Hall of Fame
Personal Records
Officer's ONLY
Clan Forums
Red Claw Brotherhood Forum
Medal Requirements
Ribbon of the Brotherhood
Awarded to members of the clan who have been with the Clan for 10 Days or more, awarded automatically.
Greenhorn Ribbon of the Brotherhood
Awarded to members of the clan who have been with the Clan for 1 months time, awarded automatically.
Ribbon of Full Brethern
Awarded to members of the clan who have been with the clan for well over half a year, awarded at the Clan Commanders discretion.
Ribbon of Relations
Given to those who have assisted in diplomatic negociations, whether it's peace talks, alliances, member exchanges, whatever, on 3 or 4 occasions. Can only be given to Junior Officers. Enlisted and NCO's will have it noted in their record, until they reach the proper rank to be given this ribbon.
Medal of Distinguished Honour
Awarded to members of the clan who have shown complete and often, extreme participation within the clan. Only those who are active at most events, and are seen on the forum regularly, will be awarded this medal. Can be recommended by Junior Officers or higher.
Brotherhood Service Medal
Awarded to members who have recruited a substantial amount of members into the ranks of the Red Claw Brotherhood. This medal is awarded if a person has recruited 5 people, providing the people stay in for 2 weeks.
Combat Service Medal War-time only
Awarded for complete dedication towards the clan during times of war. Awarded based on recommendation.
Purple Heart War-time only
Given to those who've proven dedication towards the clan through acts of bravery, such as charging the enemy position, or maintaining a position against overwhealming odds.