Gr Raddow
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As with most web sites, this site is in a constant state of revision.  If you have any additional information pertaining to Kreis Regenwalde or one of the villages therein, your contributions (or corrections) are welcomed and appreciated.

Send your contributions to Edna Pieper Cherney at


Kreis Regenwalde, established about 1809, was a part of HinterPommern.  Regenwalde, along with most all of HinterPommern, was devastated during World War II and at the end of the war was given to Poland.  After barely surviving the bombardment of the Russian Army, the area was subjected to the marauding Polish settlers who directed their hate of the Nazis on the German Populace.  All Pomeranians that survived the onslaught, were evicted from the area, carrying only the personal property that they could carry in their hands.  Most of the church records were also lost or destroyed.  I have constructed a list of the villages along with the Polish name for each village, the church records that may have survived and the population for each town as of 1909.  The records held in the Polish archives are, for the most part, fragments of the years indicated on this list, but hopefully it will give those searching another source to search.  Included on this web site are Pomeranian surname lists, village histories and maps of Regenwalde villages.  See the bottom of this page for the specific sites.

Belbucker Trachte

  • A-Village Summaries-  This page has been improved with the addition of new village photos.  There are also maps and short histories of many villages.  Included are:  Alt Döberitz, Altenfleiss, Bandekow, Birkheide,Bonin, Dorow, Dübzow, Elvershagen, Gardin, Gerdshagen, Gienow, Gross Borckenhagen,  Hoffelde, Karnitz, Klein Raddow, Kratzig, Kummerow, and Labes.  

  • B-Village Summaries- This page has also been improved with the addition of new village photos. There are also maps and short histories of many villages. Included villages are:  Kankelfitz, Karnitz, Karow, Klein Raddow, Kratzig, Kummerow,  Ludwigshorst, Obernhagen, Ornshagen, Plathe, Pinnow, Roggow, Schwerin, Silligsdorf, Stargordt, Stramehl, Teschendorf, Unheim, Vogelsang, Wedderwill, Wolkow, Woldenburg, Zimmerhausen, Zachow, Zozenow.

  • Customs of Pommern - Dates and details of  Pommerntag, Germanfest,  plus Weddings, Baptisms, Funerals, Erntedank, New Year's Eve, Easter, and May Day celebration customs.

  • Diseases, a list of diseases and causes of death found in church records.

  • Deutsch Home Page -  This page is a replica of the home page in the German language.

  • Emigrants - A listing of emigrants found in databases (also what state they died in).

  • Helpful Sites - A listing of other Pomeranian Kreise on the web, plus some helpful genealogical sites.  An added feature are the web sites of descendants of residents of Kreis Regenwalde.

  • Map of Kreis Regenwalde - The map is very detailed and includes most of the small villages.

  • Occupations and some typical Army terms

  • Polish Words and Letters - Includes a sample letter to be used for writing to Polish archives.

  • Pommern Kreis Map and Also a Map of Prussia  - This map shows the names and location of the Kreises within Pomerania.  Included on this page is an abbreviated outline of the history of Pommern and Prussia.

  • Queries - Queries of relatives from Kreis Regenwalde - You can also submit your queries.

  • Recipes used by Pomeranians -  Recipes of our ancestors Feierzangebowle, Gansebraten (roast goose), Blutwurst (blood sausage), Rotkohl (red cabbage), Kopkäse (head cheese), Köck Käse (cooked head cheese), Souse (Pickled Pigs Feet), Kirschsuppe (cherry soup), Reisbrei (rice pudding), Schokalade (chocolate) pudding, Heringe nach Haustrauenart (pickled creamed herring), Kartoffel Klöße (potato dumplings).

  • Regenwalde Villages -  Village name changes, population, head church and clues regarding as to which records are available

  •  Surname Search - A listing of former Kreis Regenwalde residents including the e-mail address of the descendant who is researching them.   

         Please let me know if you find Regenwalde site useful to you, or if you would like to add or correct something.

This web site was created on 26 December 2001 and last edited on 22 September 2008 -  by Edna Pieper Cherney.