{1}kanda leaves
{2}many sizes bandages{made from strips of rep cloth,,  boil to be sterile}
{3}various-sized needles
{4}tem thread and sinew thread
{7}small pads of cloth
{8}a basin for hot water
{9}vial of kanda salve
{10}a bottle of sterile water                                                                                                          {11} bottle of paga
{12} healing herbs

how to stitch  small wounds
first offer kanda leaves,
{1} first clean the area, with very hot water and a  sterile rep cloth
{2}Spread kanda salve over the edge of the wound to numb the area
{3}Stitch the wounds, keeping stitches close together, and pulling the thread tightly to ensure a good seal
{4}After each stitch, tie it off and knot the thread.
{5}Cleanse and dry the wound after stitching
{6}Cover with a sterile dressing, then wrap with a bandage

Arrow wounds
offer kanda leaves
{1} clean the area with very hot water with green herbal powder
and a clean recloth
{2}stopping the bleeding,              
{3} keep Him  calm,                                                                                                                                   
{4} go get the healer,deep wounds  should only be attented to by the healer

Broken bones arms wrists, shoulder
offer kanda leaves
{1}reset the bone, holding above the break, and below
{2] slowly sliding  the fingers down until you feel the break,
{3}wrap it farily tight, but not enough to  tie of circulation

Broken leg  or ankle
offer kanda leaves
{1} reset the bone,
{2}wrap it fairly tight

broken nose
offer kanda leaves
{1}clean the blood form the nostrils, with a clean cloth
{2}place fingers to the bridge of the nose,grasping it very gently
{3}move the tip until you feel the bone
{4} adjust it back into position
{5}using a piecs of bandage tape it over the bridge to hold it
[6} using small pieces of cloth pack the nostrils to control the bleeding
{7} remove the packing after the bleeding has stopped

{1} have the patient lay down,
[2} keep Him calm
{3}elevate the leg slightly
{4} loosen any restrictive clothing
{5} keep Him warm, with blankets
{6} offer a drink of water                                                                                                 

signs of shock
{1}pale clammy skin
{2}rapid heart rate
{3}low blood pressure
{4}decreased alertness
{5}decreased alertness

{1} gently bathe the burn in clean cool water
{2}apply salve
{3}dressed the burn with  clean cloths
{4}gently wrapped the burn area in bandages