The following is the history of my Great Family

My grand father Mr Johnson Mathunu Moyo Was Born in plumtree.Know one is sure of his exact date of birth since there was no statistics taken. He then migrated to Kezi in Chief Bidi area with his brothers then he met my grand mother Elitha Gumbo.Before that he had children with onother woman who I do not know much about but unfortunately she is late. With her together they had three children namely Magangeni , Joyce & Mawa.

My grand father spent most of his life with gogo maGumbo who was from mkarabule village in kezi.

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  • omalume more staff coming
  • EliasMy most loved man on earth My Dad.Rest in peace.what more can a family wish to have.
  • Elizabethis the most loved the most reliable of all she got all the information.Ano nonsense somebody
  • Hinganiis the most down to earth of them all very welcoming
  • Magangeniis a foreign based player,much of him is uncertain
  • Joyceis a first eldest child in this family
  • Elethuis the only one that I understood most.He was a very talented cyclist and footballer.
  • Filida. Popularly known as Za. She is one person who has everything a father would want from a daughter and a husband would want from a wife
  • NgoneniIs the most educated, and most humble, Short tempered but loves to do things the soft er way
  • Siwulani, a very unpredictable like our Zimbabwean economy if not our weather but a loving person indeed.
  • MacksonThe big one very unpredictable
  • Fidzani
  • the last born and definately most playful
  • FibionComment reserved
  • Mawa
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