Subtle Witness

Daily Miscellany

Choose your Date from the More Daily Miscellany Below.

Each page of "History" has links to:
Devotions, Quotations, Jokes, Facts, Illustrations and more for that day.

The first Daily Miscellany appeared on the web in August of  1992. Originally the Daily Miscellany had all of its content on a single page. As the content increased it was placed on 2 pages, then 3 pages. After nearly a year of 3 pages 7 day a week, I decided I needed a break.  I decided to combine Saturday and Sunday's "Soul Food"  on a single page and  Saturday and Sunday's "All the Rest"  on a single page.  This gave me a little break, but doing 3 pages every day is overwhelming! After a time I was just too busy with my other duties and my other two web pages.  In late 1991 I found it impossible to continue updating 3 pages a day. While the Daily Miscellany is no longer updated daily - it is not static.  Changes are still being made to these pages and you will find more than 2000 jokes, more than 1000 devotions, and more than 3000 quotations on these pages.

Notice that the due to the calendar moving backwards one day each year — the weekends are off. They do not correspond to the calendar for the current year. There are history days for each day - but   "Soul Food"  and " All the Rest" are only present for 6 days of the week.  These days no longer correspond with the weekends.

More Daily Miscellany - 1 full year of the entire Daily Miscellany Twelve full months of  Birthdays, events, devotions and more from previous pages of the Daily Miscellany.

Daily Miscellany Comics

Six comics on the comics page. Two daily. Three weekly, and one changed three times a week by the authors.


Weekendspirations are great devotions from Tim Knappenberger. ©

Whispers from the Wilderness. Devotions from Cathy Vinson.©
Quote Archive
Quotations arranged by topic from the pages of the Daily Miscellany.

Spurgeon's Morning and Evening Devotions. Archives from January 1 thru December 31 online.
Daily Bible Reading
365 Bible readings to read through the Bible in a year. Each linked to Bible Gaitway NIV Bible ®
Walking Through the Darkness Many devotions from the pen of Pat Nordman.©


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Copyright Information: Phillip Bower is not the author of the humor, and does not claim to own any copyright privileges to the jokes. Sources of jokes are listed when known. Birthday's and Happenings for the date, and quotations are public knowledge and collected from numerous sources. Quotations are public knowledge and sources are listed when known. Weekendspirations are written by Tim Knappenberger who has copyright privileges. Cathy Vinson authors Whispers from the Wilderness and owns copyright privileges. Weekendspirations and Whispers from the Wilderness are used with permission by the respective authors. Other devotions are written by Phillip Bower unless otherwise stated. In all cases credit is given when known. The Daily Miscellany is nonprofit. Submissions by readers is welcome.