Presenting the Capital of Japan, Tokyo!


I hate night pics with my camera. Anyways, yet another pic of people waiting to get in those last prayers before the New Year.


A bit difficult to tell, but this a picture of all of the start of the line for people who want to take pictures.


Whoa. A not so blurry pic. I think I steadied my camera against something when I took this one. Anyways, at this point, there was still a couple of hours to go before midnight and this was the end of the line to get into the temple after midnight (does that make sense?). Of course, being the silly person I am, I didn't wait in line just yet and wandered about some more.


Tons of police. Why the heck did I take this picture?


I was planning to just wait near the temple area and just take pictures but they evacuated everyone from there. So, I had to go line up to get into the temple area. Drat. If I only had lined up earlier. Oh well. Way in the back, you can see the archway before the temple. That should give you a rough idea of how far back I was.

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