Quest Summaries: Chapter 1
Session 1 : The Beginning

Lothar, Cebo and Ceralia all came from the Northlands and knew each other since they were born and are thus good friends. The call to adventure and see what the road south had to offer pulled at them, they decided to travel to Yavurlost. Despite being good friends they each took to the road for their own reasons.
They had to journey through Everwood Forest, which stretches from Yavurlost up deep into the Northlands. The trip though was relatively uneventful, only a few goblins had to be dispatched. The road they followed became a trail after a few days and upon leaving Everwood it was just a footpath. It would seem that such a journey is not often taken by others. They emerged into Yavurlost at night fall and the map they were using had only one location labeled on it, the town of Kaan. With a little trouble the lights of Kaan soon were seen and set them on the right path. Too weary to notice anything about Kaan upon entering, they desperately found an inn, rented rooms and let sleep over take them.
The next day was an aching chore but they bore it and made their way down the stairs none knowing what the name of the inn was nor the barkeep (whom they paid for the night). Calik the friendly barkeep of the Green Griffon Inn gladly served breakfast and told them a little about Kaan and the surrounding area. After eating they decided to meet back in a bit so each could look around town. Ceralia stayed to the inn and met a man named Dason who 'sells things', she managed to buy a good map of Yavurlost with territories, cities, town, etc. all labeled, though many areas seemed to be devoid of population centers. The magic shop proved to be an expensive place so she went back to the inn. Cebo and Lothar both decided to visit the local goods, tools, equipment shop (adventurers mart) where they bought a map very similar to the one Ceralia bought. Meeting back at the Green Griffon and seeing that they now had two identical maps persuaded Ceralia to try and sweet talk Dason into giving her money back. Which he did and then let her see his special wares he was keeping for another client. Unable to afford masterwork daggers and healing potions, Ceralia could though buy his "master map of all" for 30 gp. This map was far more accurate and has more places on it in Dasons opinion.
In the inn a few drunk dwarves and a halfling gained the attention of Lothar and Cebo. Lothar decided to perhaps clean out the pockets of one dwarf by using the old "drop the dagger and pick it up then steal from the drunk dwarf technique"; which gained him a few gold pieces. Cebo noticing that he was not being treated too poorly despite his heritage decided to talk to the lone halfing. The little man was a little awestruck at first but overcame it and told Cebo before scampering off that 'Black Tom is hiring'. Black Tom they discovered was the local blacksmith, a red bearded hill dwarf with skin blacker than night due to his profession. Tom was having trouble with his caravans getting through to the nearest village Olbia and then on towards the territory of Miir, owned by gnomes. Apparently it was goblins who have been raiding his caravans and tormenting Olbia also. Tom told the party that Kaan is a mercenary town and his best are busy elsewhere now, but he says he'll pay for the job (half now, half later) providing there is some evidence of success. The party all agreed.
The road to Olbia was a three hour walk, but not too much after two hours did they run into three goblins. With ease the goblins fell and were looted for gold and forgotten. Lothar and Cebo figured he best evidence for Black Tom would be to take the left ears of the goblins. Other strange tracks were present at the scene. The party trekked on and reached the small village Olbia around dinner time. Village folk directed them to Horald Swiftriver the village elder who was experiencing more problems then just goblins right now. Local thugs at the Mug's Nest Inn are giving the locals a hard time, the town blacksmith was killed by the goblins and now his son struggles keep up the business. and the village priest ( of Obad Hai) is behaving oddly. The party marches straight to the inn and observes four thugs. After losing a game of coins but winning an arm wrestle Cebo sits tight. The thugs though a little annoyed get tough with Ceralia inciting Lothar to get up and look the man in the belt buckle. The man punched the dwarf square in the face and a fist fight...should have begun but Lothar drew a dagger instead. The inn's owner, Neeber vocally showed his "disapproval" while the few others in the inn quickly left. The men were drunk and the killing didn't last long. Cebo finished it in a called one on one fight with the thug half orc leader. Neeber in a rage now that his inn was bloodied threw the party out of his inn. The next stop was to see the blacksmith, Jacob the young man whose father was killed was trying to craft weapons but upon entering the party saw only the simplest of weapons constructed. It was obvious he lacked the skill to make more complex weapons. He was still very upset and the party decided to leave after he started crying. A quick stop at the chapel to see the priest (Vable) confirmed that he was acting weird but for an unknown reason. Later that night Lothar visited the priest at the chapel and found him up at night doing nothing but sitting by himself, he attempted to knock the priest out but was caught and in a short talk found out the priest had lost the holy symbol of the chapel or maybe it was stolen; a small wooden statue of Obad Hai. He felt the community couldn't take any more bad news so he covered it up.
