Enochian Qabalah and Related Studies

Welcome. This site features unique content relating to the system known as Enochian Magic, which was communicated by spirits to Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley. I won't go over anything here that's already commonly known about the topic - there's enough information of that nature on the web already. What I have here are entirely new materials of my own creation, which I hope will shed more insight onto this very mysterious subject.

Enochian Qabalah - This PDF file details the results of numerous scrying sessions that I have done with the letters of the Enochian alphabet. It places the letters on the paths of a variant form of the Qabalistic Tree of Life, describing the nature of the sephiroth and the letters in detail. The interpretation of the Tree is a radically new approach, but I think you'll find that it ties together many of the traditional occult concepts quite nicely. The file is 228K.

Computerized Analysis of Liber Logaeth - This is where I ran a computerized scan on the tables of Liber Logaeth. The idea here was to identify recurring letter combinations which were likely to be Enochian words or phrases. I've also scanned the tables for known Enochian words. The results, described here, revealed a large number of significant patterns.

KeyMaster Gematria Software - This is a program that I've written which can search for words and phrases in the Hebrew Old Testament which match a specified Gematria value. It's fast, efficient, and quite powerful. Best of all, it's free! Take it.

Thomas Weems