Welcome to my website directory
(i hope you enjoy my websites.  as you can see, there's something for everyone!  please e-mail me at preetivij@hotmail.com, to comment on my websites.  for more information on website design, please contact me.
"one does what one does best"
(my favorite website providers)
(my websites)
Or, you could also say, "one does what one wants to do".
Either way.  I love designing websites, and I have a lot.  On this page, you will find a complete listing of my websites. 
Eastland Academy for Girls
Sweet Valley Central !
Hindustan Central
Preeti's Page
Hrithik Roshan
Bollywood Online
Preeti's Page
The Journal Online
Website Design
Website Directory
"a good way to express yourself and voice your thoughts is to design a website"