The next day they went towards Moonglade forest which is where Horald the elder believed the goblins to be. Along the way the party was ambushed by four goblins and two kobolds. Cebo's fists seemed to crush any goblins skull whom he tangled with, while Lothar threw a few daggers now and then but keep his short sword chopping away any goblins who came too close, Ceralia played it safe by firing her short bow instead if getting up close and personal with the ugly little things. As the last kobold died it said in draconic "frosty'll get you". Surprisingly some gold was found on them but their weapons proved to be in bad shape according to Lothar. The collected the ears and continued onwards
The goblin camp wasn't too far ahead and Lothar snuck up to observe a lone tent and a dead campfire, the ever stealthy goblins accompanied by a few kobolds leapt out and surprised only Ceralia they chucked javelins at the party but to no avail, two goblins attacked each party member while the kobold skittered around the combat. Cebo fell a goblin by practically taking its head off with a wicked punch, as soon as it hit the dirt, a kobold emerged from the tent and cast a ray of frost at Cebo who had already taken a few hits. They guessed this kobold to be Frosty. Lothar was struggling with the two goblins behind the tent making headway, Ceralia took a hit but held her own against the goblin and let loose a magic missile felling a kobold. The next round brought a thick greasy film to materialize underneath Cebo and the goblin he was fighting, they both struggled to remain standing. Eventually the party finished off the goblins and knocked out the sorcerous kobold (Frosty) who unleashed several rays of frost on the party. Lothar demanded information on where the goblin camp was because he figured Frosty to be a wizard with no spell book so the book and thus the main camp must be elsewhere. He slightly tortured the kobold but got no answers. After a very long discussion on wizards needing spell books the party eventually figured this must the camp and they headed back to Olbia with the kobold as hostage. Visiting priest Vable with Frosty did not lead to any further information about the lost or stolen symbol. Horald congratulated them for freeing Olbia from the goblins.
The party with their bag of left ears and the kobold whom they figured was Frosty went back to Kaan to see Black Tom. Tom didn't much appreciate the kobold nor the bag of ears so Lothar took Frosty out back cut off his ear and let him go. The party got paid the other half of the amount promised. Black Tom thanked them and then said 'go get some sleep at the Griffon, yer room is paid for and I may have some work fer ya tomorrow so drop by if ya like...'

Session 2 : Milk run and False Perceptions
The following day the party awoke and made their way down to the main room in the Green Griffon. Calik happily put hot plates of breakfast on their table. The food and room both courtesy of Black Tom; the group started to really like this Black Tom and his money. Calik the barkeep told the party how their names were getting around town and that from now on they'll eat and sleep free at the Griffon. 
Ceralia decided to speak to Dason to see what items he has for "sale" today. She bought a potion of light wounds and three sun rods. Cebo stayed with Ceralia while Lothar went in search of anyone with loose pockets. The party discovered the irate mage Vik now sells 2nd level scrolls in his shop and that Black Tom has expanded his stock to include medium and large exotic weapons; more importantly he now makes sells his finely crafted (masterwork) expensive versions of all weapons too.
Once they were done around town the party went to the Forge to see Black Tom and find out more about the job he mentioned yesterday. He thanked the group again, this time on behalf of the mayor (who is away south) for clearing the trade route west. They all noticed he was visibly excited.
