Drider      Winter Werewolf      Half Dragons
This page contains templates created by this author and links to other templates made by different authors. A template is put over your character or added to it. If you are afflicted or born with lycanthropy you gain some new abilites and suffer some penalties.
In the
Official D&D3e Monster Manual from Wizards of the Coast you can find templates like: Celestial or Fiendish creatures, Half Dragons (link to it in Hybrids section), Half Celestials, Half Fiends, Ghosts, Liches, Lycanthropes (Werewolf, Werebear, Wereboar, Wererat and Weretiger) and Vampires. Below are some templates created by myself and links to other author's works.
Drider, for Drow only.   "Those who have failed Lolth"
go to Gamers.com to see the D&D3e Drider in their MM report
Drow who reach 6th level in any class may be tested by the Lolth the Spider Queen and if they fail they are transformed into Driders. Driders have the body of a Drow on a spider's torso; in centaurean fashion. Drow hate Driders and vice versa.
Below is a template for those of you who are playing underground campaigns as Drow, this will hopefully add some flavor to it with the chance of being turned into a Drider and becoming despised by your own race. This template is placed over your current Drow character, the stats and abilities are added on to your existing skills, feats, or ability scores.

current height plus 2'   Length: 8'1" - 10'8"
290 - 480 lbs
as per Drow lifespan
Type: Large Aberration
Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition   Advance as Cleric from now on
Ability Stat Modifiers:
in addition to current stats
+4 Strength Bonus
+2 Dexterity Bonus
+6 Constitution Bonus
+4 Intelligence Bonus
+6 Wisdom Bonus
+4 Charisma

Hit Dice:
now become 1d8 (regardless of class), initially add 12 hit points.
Inititative: +0.
Speed: set to 30' Climb 15'.
AC: 15 (+6 natural, -1 size)  cannot wear armor unless it is specially made.
Attacks: poison bite +0 melee.
Damage: poison bite[ex] 1d4+1 (Fort save DC 16, failure = 1d6 Str penalty for 2 rounds).
Face and Reach:
increases to 10' by 10' / 5'.
Special Attacks:
spells and poison.
Special Qualities:
spell resistance reduced and set to 14.
Saves: Fort +3  Ref +2  Will +5
Skills: +6 to Climb and +4 to Hide and Move Silently (this counts the -4 to Hide for being large).
Feats: none.
Special Notes:
Web[ex]: spin silken webbing which can support the Drider and one being of medium size, or two of small size, etc. to escape: escape artist (DC 26) or break free (Str check DC 32); if victim is on solid ground +5 to both checks.
Webbing has 12 hit points per 5' and has damage reduction 5 / fire.

Drow will almost always attack Driders on sight out of hatred, the Drider is compelled to do the same unless death is highly probable.
If you weren't by chance of an evil alignment you now are (ng = ne, cg = ce, lg = le).
Communicate with spiders at will.
Bloodthristy[ex]: You suffer a 5% chance to become bloodthristy twice a day and attack the nearest creature; lasts 1d4 rounds. The time this blood rage happens is chosen at the whim of your DM.
Others are as per Drow racial traits, in addition once per day: levitate and detect good/magic/evil/law/chaos.
If you are a cleric, once per day
discern lies, dispel magic, suggestion and clairaudience/clairvoyance.
Also Driders do not suffer blindness as Drow do in sunlight or light spells.

as per before transformation

Favored Class:
Previous class/classes dropped unless it is either cleric (same domains as Drow clerics), wizard or sorcerer. If your class is not listed you choose one of the above as your favored class and are at an equal level to your starting class; which is 6th. Characters who were multiclassed only choose one of the above classes.

Winter Werewolf, a lycanthrope
Not as common as Werewolves and only known to scholars and people of the north are lycanthropes related to the intelligent Winter Wolf. Winter Wolves are large magical beasts that can breathe a cone of cold and have near  Human intelligence (Int 9). The are immensely strong also in comparesion to Humans, being twice as strong on average. The Winter Werewolf disease exists primarily in the far north where Winter Wolves are found. So rare is this disease that only a few people have ever seen it. Like other lycanthropes they can take their base form, animal form and a bipedal hybrid of the the two.This template is placed over your current character, the stats and abilities are added on to your existing skills, feats, or ability scores.

as per base creature. in hybrid form increases to 8'0" Length in animal form: 8'0" - 9'4"
280 - 420 lbs
Skin/Hair: as per base creature, in hybrid or animal form: pure white fur with blue eyes.
as per base creature.
Medium to Large Shapechanger or Large Shapechanger   *see special notes
Dungeons and Dragons 3rd Edition
Ability Stat Modifiers:
*in addition to current stats when in hybrid or animal form only*
+4 Strength Bonus
+2 Dexterity Bonus
+6 Constitution Bonus

Hit Dice: now become d8 if better than current hit dice, initially add 10 hit points.
Initiative: +0, gain improved initiative in hybrid or animal forms.
Speed: as per base creature. in hybrid or animal form set to 50'
as per base creature. in hybrid or animal form +5 natural, -1 size = 14.
Face and Reach: as per base creature in hybrid or animal form increases to 5' by 10' / 5'.
Attacks: bite +9 melee as hybrid or animal.
Damage: bite 1d8 (plus Str x1.5 bonus).
Face and Reach: as per base creature when in animal or hybrid form 5' by 10' / 5'.
Special Attacks: breath weapon[su] (all forms) breathe cone of cold 15' long does 4d6 points of damage DC 16 Reflex save to half the damage (can be done every 1d4 rounds and can be done when biting), trip[ex] as winter wolf and curse of lycanthropy[su].
Special Qualities: wolf empathy[ex], cold subtype, scent and damage reduction 15 / silver[ex] in animal or hybrid form.
Saves: +2 to Fort and Will saves.
Skills: +4 to Spot, Search and Listen in base creature form.
+8 to Spot, Search and Listen in hybrid or animal form.

+7 to Hide in hybrid and animal form in surroundings of ice or snow.
Feats: In animal and hybrid forms only: gain Alertness and Improved Initiative and Track by scent (+4 to Wilderness Lore).
In hybrid form only: Blind-Fight and Weapon Finesse (bite).
Special Notes:
Control Shape (skill) and Improved Control Shape (feat) can be taken. Character now has evil tendancies. You advance in your current class(es), no change. If you are a medium sized creature you are classed as large in animal or hybrid forms, if you are already large you stay large.
Consult the
Official D&D3e Monster Manual to get the specifics on natural and afflicted lycanthropes.

as per before contracting lycanthropy.

Favored Class:
as per base creature.

Half Dragon
Sometimes Dragons and humanoids mate and create a cross, a Half Dragon. Rules for the new 3rd Edition Half Dragon template can be found here, on the Wizards.com's official website.

Links to sites with Templates

Death Knight by Vincent Darlage

Skeletal Warrior by Shade

The Gladiators Hall
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