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  • PWG Scoops for February 1, 2005
    -Due to the recent storms we were unable to make 'live' contact with the PWG champion John Iley.

    He did however send an email to the PWG headquarters saying...

    "Apologies for not being able to do a proper interview, but I can promise I WILL BE in Wheaton for the show next Monday.

    I feel that I'm primed and ready for the match, regardless of whomever I face! Next Monday since Hudson has kept his head down there's not much I can say, but as for Collins, if I'm to face him once again, lets just say that as for the 'tricks up his sleeve', this is PWG Jon, not Siegfried and Roy!

    Just show everyone who you really are Jon, a great wrestler. Believe me, our match in the tournament will pale in comparison to this one, because this time, the roles will be reversed, I'll be the fresh man, you'll be the one who's already been in a match, but I can guarantee, that I'll still walk out the winner!

    I'll see you all on January 30.

    All the best
    John Iley

    PWG Heavyweight Champion"

    -Jonathan Collins came back from Japan with another trophy in his case after winning his first junior heavyweight tournament in almost three years. Excited to have momentum like this going into a big match against Alex Hudson, Collins spoke to socaluncensored.com.

    "It starts with one big victory, and it snowballs from there." he said. "Bring on Hudson and let's get it done." he added with a slick grin.

    -Due to the massive snowstorms that have been abusing the east coast, Sherrick had to resort to sending the PWG a taped interview this week.

    Sherrick: Last week, I said I would be taking it easy on my opponent at Hope's Last Stand...I didn't want to completely outclass him before the match even started. But this week, it's a different story. I'm quite sure that my opponent has absolutely no idea who I am, and what I have done, and what I'm capable of doing to him. If he bothered to try, he'd have days and days worth of video to watch to see what I've done...hell, I sent him a full 6 hour tape at the PWG headquarters, and I hear he didn't even bother to get it. That's a big mistake, son...the game is completely different now, than it was when you last saw the inside of a ring. There are people like me who've been around the entire time, destroying everything along the way, and enjoying it. Hell, I'm having a better time here than I have many places. As long as I shake your hand before the match, they don't seem to care if I break your damn neck, or your arm, or leg, or anything. Take a look at the history here...see just who I've faced, and see just who's NOT HERE ANYMORE!! There are those around here who won't face me for fear that theyre next...and you get the unlucky choice of being the new guy and not having a say. The PWG gave say to me...and I say you're done. You're coming into my ring...and if you're lucky, you'll leave in one peice. Its as simple as that.

    -Jason McNeill and Chris Jameson have been hard at work this week, preparing different methods of attack to use against a Vipers team that contains one of the biggest men in PWG.

    "Keep the smaller guy in there as long as we can. Don't let the big man in...if that's what we gotta do, that's what we gotta do. We didn't win these belts by bein' stupid." Jameson told a reporter recently.

    -Brandon Williams is starting to work on some flexibility training in the hopes of being able to outwit many of Joshua Frampton's submissions. Taking Frampton seriously, he is perfectly aware of what damage he can do.

    "If you can't avoid the submissions, you've got to make them painless as possible." Williams said.

    -Frampton, as the usual over the past few months, continued his training in silence. Several people have said that Joshua's sparring partners over the past week have been spotted at a local medical facility with sprains, bruises, and bumps. Frampton has shrugged off the accusations of being too "rough" with the light workouts calling his training partners "wusses".

    -PWG athletes weren't the only ones stricken by the ice and snow storms recently. PWG was forced to postpone Hope's Last Stand until February 6, 2005. An update hasn't been readily available to internet fans due to the fact that PWG's headquarters had its power knocked out for the greater part of the past two weeks. Once technicians came to fix the problem, another issue with faulty wiring was picked up which had to be dealt with immediately. PWG officials do apologize for these inconveniences, but promise to bring an amazing show to all of our loyal fans on February 6!

    PWG Scoops for January 18, 2005
    -Once again, we head to Toronto, 'adopted' hhome of the PWG Heavyweight Champion John Iley. Relaxing at his home we first ask him about the impending return of Bobby Skylark.

    Iley: "Champion! He's a good lad with a passion that'll take him far, thankfully his injuries weren't as bad as first thought, though I must admit I do feel responsible for them, which I do feel bad about. But he's on his way back and that's just canny with me!"


    Iley: "Geordie for good, I'll have to give you all a masterclass sometime on my dialect!" [Grins slyly]

    Sounds like fun, now, what about Sherrick? Claiming Iley cheated in their last match together?

    Iley: "Sour grapes! Quiet frankly Sherrick can't take the pyschology side of things, he's got the skills in the ring, but he's too one track minded on using the Tornado DDT, he's too easily scoutable for that in my book. Until he can prove himself a little more, I'll consider giving him a title shot, I'm sure the top brass wouldn't mind Iley/Sherrick, Round Three!"

