A bit about me!

Please forgive this not so great picture of me, (at least the dolphin looks good).

OK OK OK OK.....I have succumbed to pressure,
and am now updating this part of my page...


I recently left Albuquerque, and moved to sunny San Diego, where I am working for a contract research organization aka CRO. Basically, they manage clinical trials for various Pharmaceutical and Biotech companies. So far, I really enjoy it!! I will eventually start traveling a lot so maybe I'll finally get to meet those of you I haven't (that is to my TCZ friends, BTW) :)


I still spend a lot of my time at The Chatting Zone, where I am admin. I am known there as Phin. It is the best talker around, and full of many friendly, funny and helpful people. When I am not chatting I am probably at the beach, rollerblading, watching Friends, Seinfeld, or the Miami Dolphin's, or playing with my dogs, (Yogie and Cash), oh and I can't forget my kitten-from-hell Marino....Exciting life huh??