AUTHOR: Susie:

DISCLAIMER: None are mine, as if I could create such great characters!! The little bit of plot you see in there though is mine. It's mine all mine!!!!

DISTRIBUTION: My site, I am evil hear me roar, Evil Roaring, Vampie you can have and so can Tellie. Anyone else ask me first and you shall receive!!!

SUMMARY: Willow loses her memory, Spike fills in a few blanks!


RATING: R (Oh yeah I found that smut muse, ok she not totally back but a little is better than none!! Oh and Tienco, I'm grilling her about you smut muse as I speak!!! J )

NOTES: This is based on Fanfiction Challenge 25, also on reds_big_bad list. Willow had to loose her memory and Spike creates a new life for her.

DEDICATION: Tienco, hope it helps with your smut muse!! To Vampie for being Vampie and creating a new group for me.....Pssst.....Everyone join, it's called Gruesome4Goddesses. You know you want to.....



Night, a cold night. The wind howled through the trees and the autumn leaves rustled around the grave headstones. A body lay between two gravestone. A body that belong to Willow Ann Rosenburg. Slowly her eyes opened. Green eye met blue eyes as she blinked back the fog that was invading her mind.

"You ok luv?"

"What?" Slowly she reached up and rubbed her head.

"What happened here?"

"I...I don't know." Slowly she looked around.

"Red you ok? You look like...well like you were knocked unconscious." He grinned at her as she stared blankly at him.

"Wh....where am I?"

"Um, luv if the big head stones don't give it away you're never gonna guess it."

"I...I don't remember." Tears welled in her eyes as she looked back to him. "Help me please."

Spike looked at her. Willow, the girl he had fallen in love with was sitting on the ground in front of him asking for his help. She didn't remember a thing. In that moment he knew what he had to do.

"Sweetheart, it's ok. Come on." He reached out and took her hand helping her stand. "I'll get you home, have a nice hot bath and you'll be right as rain ok luv?"

"I...I don't know you."

"Baby, course you do. I'm Spike. Your husband. It's ok, I promise." He kept a hold of her hand and led her out of the cemetery and to a hotel, deciding that his crypt was not the place to take her.


"You ok in there?" Spike shouted through the bathroom door. Willow had been soaking in the bath for an hour; he hadn't heard a sound for the last twenty minutes. Knocking on the door he shouted again. "Baby? Red? Talk to me."

"Why do you call me Red?"


"Why do you call me Red?"

"Easy pet, look in the mirror. You have red hair."

"You said my name was Willow, why don't you call me that?"

"Well...." Frantically he searched him maid for a reason. {I can't bloody say cos I am supposed to hate your guts, and the bloody slayers.}

"Ummmm........well, it's a pet name. You know, how you call me Spikey?"

"I call you Spikey?"

He heard the fear in her voice as she didn't remember, not that she should have, she had never called him that, but she couldn't remember *not* calling him that.

"It's ok luv, you had a knock on the head, it'll all come back to you in the morning. So you nearly finished, don't want you turning in to prune now do we?" He chuckled softly.

"I guess not. Hey." She suddenly shouted. "I know what a prune is."

"Oh wonderful, you can live a normal life now." He threw back sarcastically. "Anything else?" He bit his lip hoping that the answer would be no, he couldn't lose after only just finding her.

"Not much, just little stuff, I mean I know I'm alive and stuff, but nothing specific, nothing about me really, or you." He heard the bath water sloshing about as she stepped out. "Spike?" She asked checking that he was still there.


"Why don't you just come in?"


"Well, I...I mean, we are married right?"

"I guess." His hand rested on the door handle.

"So, I'm guessing you've seen&you know?"

"Ok, luv, here I come." Slowly he opened the door and looked around. She sat on the toilet seat with a big white towel wrapped around her, her red hair hanging damply around her shoulders. Smiling she looked up at him.


"Hey. How ya feelin' pet?"

"Like I don't remember anything."

"Give it time." Spike stood nervously near the door.

"Are you ok?" Willow looked at him. "You seem kinda nervous."

"Well....I just don't want to rush you."

"It's ok. I mean why would you lie right?" Slowly she stood up and walked over to him. "Beside, in my fuzzeled brain I think I remember that the best cure of amnesia is immediate exposure." She leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips. "So act normal, maybe things will start coming back to me." She walked out of the bathroom. Spike stood and watched her. the kiss still lingering on his lips.


I want my life to make more sense to me!