University of North Texas,
School of Library & Information Sciences
Degree conferred, December 2004

Data is not Information.
Information is not Knowledge.
Knowledge is not Wisdom.

Obtain work in as professional Technical Services/Cataloguing Librarian
Reference/Instruction Librarian

Fall 2004 - Fondren Library, Tech Services, Rice University, Houston, TX                                                                                       
Original Cataloging Practicum/Internship

Performed original and copy-cataloging in an Academic Library setting, under the supervision of the Senior Original Cataloger, Ms. Sophy Silversteen.  Major emphasis on Foreign Language monographs, especially German-language Harassowitz Approvals.  Experience gained using MARC 21 on OCLC Passport & Sirsi
ILS.  Familiarity with AACR2, LC Classification system, LC Subject Headings. 
Fall 2002 to Spring 2004
Willis Library Reserves Desk, UNT Denton, TX

Library Assistant I (part-time)

  • Assisted patrons with locating and checking out course-reserve items or referring them to the Reference Desk as appropriate.  Experience with Millennium.  Limited reference assistance, especially with electronic resources and print serials.
  • Directly responsible for preparing ILL items for shipment and delivering newly received ILL materials to the ILL Department.
Assisted Reserve Desk Manager with other routine tasks such as marking books for de-selection/discard, re-shelving returned Reserve materials, preparing periodicals for binding, etc.

John J. Ronald, MLS  | Other Work Experience | My Formal Education  | Other Education & Skills | References | Directory of Related Links

To contact:

Phone: 281-494-9335
Fax: 713-974-3422

Home Address:
902 Millpond Drive
Sugar Land, Texas 77478