"Like I said yesterday I would probably have work fer ya'll tuday, an I do. Even though the route to Olbia and on to Miir is safe, I still want to make sure it is "safe" especially now because I'm a shipping a ton o'me wares to Miir for the upcoming Spring Trade Festival. Now this is my largest and damn near last caravan!" He finished with a yell. Tom paused for a moment and said "the goods come first...speaking of goods...". Tom led to group to the back where he opened a cabinet in which hung an assortment of glistening weapons (masterwork).  He told the party he their weapons stunk like goblin and they could only pick one each. Ceralia picked up a short bow and Lothar a short sword, while Cebo the monk declined, feeling that all the weapons he needed were his hands. Once the party packed up their new equipment Tom continued.
He told them that he needed them to escort his biggest caravan to the borders of Miir, near Jalup. The journey should take about two days or so, meaning they'll have to spend the night in Olbia. Accompanying them will be Roth the cart driver and his brother Tolok who is Tom's best salesman. They will be paid  around 200 gp, once they reach Jalup by Tolok and not before; the weapons are part of the payment. Tom then leads them through the forge to the back yard. A shrouded figure with his black cowl drawn very low stood off to the side. Black Tom stopped short a little shaken by the shrouded figure leaning against the shops wall. He walked back in to the shop motioning for the party to follow. "One more thing...I have a mercenary who has been helping me like you lads...uh lassie...too have been. I haven't any more work for the man so I was wondering if ya are in need of another hand?" The party a little skeptical asked some questions about the man, who they find out is a human magic user from the east. They agree  to take him aboard their merry crew. Tom introduces Kale (wearing a rapier and light crossbow) who tips his head an little and walks off, Tom laughs and comments on how well that went. He then became very serious about keeping the caravan in one piece. Roth hollers that they're ready and the group soon sets off. Tom watches them go until they disappear from sight.
The trip to Olbia was very uneventful, a few travelers pass by towards Kaan, others on horseback race past. The caravan moved slower then they expected. Tolok they find is quite the talker and they listen to the history of the hill dwarves and the great dwarf wars twice. Roth though looked straight ahead his dour face frozen on the horizon through out the entire trip. They did notice the heavy crossbow across his lap was kept loaded the whole way also. Kale followed behind never acknowledging anyone's presence. His only companion was a raven which rode the whole way on his shoulder.
Late in the afternoon they reached Olbia, and from what they gathered the town is very much more alive now that the goblin raids were put to an end. Horald and two stable boys greet them happily, welcoming them back to his town. Soon after a bit of small talk Tolok and Horald walked off together chatting about goods and money and such. Roth seemed to shake his head while they unpacked their gear at such talk. Lothar decided that they should stay not stay at the Mugs Nest due to the incident with the thugs the other day. Ceralia found that Kale was very secretive and didn't talk very much or like too. She found out little about him, his raven was named Dyrn and he didn't use a spell book or have too, he was a sorcerer.
The following day the caravan began moving again but was stopped short by Priest Vable demanding that they halt. He took the party aside from the caravan and told them that he hired a ranger to find the stolen holy symbol; which was in some kobolds possession. He asked them to retrieve it for them. They agreed and marked the location on their map and promised to return after they went to Jalup.
On the way to Olbia they were forced to stop by a group of men and one half orc. The were looking for a gnome, half orc and dwarf who killed some people they knew. Lothar and Cebo concluded that the half orc looked very similar to the half orc that Cebo beat down at the Mugs Nest. Lothar whose mouth is bigger than a person twice his size welcomed some roadside battle. The thugs went down very quick, one by Roth with his heavy crossbow. Not too long after they reached the border of Miir. Tolok said this is far enough and paid them each 190 gp. They bid farewell and darted into Jalup real quick only to discover the little gnome village was less populated than Olbia and there were no shops worthy of their heavy purses.
Upon leaving they decided on the fly to make a B-line for the spot on the map where Vable marked the rogue kobolds and his chapels symbol to be. They came over a rise to see a smoldering campfire with eight bedrolls laid out around it. Kale and Ceralia sent their owl and raven ahead to scout. Both told their masters that there were dark forms within the trees. Ceralia sent her owl back again and was told that there two shapes. They approached the site slowly taking up a spaced formation. Kale loaded his crossbow  and Ceralia got ready a quarrel. Lothar drew his shiny short sword and Cebo pumped his fists. Lothar went in ahead to investigate and thought he heard something above him he successfully darted out of the way as a large form crashed down beside him. Two Ogres howled joyfully and said "You die" in Giant. The battle nearly killed Lothar who was saved by Kale and a potion of moderate wounds. Cebo managed to polish off both Ogres with the help of Kale and Cerala flinging magic missiles at the Ogres. The meager belongings and coin of the Ogres did little to excite Lothar. They left battered and bruised off towards Olbia. The sense they made of it all was that Vable set them up with this holy symbol chase and ambush. When they got back they wanted to have a little talk with Vable.
