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Ship Tables, Specifications, Ship Devices

Ships In Version 4

The tables list each races ships in a format that will enable players to quickly ascertain which ship is appropriate for what they have in mind. The tables are up to date as far as I know. If there are any mistakes please let me know. Each table will open in a separate window (Some are quite large and take a while to load). When I get around to it I will provide a downloadable version of each table as an zipped Excel file.

Federation Borg Stormers
People's Army University Alliance Crystals
Scavenger Tribes Lizards Draconians
Enforcers Birdman  


Below is listed what the numbers in the tables refer to. These descriptions have been taken from the Version 4 helpfile.

Cost: Amount in megacredits to build the hull.

Mass: The total mass of the ship plus all standard cargo.

Tech Level: The tech level required before the ship can be built.

Duranium, Tritanium and Molybdenum: Kilotons of metals required to build the hull.

Max Fuel: Maximum amount of neutronium fuel the ship can carry.

Max Ord: Maximum amount of combat ordnance the ship can store.

Max Repair: Maximum amount of repair units the ship can carry.

Max Cargo: Maximum amount of standard cargo the ship can carry. Cargo can be any mix of duranium, tritanium, molybdenum, food units, med units and supplies.

Armour Limit: The limit on the amount of armour reinforcement.

Shield Limit: The highest shield power this ship can have.

Crew Size: How many crew the ship requires.

Passengers: The maximum amount of passengers the ship can carry.

Max Speed: The maximum distance the ship can travel in one turn.

Max Hyp Jump: The maximum distance the ship can hyper jump.

Evasive Bonus: The ability to dodge enemy weapons fire. The higher the number, the harder the ship is to hit.

Attack Bonus: The ability to bring weapons to bare on the enemy target. The higher the number, the more accurate targeting becomes.

Warp Drag Factor: Ships that have a lower warp drag factor burn less fuel and ships that have a higher rating burn more fuel. A normal rating for a ship is 100.

Warp Signature: The lower the warp signature rating the harder it is to detect the ship. The higher the warp signature rating the easier it is to detect the ship. A rating of 100 is considered normal.

Scan Range: The scan range is the maximum range that the ship can normally detect a ship or other object.

Tractor Beam: The maximum mass the ship can tow.

Cloak Fuel Burn: The amount of fuel that the ship burns to cloak per turn.

Large Weapons: Ships have from 0 to 20 large ship weapons.

Max Large Size: The maximum size of large weapon that will fit in the large weapon mount.

Small Weapons: Ships have from 0 to 30 small ship weapons.

Point Defense: Ships have from 0 to 10 point defense weapons. Point defense weapons shoot at enemy fighter craft. The secondary use of point defense systems is to shoot down incoming enemy weapons fire.

Super Weapon: A few very large ships can mount a super weapon. These very powerful weapons can destroy an enemy ship with a single shot. The super laser can destroy a planet.

Engines: Ships can have from 0 to 30 subspace engines.

Generators: Ships have from 0 to 5 power generators. Power generators produce power to charge the ships weapon systems.

Power Bank: Standby weapons power. A ship with a very large power bank system will enter the battle with all their weapons fully charged. A ships with very small power banks will enter battle with their weapons only part way charged.

Pod Bays: Ships have from 0 to 20 pod bays. Pod bays hold cargo pods.

Fighter Bays: A ship can have from 0 to 20 fighter bays. Fighter bays hold fighter wings.

Fighter Bay Size: The number of fighters each fighter bay can hold.

Construction Bay Size: The maximum size hull that can be constructed.

Vulnerability of Components: The design and internal layout of the ship parts, placement of internal armor and internal shielding systems can afford a ship extra protection of important ship systems. Systems that have a damage modifier of 100 take normal damage. Systems with a damage modifier of 50 are considered highly protected and only take 50% normal damage when hit.

Critical (Soft Spot): When a ship takes an internal hit there is a chance that the ship will take a critical hit and explode. This number can range from 0% to 100%. A 0% soft spot means that the ship will never explode from a critical hit and will only explode when the hull reaches 100% damage.

Ship Devices

Below is a description off devices available on ships. Obviously some devices are race specific.

Ram Scoop: Take in 20 kt of fuel if moving faster than 20 ly per turn

Particle Fountain: Mines from planet doing +3 heat a turn and generates up to 20 HD Stress a turn

Tachyon Emitter: Increases the sensor image of all objects within 100 ly by 250 units

Alchemy: Converts supplies into metals. Twelve supply units are converted into 3 kt of metal, 1 kt of each type.

