convince you they'll do a better job than the TORIES ~ but all you'll get is the same old bull because they play the same game.


All, and any,political parties are capable of this thinking ~ certainly after they reach their zenith of power and become a government...with a majority.Truly democratic government will only be achieved in Nova Scotia, if not Canada, when the people (US) quit supporting elitists in the oligarchies ( political parties) with OUR money and especially OUR time.


And then there's this mess that the Liberals left for the Tories to clean up using your tax money.This came about because Liberals wanted to take care of one of their big contributors but didn't want it to be too apparent to the electorate... because they were trying to put on a good face so you suckers would vote them into government again. Many of you were also screaming for new schools for your kids --- but the politicians have bled the coffers out...through mis-management and taking care of their friends. It didn't work and this CBC story shows the aftermath --- (again) when Nova Scotians support political parties.

Developer wins right to school money: sources
WebPosted Jan 13 2003 06:42 PM EST

HALIFAX – An arbitrator has ruled that a developer of so-called P-3 schools in Nova Scotia has a right to some of the money generated from the schools.

The 80-page decision was delivered Monday on the province's dispute with Scotia Learning, a private development company that built 13 schools around Nova Scotia.

Up until the Conservatives took power, the government had a P-3 program where private developers built schools and leased them back to the province.

Scotia Learning argued the set-up entitled it to a cut of the concessions take in schools. The government said that's money schools rely on.

Sources now tell CBC the province has lost on some of the key points in its dispute with Scotia Learning, including its claim on concession sales.

Education Deputy Minister Dennis Cochrane would not discuss the specifics of the arbitration.

As you can see, this was a lousy deal to begin with but the idiots who were in "government" at the time did it anyway ... and now the only way the TORIES can fix it is to throw more of your money at --- buy the schools at an inflated price or throw big bucks at the developer who owns them to appease him. THIS IS WHAT THE PARTY PLAN FOR GOVERNMENT GETS YOU, NOVA SCOTIA !

On the grander scale, government should be working for ALL of the people ... not just the few who manage to benefit the most in some way or other . The way it is now --- and will continue to be until YOU stop it.



There was a time when people in this province were pitted against each other because of religion.Years ago, in small communities you would have the Catholics and the Protestants on opposite sides of the road as they walked home from their respective church services. They were polite to each other but didn't get involved in each other's lives much beyond saying "hello".

With the Depression in the "dirty 30's " , things slowly began to change. The onset of World War II changed perceptions further. The idea of "we're all in this together" supplanted those silly perceptions that this person or the other was ( or wasn't) as good simply because they were of a different religion.

Eventually, the issue of race, though not totally eradicated today, is becoming less and less of an issue with people as they become more educated.

So, why do Nova Scotians today still adhere to an antiquated concept of " government under the party plan" ... a system that is ineffective, extremely costly to all taxpayers, and only advantageous to an elite few?

Political parties are artificially created adversarial divisions that hold nothing good for Nova Scotians in this Twenty-first century.That's why most people can see no real differences when they apply their rational minds to examining parties. Political parties came about, and continue to exist, because many of our governments (at all levels) are places of employment for lawyers. Lawyers, as a class, are no strangers to the adversarial way of arguing things. This is the basis of every court settlement. And lawyers can swing to either side of any issue and defend it vehemently ---- if there is a sufficient reward. This same concept has been carried into our provincial "government"--- and they call it "democracy". LIKE HELL !

Parties today are a detriment to the growth of all of us. The electorate is limited in who it gets to vote for because of party politics and we ( Remember ?, "we're all in this together" ) all lose out because we are not always getting the best people in government because of this party affiliation or that.

Nor do we get good government because many of the decisions taken are predicated on whether the interests of the party, its adherents and financial supporters are met ... not those of the people who are only expected to pay for the results. The twelve (plus) billion dollars in debt that this present government likes to throw in our faces - whenever we complain about shortfalls in education and health care spending, is not our doing. Yet , we get saddled with the increased taxes to pay for the end result that exists because Tory and Liberal governments in the past took care of themselves and their friends at our expense. They also pay themselves very well... too well ,in fact. What do we get in return ? A bunch of monkeys in a zoo who pass legislation with a level of intellect that equals their collective decorum in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly.

Nova Scotians will have good government only when they come to the realization that all of this province's debt and high taxation has come about because they put their faith in all those politicians who adhered to the "party plan"--- where government purchases go untendered to party friends and contributors - or, party "friends" are given questionable "jobs" at inflated salaries that hold no lasting benefits for the people in this province --- who pay and pay and pay for it all.

Nova Scotians have a chance to bring their government out of the Middle Ages - in fact, the time is past due when we should end this stupid and costly practice of propping up a small segment of our society who has historically reaped the most benefit from our inability to get together and believe in our own abilities to govern ourselves.

Anyone can govern ... anyone! What we've accomplised in the Province of Nova Scotia thus far proves it !

Just as we have all found out that no one religion has a direct line to God ---- or, no one race has been given all the brains or talent --- why should anyone believe that ONLY someone who represents a politicial party can or should have the chance to run for a position in government ?

The ONLY people who will have you believe you or anyone (other than their particular party's candidate ) is unworthy or doomed to failure are the party people and their "back room boys" who benefit the most when you are dumb enough to elect their party.


No one can make you inferior without your consent. -- Eleanor Roosevelt


Go here and get full details on what our N.S. "party planners" would rather you didn't know about.

More importantly, go HERE and see why this provincial "government"is NOT delivering the services you deserve for the taxes you're paying. You can also see why we're 12 BILLION in debt and, who has been getting the $$$ that drove it that HIGH.

Do the best for yourself and all Nova Scotians by not supporting any political parties with your money, your time, and certainly not your vote.

Support an Independent near you !


Don't become so cynical that you don't vote at all
- either run as a candidate yourself or support an independent whom you feel will be honest and competent as your representative. Yes, you are probably dealing with an unknown quantity - but, isn't that what you've always been doing with this past bunch of winners ?











Last Modified: April 5, 2006