On reaching Olbia the townsfolk said they better go se Horald. Horald told them of some dire news, the chapel burnt down last night and Vable was seen on fire inside by onlookers. "Go ahead and search for clues about the incident, but only for awhile. I'll be posting guards to around it soon. It didn't take Lothar very long to find a cellar door untouched by the flames some how. He got out his picks and easily picked the lock. No one had any qualms about descending and Ceralia sparked a sun rod.
No torches lite the way down the spiraling staircase until they reached the bottom where faint light was visible. Lothar check the stairs for traps all the way down. They entered a large chamber lite by one torch in the center a statue of a gargoyle stood on a large stone pedestal. A plaque written in some script none of them could decipher was attached to the bottom of the pedestal. Flustered with the plaque they passed by hoping the gargoyle would come alive and eat them.
Coming to a T-junction they choose to go left where the hall ends a shot ways ahead. Before that though an arch is sighted to the left. The arch gives way to a large room with three pedestals 3 feet tall, in front of a colored stone fish statue. In front of each pedestal a red colored square is painted on the floor. They decide too avoid the red squares, the text blurs unnaturally when the party tries to read each from either side of the red square. They do know though from the writing that the middle square is in Common. Lothar "bravely" steps into the middle red square. The other stared in horror as he was frozen, suspended in the air motionless. Cebo tries with all his might to move Lothar but cannot. Ceralia and Cebo try to place objects into the spaces above the two other red squares. They find that the objects are pushed out of the space with great force. A voice emanates from the fish statue "Answer my questions or be gone". Ceralia identifies the text of the third pedestal, it is Draconic the other she does not know. Kale volunteers to step into the their square. Lothar and Kale now both suspended, Cebo and Ceralia can only look on waiting an outcome of any. Lothar and Kale seemingly occupying the same area on some plane are spoken to by the fish head statue. It says it will ask them each a question correct answers will be rewarded wrong answers will not. The fish head asked Lothar "The dreaded displacer beast has 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 legs? Lothar not knowing what a displacer beast was guessed 4". The fish laughs and says it was 6. Kale is then asked "How many known Dragons breathe fire 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6?" Kale calmly states 3, the fish grunts and says he is worthy of a reward. Lothar and Kale were then dropped from their suspension and briefly asked each other what happened. A small metal object bounced down and out of the fish statues mouth. Kale picks up his reward, a small ring. As they walk out of the room a large iron door slides out of the wall sealing the room shut. Cebo finds that even his strength cannot budge the massive door.
They ignore the dead end and go the other way past the gargoyle room. The hallway becomes five feet narrower and bends at right angles back and forth. The hallway eventually straightens. Ceralia send her owl up ahead to scout the halls. A large room is off to the left, a door to the right and it ends at the foot of a another statue of some sort. The room to the left is really a natural cave with a river splitting it in half. Lothar's dark vision reveals a huge chest across the river. The river is about three feet deep and extends under the walls to each side. Lothar jumps the river and examines the chest. The others more busy with inspecting the cave and any creatures that may descend from above on top of them. As Lothar lifts the lid he sees hundreds of silver pieces and a sword...but then like a dream sharp white points morph out of the edge of the lid...the rogues reflexes were not quick enough to escape the Mimics bite. Staggering back Lothar is badly hurt. Cebo acts quickly, jumping the river he punches the Mimic twice. Kale and Ceralia loose a bolt and quarrel at the alive chest. Cebo once again delivers a punishing blow that would have killed an average man but does little to the Mimic. Ceralia this time fires a magic missile at the creature while Kale lets another bolt fly. Cebo seeing how slow the creature is decides to scoop up the fallen dwarf and jump the river. Ceralia fire another missile while Kale blankets the creature in a globe of darkness. The group takes of the ranged weapons and fire into the darkness. Lothar hears one of his daggers break against rock but all the others thud into the Mimic. Soon they find no matter where they aim they cannot hit anything but rock. The Mimic must be dead...The darkness soon burns off and the chest thing is dead. Lothar quickly catalogues the treasure; 2200 silver pieces, 50' hemp rope, 1 flask of acid, a masterwork dagger and a scimitar.