    And what about Collins and Hudson, how is our champ feeling as this big match approaches?

    Iley: "Well, Hudson has gone a little quiet lately, but Collins? He said the gloves will be off for the show in January, which means, if I were a gambling man, I'd put my money on facing Collins later in the evening, but, as we've seen in the past, Hudson can pull a victory from nowhere! Remember his match with Masters? He pulled that one out of nowhere! I'm giving the edge to Collins, but you can't count Hudson out just yet! It's not an easy call, but I'm willing to see what happens"

    And when this match takes place, where will our champ be?

    Iley: "I'll be in the locker room, relaxing and preparing for the match, being at ringside would cause too much friction in my book!"

    Seems the logical choice really, we'll catch up with the PWG Champion again next time.

    -Jonathan Collins has rested much of the week, but will be off to Japan this weekend for a junior heavyweight tournament. Collins' intention is to get himself in much better shape to face Alex Hudson. Both Collins and Hilary Bennett feel this tournament could do him nothing but good.

    "I've really gotten the kink out of my right knee. It's funny how when you overcompensate to protect something how you weaken it, but I've tried to do the opposite. Over the past month, I've really let my knee take a beating, so I think it's starting to all balance out. Regardless, I'll be coming back with a few new tricks up my sleeve."

    -After learning of his next opponent, Sherrick stopped by the PWG headquarters, and had this to say:

    "Finally, some more fresh meat. The PWG is making a good decision for once...they're feeding the new guy to the lions. Son, you better have done your homework on what goes on here, because I've nearly crippled several folks around here, and one is just now finally able to consider coming back...and the other one, just flat dissapeared. I won't be too hard on you this week, but I will say this...I hope you know what you're in for, because what you're going to get at the end of this month...will dwarf anything I've done here yet. You'll be eligible to have the shortest career ever in the PWG...you can be in the record books...all thanks to me. You're welcome."

    -After almost a week since his signing John "Tragic" Delany had supposedly been in seclusion, preparing for his match against Mark Sherrick. However earlier today the PWG offices received an email from the mysterious newly signed superstar.

    Hello PWG and fans,

        I am the newly signed performer by the name John "Tragic" Delany. Some of the followers of main stream wrestling may remember me, some may not, however it doesn't matter because the PWG is a brand new start for me and my career. I have been told that I am going into the next show, Hope's Last Stand, against a man named Mark Sherrick.

        Now from what I understand Mark is a man who has been complaining recently about losing his last match and has been accusing the PWG itself for plotting a conspiracy against him. Now Mark I am going to tell you one thing that I have learned from my experiences in the higher federations, getting a title and earning a title are two different things. You want to complain then here is what you need to do, go to Hope's Last Stand and prove that you are as good as you say you are by beating me. Then go get your title, and prove to everyone just how much you deserve that title.

        Well that's all from me for now, however next week I can promise all the PWG fans that I won't be sending in any more emails, next week I'll be right in front of the camera for all to see.

    See ya Later,

    -Joshua Frampton has continued to train in private this week, keeping his distance from the (R)Evolution dojo. However, in his recently discovered Livejournal, Frampton was quoted as saying he's "more than ready" for the task of facing his teacher's other prized singles star.

    Jason McNeill and Chris Jameson had a had weekend of work recently. Wrestling three shows in two days really had their bodies working overtime, but they've been telling friends it's well worth it.

    "If we don't shut down, then we'll always be in high gear much faster than our opponents. Plus we're actually working as a team instead of taking singles matches. This is our first match as Tag Team Champions, so we don't plan on disappointing. We need to come into the match not just as a well oiled unit, but as a team ready to go in high gear, so this is what we do." Jason McNeill said recently.

    -PWG has received unconfirmed reports that Justin Payne was injured last week while working in St. Louis. Bane could not be reached for comment. We will try to confirm these reports and bring you an update in next week's scoops.

    -PWG Officials can confirm, however, a great lineup of shows coming to the PWG fans in Illinois in the coming months! Of course, Hope's Last Stand is January 30 in Wheaton, Illinois. On February 28, though, Pro Wrestling Glory rides into Joliet, Illinois for the first time ever as we bring the action to the Knights of Columbus! March 31 is the date for PWG to hit Club 217 in Springfield, Illinois! And on April 30 we return home to Skate West in Cresthill, Illinois for "Champion's Choice!" More information on these huge shows will be available in the coming weeks.

    PWG Scoops for January 11, 2005
    -The PWG Heavyweight Champion, John Iley is up in Toronto at The Ritz, his 'other job' currently on the stage helping test out the mics for what looks like a gig thats going to be taking place. John actually conducts the interview from the stage as we ask the questions, he seems comfortable up there as he should, being on stage can't be that much different to being in the ring talking to the fans can it?