Bioscanner: Detects planets with life. Has a range of 500 ly and works about 20% of the time.

Gravitonic Mine Dropper: Anti-Hyper jump mines. If a hyper jump ship travels through a gravitonic minefield it will fall out of hyper space.

Barbitic Mine Dropper: Anti-Ship mines Laser Mine Dropper: Anti-Fighter mines. Does not harm ships.

Web Mine Dropper: Stops ships from moving (Speed trap mines)

** Minefields: The radius of a minefield is equal to the square root of number of ord units used to product it. If you drop 144 ord units to produce a minefield it will have a radius of 12 ly. Minefields have a 20 turn lifetime before they run out of energy and vanish.

Mine Sweeper Array: Destroys 1 minefield per turn, destroys the whole minefield. Can also be used to recover your own minefields. The number of ord units recovered from your own minefields is proportional to the percentage of energy left in the minefield.

Warp Chunneler: Moves the ship and all ships next to it to another warp chunnel ship no matter how far away the other ship is. A warp chunnel jump uses 100 kt of fuel. To use the warp chunnel device set your waypoint 1 to the target ship and turn on the chunnel device. Warp chunnel jumps take place before normal movement. The warp chunnel ship can both jump and move normally and is allowed to have a speed setting greater than zero.

Gravitonic Accelerator: Doubles ship's speed. When on scanners will not work.

Ore Processing: Turns ore in pods or on ground base under ship into metals. Metals are automatically transfered to the ground base.

Gravity Well Generator: Stops ships from hyper jumping. Has a range of 50 ly. Unlike Gravitontic mines the well generator will NOT knock jumping ships out of hyperspace if they fly by.

Psi-Opps Hisser Unit: Increases pop happiness by +10 decreases crime by 5. Works on both natives and colonists

DTMS-N fuel converter: Produces fuel from metals and supplies into fuel. It can convert 1 kt of metal into 1 fuel unit or 10 kt of supplies into 1 unit of fuel.

Siren HAARP: Enemy crew joins your ship at a rate of 20% of crew size of ship using the device. The device works until the ship has a full crew.

Mind Crusher: Makes people unhappy! -40 happiness a turn 10 ly range. Works on colonists and natives. Works on your own bases as well as enemy bases.

Reticulian Light Beam: Places enemy colonists in prison pod at a rate of 50,000 a turn.

Cloak: Decreases a ship's sensor image by 50 units. The ship must have less than 25% system damage for the cloak to work.

Laser Mining Drill: Mines ore from a planet's core and produces pure metals. Heats a planet by about 0.3 climate units a turn. Adds between 10 and 60 units of HD stress to the core of the planet.

Global Warmer: Warms a planet to climate level 50. Uses 1 kt of fuel per climate level change. Can change at a rate of up to 5 climate levels a turn.

Global Icer: Cools a planet to climate level 50. Uses 1 kt of fuel per climate level change. Can change at a rate of up to 5 climate levels a turn.

Crystal Inferno Device: Heats a planet to climate level 100. Uses 1 kt of fuel per climate level change. Can change at a rate of up to 10 climate levels a turn.

Spy Scanner: Find high pop enemy planets with heavy industry within 1000 ly.

Glory Device: Explodes the ship doing damage to nearby ships. Has a range of 10 ly.

This is the damage chart for a 100 kt hull mass ship being damaged by a glory device ship.

Range Damage
0 110%
1 55%
2 37%
3 27%
4 22%
5 18%
6 16%
7 13%
8 12%
9 11%
10 10%
11 0%

A ship with 50kt hull mass would take double damage. A ship with a 200kt hull mass would take half damage. All your own ships will take 25% of normal damage.

Boarding Laser: Active when a hostile ship to ship transfer of troops takes place. Holes are cut into the hull of the enemy ship killing about half the enemy crew and troops and doing light damage the the enemy ship's hull making it easier to take the enemy ship.

Assimilation Beam: Enemy colonists on a ground base are transformed into your own colonists and loaded into the ship. If all the enemy colonists are taken the enemy base is captured.

Long Range Mine Detector: Detects all active minefields in a 500 LY radius.

Mobile Ord Factory: Turn supplies into Ord, makes 100 units of free ord a turn.

Mobile Fighter 1 Factory: Produces type 1 fighters and adds them to docked wings If there are no docked wings a new wing will be formed in an empty fighter bay.