They exit the room and go towards the door on the left Ceralia's owl spotted, the large iron door has no lock and seems to be one with the stone. They decide to go back to investigate the river. Examining it more closely, the party then decides to see how far it goes either way under the rock. Ceralia volunteers and is tied up with a rope, their plan is too reef her back once she tugs twice, once meaning not to. She swims downstream and finds that the river runs under the rock with barely any space. The other way however leads into a opened chamber like channel. She returns and decides that her and Lothar go together. They hug the sides of the river where it eventually can be tread upon. The chamber grow larger until they see the river running under the stone again. Looking up reveals a near vertical stone face about 60' up. Lothar chugs back Ceralia's potion of spider climb and climbs one side. At the top a skeleton of a man wearing banded mail and a vial. Across the gap on the other side is a large iron door similar to the other he saw earlier. He descends and Ceralia identifies the vial to be one of antitoxin. Lothar climbs up the other side and taps on the iron door. Kale and Cebo hear the knocking and believe it is Lothar and Ceralia. They went back to the mimic chamber and displayed their findings, now knowing where the iron door lead to.
The last thing to investigate they thought was the demonic statue at the tunnels end. The stone demon held in his hands a kama and a short sword, behind it the wall was giving off magical light. Cebo tried to loose them but could not, Kale felt magic was at work here. Strangely the demon had a pouch carved out  in the stone.  Lothar put a gold coin in and it disappeared. He then tried various amounts losing some and having no effect most of the time. As a group they discovered that putting in under 10 coins causes them to disappear and exactly 10 all at once causes all lost coins to reappear. Lothar tried differing amount of silver coins to no effect. Then with a little timidness they filled the pouch right full, exactly 66gp all at once. The demon statues hand holding the short sword cracked a little and opened dropping the weapon. They party though wanted to solve the mystery behind obtaining the kama. They tried differing amounts with no results. Kale noticed that the wall behind it began to dim each time they tried an amount of coins. They continued different amounts and eventually the light went out, a little frustrated with the demon puzzle they started their way back to the entrance. Once they reached the first T-junction all noticed a small wooden statue on the ground past the door to the fish head room. The statue was of some guy with leaves for hair and a long chin, very natures que. They figured it was Vable's god Obad-Hai, god of nature. Lothar went ahead to examine the stone work on the dead end. It didn't seem right he thought. He knocked on the wall and above them for nowhere dropped two stones. Cebo and Ceralia's quick reflexes caught the stone in mid air. Not knowing what the stone did Cebo decided to whip it down the hall, as it struck the ground a deafening blast burst outwards, some sort of sonic stone they figured. Lothar tapped the wall again and nothing happened it sounded like normal stone. He then hit it with his dagger and thought he heard a sound. He then hit it harder and definitely heard a sound. It had no lock and no trigger mechanism so Cebo stepped forward and tried to push the wall, he managed to push down the wall which was really a giant stone slab poorly masoned on the back side into the wall. The secret passage turned to the left and lead down some stairs past onto a flat area, where in the walls where "coffin bunks". Skeletons littered these bunks, none wanted to stick their hand in and search around. The flat area rose up a few stairs and once again turned to the left this hall ended in a door. Lothar couldn't find any traps on the door so they entered. The room was large and at its other side and huge coffin sided by some torches were visible. Upon entering to their fright two large skeletons of ogre size in warriors garb rested against the walls. Hesitantly Lothar went ahead to the coffin and peered inside...empty. The party hairs on their necks stood up as the skeletons lurches forward advancing on them. Cebo guarded the door until Lothar got out, in one round of combat they could not injure the undead. So they ran as fast as they could, the ogrish skeletons began to howl and slowly came to a run...The party tore past the secret door and past the gargoyle statue up the stairs and out the cellar door. The quickly closed the door and placed nearby debris over the door. Clawing, scratching and groans rose in volume and then ceased. They waited and then left for Kaan figuring the undead could not escape. Preist Vable was obviously not was he seemed how is he connected to the undead? Why does he have a dungeon under his chapel?