    John: "Course not, I'm often announcing the bands and stuff here and the crowds are just as great here as they are in PWG. Though here on stage, I can be more natural and use a few naughty words! [Laughs] But really, it's not that different"

    What is different are the two men who John could face on January 30, Alex Hudson or Jon Collins, what are John's thoughts on the match these two have planned.

    John: "It's certainly an interesting concept. I'l be watching the match intently and I'll need to be in one of two different frames of mind for that match later on against the winner?"

    One of two frames of mind?

    John: "Yeah, these two guys have different styles! OK, I've faced Collins before and I'm used to a little X-Division style, but Hudson is more your mat wrestler like me, so I'm facing two different styles, I'll need to focus on them and click into the right frame come match time."

    And John's prefered oppoent?

    John: "Either/or, sure, I've faced Collins already, but I wouldn't say no to another match with him. As for Hudson? [Shrugs] He disrespects those who help him and one of those people happens to be the love of my live, Leigh Dominguez, I'll show him what its like to disrespect those around you!"

    I think that's all for now, we'll catch up next time with our champion, as now it seems their ready to do more checks for the show that night....

    -Jonathan Colins has been his usual self these days, a little quiet, and a little humble about the experience against Alex Hudson at New Year's Rising, and it showed when he called into a local radio show last week.

    "It's been a humbling experience, but you know something? It's fine with me. I'm more than up to task of going one more time against Hudson. I've faced a lot of difficult opponents in my career, and even though Hudson thinks he's probably on that list, he hasn't seen what I can really do yet. The gloves come off this month, and the facts are simple. I'm going to make his first match of 2005 the most humbling experience of his life."

    -When Brandon Williams got word that he was facing fellow (R) Evolution Dojo member Joshua Frampton, he was a bit uneasy about things. He didn't want any tention coming up between him or anybody else. He wasn't happy about having to face a fellow friend. He commented this on the whole matter.

    "It's not always easy to have to get into the ring, and look across the ring at a fellow friend. Having to face Joshua is going to be a challenge in itself. I can't say that I didn't see what he did to his last opponent, but this is going to be different. I know pretty much all he knows. He isn't going to know what to do when he steps into the ring with someone who can counter everything he throws at them. This match is going to be very exciting, and I'm highly looking forward to it."

    Along with Brandon was Aimee as usual. The two were seen walking down the main streets in their California hometown. Aimee had these comments to say about Brandon's match.

    "Brandon can beat Joshua, if he applies himself. Joshua is someone who is very hot headed, and can easily be predictable. Brandon and him have spared tons of time in class, so they know each other pretty well. Brandon is coming off a big hot streak, and he's not about to lose his stride because he's facing a friend. Though something seems to be up with Joshua, so Brandon is going to need to be on his toes. I will make sure he keeps his eyes, and ears open for change. I will not allow him to get caught off guard. Brandon is very smart but he also trusts to easily, and that's something he needs to watch. This is going to certainly be a match everyone will want to see and talk about once it's over. I for one can't wait for it either."

    She said all of this as matter of factly as she could, as they walk off both very confident.

    -Despite the rather clean loss he sustained to John Iley a short time ago, Sherrick has spent the week leaving messages at PWG headquarters complaining that Iley had indeed cheated, and that there was a conspiracy amongst the head staff of the PWG against him. Each day he called, he cited several peices of evidence to the fact, mostly centering around his lack of promo time, and the lack of his activities being reported to the true fans of PWG who actively follow his wrestling career, and have since long before. He claims the PWG is not giving his fans what they want, and is prepared to do any number of things, some fairly drastic, if need be. Over the week, he hinted at some of the things he's considering, ranging from a strike, to a lawsuit, and constant interruption of the show as it goes on live.

    -Joshua Frampton didn't waste any time in getting back into form against Stevie Erickson, and apparently, he's not taking any chances against his classmate, Brandon Williams. Frampton has been training at an undisclosed location in Northern California, away from the (R)Evolution dojo, the school in which both he and Williams trained. Frampton has been silent as usual, but one is to assume that he is leaving his devotion to the school behind for this month's show.

    -The new PWG Tag Team Champions celebrated their victory by going back to the (R)Evolution Dojo and helping out fellow students with some of their tricks of the trade. Both Chris Jameson and Jason McNeill haven't slowed down their schedules since becoming champions, both of which feel was the key to this major victory.

    "If you don't slow down, you're already in high gear for a big match. That's what every match is now, because we're champions. If you're not in this to defend, then you may as well not be a champion." the usually quiet half of the team, Jason McNeill said.

