Rhyme Masta Robert
General Information

My Quotes
Fake Conversations
Short Stories
Lyrics of Songs I like
Bands I Like
Good Pickup Lines
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"Yeah, I bet you won't guess I'm taking a piss on this ball."
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Robert's Quote of the Day:

"Where you at man? Where you at?."
Last Updated: 7/21/07
Random Fact:

Did you know, that my name is Robert Davis? Also, did you know my middle name is Joseph, and I'm roughly close to 6'3 in height? Remember that, next time you talk to the great Robert Davis!
Something needs to be placed in the middle, eh?
Robert's Current Favorite Song:

7/21/07: Do what you can - Art of Dying
2/2/07: Breath - Breaking Benjamin
This site is taken from the mind, the soul, and the heart of Robert Davis. I'll take the time to allow that to sink in......

Now that it has sunk in, how does it feel? Huh? Huh?
Site Upcoming Features!

Going to actually add a Chat, and links to other sites I like. Going to add more Pickup lines, and add more lyrics of songs I like. Keep visiting daily, and check for new updates!

Yeah, I'm trying people. Give me a break. This site will be kickass soon. Even though I've been saying that since early 2004.
Click Here for Past Favorite songs from 8/21/04 - 1/13/07!