Session 3 : Sleepless Nights
The next morn they awoke in the Green Griffon tormented by nightmares of undead relentlessly chasing them, treasure chests snapping and a lone demon with glowing red eyes. All but Cebo were present, a note was left on his pillow. Cebo left to purse his own path feeling so far he has not been on the right one, he bid them all well and hopes to meet them again. Calik greeted them and gave them their usual breakfast. Calik spoke of the Trade Festival at Tradetown a few days. They packed and left the inn, ahead of them in the street a group of townsfolk surrounded a burly half orc. They shouted curses and wanted him out of their town. Other townsfolk started to gather around, Lothar and Ceralia went to get a better look while Kale stuck to the shadows. Lothar tried to budge through but got pushed back, which he didnt like very much. The half orc slowly moved down the street the crowd impeding his travel. Ceralia then ran to find the town guard to quell the matter. Meanwhile Lothar drew a dagger on the commoner who pushed him. The crowd took notice of this and before a fight broke out the guard arrived. They split up the mob and set the half aside with Ceralia. Lothar wasn't fast enough in sheathing his dagger and one of the guard took notice, Lothar was kept aside also. The guards eventually got the whole story and advised the half orc to leave town. The half orc felt he owed them a debt, he introduced himself to Ceralia as Holgrim and offered his axe to their party. On behalf of everyone else Ceralia accepted. Black Tom then arrived on the scene and spoke with the guards and then with Lothar aside. He told Lothar that he'd have to face some time in jail, and it would have been a lot longer if he wasn't the captain of the guards. He was a little shocked at finding out Tom was a smith and a captain. Lothar gave up and was to serve 3 days in jail.
Holgrim camped out of town and waited for Ceralia, Kale and Lothar. Kale and Ceralia stayed at the Griffon and bought a few items from Dason and Vik the mage. When Lothar was released they all met up with Holgrim and kept with the decision to head to trade town.
The road was uneventful, no goblins, no ruffians, nothing. They stayed the night in Olbia and the following day went to Jalup. They were one group of many apparently going the same way, caravans big and small soon dotted the road as the neared the gnomish border of Miir. Before Jalup there was a sort of customs toll booth. The gnome soldiers refused to let the half orc pass. Even when Lothar tried to alter the decision with some coin. They left and went for Saddlestay instead. The town was a horse breeding one, horse motifs were seen everywhere. They townsfolk claimed to breed the strongest and fastest horses in the lands. Currently no one in the party wanted a horse. They asked around about getting their orcish friend into the festival. They found that the gnome soldiers aren't same day to day and some can be bribed. They departed for Jalup again the very same day and were forced to camp on the road. The next morning they went straight for Jalup and managed to bribe the guard to a point, Holgrim was forced not carry any weapons on his person, so he gave his belonging to Kale to carry. Secretly Lothar stashed the scimitar from Vable's dungeon in a pack for Holgrim to carry. Kale decided to stay in Jalup rather than go into Tradetown. Ceralia, Lothar and Holgrim went on and entered the gnomish territory with hopes of buying some powerful equipment. The city of Tradetown was far larger than Kaan or any place they had so far seen, huge towers and massive buildings thousands of people everywhere. As they approached hundreds of shops lined the many streets of Tradetown. Taking a quick look around at the prices gave them a hint at why people prize magic items so much. They lacked enough coin to buy any minor weapon. A little saddened and feeling nearly poor they set off back to Kaan. When they reached Jalup, Kale was nowhere to be found and neither was Holgrims belongings. They asked around and didn't find any clues, so they took to the road thinking Kale betrayed them and is up to something.
The road was quiet no travelers at all walked the once busy roads. They camped once before Olbia under the bright night sky deciding against night watch shifts, trying to feel a little satisfied that they vanquished the goblins in the area. The next night forced them to camp before reaching Kaan. They decided not to set a watch that night either.
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