    "The truth is, we're ready for The Vipers, The Sainthood, Rebellious Youth, and another match against Too Hood. As far as I'm concerned, we'll defend the title every time we're in the same three feet of one another." added Jameson.

    -PWG offices have received an email from one half of The Vipers:

    "Hey PWG, this is Justin Payne. I'm just writing to thank you for giving us a shot at the champs, even if it is non-title. We will do our best and hopefully earn a shot at those belts. Also, I want to let you know that later on in the week, I'll have a singles match for a local St. Louis promotion. I don't know why Bane wasn't invited, but he wasn't. Well, wish me luck. See ya."

    PWG does wish Justin Payne good luck and hopes it does distract him from his PWG career.

    -January 30th is the date, the Wheaton Grand Theater in Wheaton, Illinois is the place, and Hope's Last Stand is the name! The first show of 2005 is just 19 days away and we have signed one more big match. A newcomer to PWG has arrived and his name is John "Tragic" Delany. He'll have quite the task ahead of him as well, as he will lock it up with Mark Sherrick! Can Delany avoid the Tornado DDT, or will this be his first and only battle in a PWG ring? The only way to find out is to be a part of it live in Wheaton, Illinois on January 30th!

    PWG Scoops for January 4, 2005
    -After New Years Rising, preparing to join the New Years Eve Party, was John Iley. Dressed casually, yet smart. Both he and Leigh were pleased with the nights results.

    John: "Yeah I thought it was a great match, sure the neck IS a little sore, but a rub down from Leigh later on will sort that out" [he told us with a sly wink]

    And what did Leigh think?

    Leigh: "Well, I think John proved once again the joys of traditional mat wrestling! Winning the match with his... Stottie Roll, I think John proves how much traditionalism is lost in todays business."

    And yeah, just what is a Stottie Roll?

    John: [Laughing] "Well I took the name from a flat bread called a Stottie cake that we have in the north east of England. Like I said, its a flat bread which is normally pretty big, about 7" in diameter, so about the size of a small pizza, but its often used to cram lots of food into for a big sandwich, normally the good ole' greasy fry ups we English often have for breakfast, so it can be full of sausage, bacon, fried eggs, black pudding, beans, tomatos with lashings of ketchup!"

    Hmm, sounds REAL healthy! And finally what of the number one contender match? A time limit draw!

    John: "Yeah its difficult to call, a triple threat match perhaps? I wouldn't mind! But we'll have to wait and see what the top dogs want to do with it."

    Well, we're sure to find out soon enough, but for now, John, Leigh and everyone else are off to enjoy the New Year festivities and ring in 2005!

    -Iley won't have to wait long to find out what will happen with the Jonathan Collins/Alex Hudson situation. PWG Officials decided that at the next PWG show on January 30, the Collins/Hudson series will come to a decisive finish. It will be "Hope's Last Stand," and in the first match of the evening, Jonathan Collins and Alex Hudson will square off in a unique match; the first fall of the match will be fifteen minutes long. If a win is scored in this fall, it counts for one point. The second fall is ten minutes long, and a win counts for two points. In fall number three, the time limit is set at just five minutes and the points for winning will be set at three. The winner of this match will be the undisputed number one contender, and will face John Iley for the PWG Heavyweight Title in the main event that evening!

    -We catch up with The Vipers this week, who seem upset.

    Payne: Talk about getting screwed over. We go up to Springfield pumped for our match only to find out that it's cancelled because The Sainthood called in sick. I'm sure they just decided not to show up because they were facing us. Or maybe, PWG told them to stay home. It would've been an easy win and help us get back into title contention. Oh well, we can't cry over spilt milk.

    Bane: We also want to congratulate Iconoclasm on them becoming the Tag Team Champions and giving Too Hood their first loss. And you are now in our crosshairs. And knowing the boss, we're not gonna get a title shot at the next show since we could not show off our skills a few days ago. Too Hood probably will get their much deserved rematch while we are ranked third.

    -While many would surely like to see a Too Hood/Iconoclasm rematch for the gold, it won't be happening at Hope's Last Stand on January 30. Instead, Iconoclasm will square off with The Vipers in non-title action. If The Vipers impress here, and especially if they win, they are definitely in line for a Tag Team Title shot.

    -Also announced for Hope's Last Stand is Too Hood facing The Sainthood. Too Hood is looking to get back on their winning ways, while The Sainthood need to show PWG Officials something special to stay on the main Roster.

    -Brandon Williams will square off with fellow R(Evolution) Dojo student, Joshua Frampton on the 30th. It will be interesting to see how this turns out. Speaking of Frampton, word surrounding his last match with Stevie Erickson is not good for Erickson; Stevie has suffered undisclosed injuries and has been removed from the current PWG Roster.

    -Check back early and often for more news and updates on Hope's Last Stand, January 30!