Mobile Fighter 2 Factory: Produces type 2 fighters

Mobile Fighter 3 Factory: Produces type 3 fighters

Scalar Wave Amp: Increase HD stress base frequency by +5.

Gambling Deck: Produced 1 mc income per colonist up to a max of 500mc

Holodeck: Increases ship happiness by 10 points.

Probe Launcher: Costs 100 ord units to use. Sends scan probes to planets within 500 LY Probes have a 90% chance of working, sending base detailed scanner data.

Clone Lab: Increase guests and crew by 20% a turn, by making copies of them.

Mobile Med Lab: Converts food to med units and produces 3 free med units a turn

Mobile Parts Plant: Duranium is converted to repair units. One kt of Duranium yields 100 repair units

Agro-Dome: Produces 20% cargo size of food or at least 100 kt of food

Soil Reformer: Improves a planet's soil 5 per turn up to a max of 250

Scalar Wave Damper: Drops HD stress base frequency by 8

Reticulian Med Lab: Turns natives into food and med and supplies 10 native --> one of each

Food To Supply Converter: Turns food into supplies.

Fuel Robber: Takes fuel from all enemy ships. Works through shields.

Cargo Grappler: Robs as much cargo from ships and pods as possible. Works through shields.

Crew Abducter: Take enemy crew from planets to fill out our crew

Hacker Droid: Produce plans from a captured ship under tow.

Pyramid Lounge: +5 happiness for the ship and 1 mc income per highguard

Show Lounge: +3 happiness for the ship and 1 mc per 10 crew

Minefield Destabilizer: All minefields within 150 LY have a 40% chance of being destroyed

Jumpgate Builder: Builds a jump gate, the cost of the game is cost 1000 molybdenum and 10000 megacredits.

Jumppoint Generator: Allows ships next to a hyperdrive ship to jump into hyperspace with it.

Self Destruct: Blows up the ship.

Ground Base Chunnel: Moves the base under the ship to another planet. This device will NOT move the ship. Moving a base takes 100 kt of fuel and two chunnel ships. To use the device park the first Ground Base Chunnel ship (Firestorm) over the base you wish to move. Set the ship's speed to zero and its waypoint to the target planet. The target planet needs to have a Firestorm or Firecloud ship in orbit to recieve the base. If there is already a base on the target planet the moved base will merge with the existing base forming a larger base. The event takes place after all normal movement, so the ships must end movement over the base and target planet for this to work.

Advanced Training: Convert 20% + 100 colonists on a ship to troops

Ground Quake Trigger: Damage bases on the planet below, destroys cities, kills colonists.

Soil Sterilizer: Destroys and poisons soil on a planet, -20 soil per turn.

Recruting Center: Full load of colonists each turn Cloaking Field: Hide ships near the ship. All object in the area get a -150 sensor image cloaking bonus. Ship itself does not cloak.

Dust Off: Move troops from the planet and mechs to pods in the pod bay. If the ship has no pods, new ones will be made on the spot.

Incarceration Beam: If an enemy ship's system damage is greater than 90% move all the enemy crew and colonists to a prison pod

Holojammer: Takes 10kt of fuel to run. Causes the ship using it plus all ships belonging to the ship's race within a 10 LY radius to appear to all other players to be at an incorrect location up to 100 LY away. A Bioscanner within 150 LY causes the holojammer to fail.

Warp Bubble Generator: Uses 100kt of fuel to use. Causes all ships withing 130ly to be tossed up to 30 LY in a random direction.

Dampening Field: Always on. The device is installed on the Pretender Class Q-Ship, Omen Class Spec Ops Transport, and Masquerade Class Q ship. Causes the ship to appear to be a freighter. Ship weapons, ord and troops are all hidden.

Transport Inhibitor: Works 70% of the time and costs 10 fuel. When it works you get a 100% block of all incoming enemy boarding parties.

Crystal X Field: Steals repair units from all ships, bases and pods within 50 LY. Can steal a maxium of what the ship's repair hold size is. If the repair hold is full it will still take a full measure of enemy repair units and destroy them. It will take from all other empires, including ones that you are not at war with. The device will capture any enemy ship within 50 LY that has more than 99% engine damage. Device will erase all ship plans in ships, pods, and bases within 150 LY.

Solar Gamma Ray: The device kills half of all Carbon based and Robotic life on all bases under the ship including natives. Device works through base shields. Gamma rays destory all food, farms and medical units on the bases.

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