Table Tennis Links by I. Lee
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Miscellaneous Table Tennis Sites
Including Links to Video Clips

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Wall Street Executive Library Feature Site - This is not an ad but a 

link to a world of wonderful resources.
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Miscellaneous Sites - Videos

Answerbag. Table Tennis FAQ. Site allows visitors to add new questions and answers.

Balls of Fury (2007) Movie Overview from Balls of Fury - Critics Reviews - Average Grade C-. 28 Production Photos, and Message Boards. Balls of Fury: A Huge Comedy with Tiny Balls. Movie released 29 August 2007.

Brady's Table Tennis Resource Page. Contents: What is Table Tennis? Where do you play? A Spectator's Guide to Table Tennis, Table Tennis Background, Table Tennis Athletes, Table Tennis History, International Table Tennis Facts, Table Tennis Links, Other Interesting Tidbit.

Classic Hardbat Table Tennis. Definition and Rules of Classic Hardbat Table Tennis, Hardbat Rating Lists, Classic Hardbat Videos and Photos, and more.

Collections Site from ITTF Museum. Virtual Tour of ITTF Museum. Photographic presentation is divided into 50 virtual museum rooms. Select a gallery: Evolution History, Table Tennis Boxed Sets, Table Tennis Balls, Table Tennis Nets, Tournament Medals/Pins, Early Rules, Early Advertising, Disney & Comics, Olympics, Ping Pong Diplomacy, Meet the Champions, Early Greeting & Postcards, Books, Patents/Trademarks, Table Tennis Art, Vintage Photographs, Ping Pong Sheet Music, Philatelic, and more.

Collector's Corner from ITTF Museum. View The Table Tennis Collector No. 40 Spring 2006 - in PDF, The Table Tennis Collector No. 41 Summer 2006 - in PDF, Journal of The Table Tennis Collectors' Society. Magazine is published 3 times a year, featuring articles by members, recent auction results, and a section on philately (stamp collection).

Doug McLean Table Tennis Homepage from Australia.

Game. Play a free table tennis computer game online, from ITTF.

Google Images - Table Tennis.

Greg's Table Tennis Pages. Include articles that would be useful to anyone doing research on Table Tennis, as well as free videos, table tennis blog, and other stuff.

Larry Hodges Table Tennis Page. Everything you ever want to know about Larry Hodges but were afraid to ask, you will find it here in this site. Among his numerous achievements, the amazing Larry Hodges is noted for being a Member of USA Table Tennis Hall of Fame (2003 Inductee); Director & Head Coach, Club JOOLA Table Tennis in Rockville; Author of Table Tennis: Steps to Success plus over 1000 published articles. Received a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics, University of Maryland in 1985, and a Master's degree in Journalism, University of Maryland in 1997. Site includes a tribute to his mother, Elaine R. S. Hodges (1937-2006) in a gallery of photos. Thank you, Larry, for sharing these wonderful family photos and memories with the world. Contents include: Equipment, Basic info, Training info, Strokes, Interviews with famous Table Tennis Players, Articles, Ranking lists, Injuries, Video Clips and more.

Mississauga Rattlers Table Tennis Club Annual Banquet Photos and Movies. Trophies for 2007 Winners.

leaf MyTableTennis.NET. Table Tennis forum, videos, equipment, training, upcoming events, tournament results, ratings, Toronto Top Ten, Toronto Super League, and more. is a site made by sport enthusiasts for sport enthusiasts. The site is a database of amateur sportsmen and women across the world in a number of different sports, including table tennis. It is hoped that the site will be a great resource for anyone ever wanting a playing partner in the same area. Free registration.

Ping Pong Corner. Mississauga League discussion forum. Table tennis forum maintained by Ben. Register for free to post messages.

Ping Pong Movie Review by Anthony Leong.

Ping Pong Playa (Blu-ray). Movie Review by Jeffrey Kauffman.

The Ponginator

Ponginator image from

3-story-tall Ponginator shoots Ping Pong balls fast enough to kill a man. "From the Maker Faire in Austin, Texas comes this robotic monstrosity known as the Ponginator, a 3-story-tall turret that fires Ping Pong balls. The Ponginator is the work of the Austin Robotics Group, who built it to 'get people excited about technology again' and start a dialogue about robots." Includes video.

Feature: The Ponginator - A Robotic Combination of King Kong and Ping Pong by Brian Boyko. Includes videos.

Ponginator Decimates All Who Stand Before It from

Table Tennis. Web page by Ian Wall, London, England.

Table Tennis: Articles. Translated from Chinese articles that appeared on Chinese websites or publications. Archives of articles on table tennis previously translated by Chung Lau.

Table Tennis Cartoons from CartoonStock, a searchable database of over 90,000 quality gag cartoons, political cartoons, cartoon pictures and illustrations by over 300 of the world's best cartoonists.

Table Tennis Cartoons from

Table Tennis Forums. Discussion group links from Denis' Table Tennis World.

Table Tennis Fun & Games - Site maintained by Larry Hodges. Contents: Humorous Table Tennis Videos, Table Tennis Games, Table Tennis Humor, Table Tennis Cartoons, Humorous Table Tennis Photos.

Table Tennis Network. Table Tennis / Ping Pong Network: table tennis forum, table tennis blog, table tennis clubs, table tennis news, table tennis chat, table tennis videos, ittf tt news, table tennis store/ping pong store, table tennis shop/ping pong shop.

Table Tennis Online. Quiz: Test your Table Tennis knowledge. Survey: What does it take to improve the popularity of Table Tennis in the USA? Enter your comment. Also includes: Techniques, Tournament, Clubs, Equipment, Pictures, and Links.

Table Tennis Page by Alex Landsman. Boston area clubs and people, plus personal photographs.

Table Tennis Quiz - Advanced Table Tennis. Crafted by player Gondulf. Play quiz in HTML or Flash format.

Table Tennis Quiz - Table Tennis Rules. Crafted by player lanire. Play quiz in HTML or Flash format.

Table Tennis Talk. Table tennis forum - A new spin on the sport.

Tabling bills to table tennis. Article by Sean Gordon, Ottawa Bureau. Toronto Star, June 20, 2005.

Table Tennis: Yes, It's a Real Sport! History, Rules, Rankings, Players.

Topshot Table Tennis Blog. "This blog will be molded together by a few extreme Las Vegas table tennis players with a 'no limit' outlook to the game." From A Creative Desktop by Austin Luna.

Table Tennis Videos

2006 Best points Table Tennis. YouTube video, 4:53 min.

2008 WTTC Men's Teams Table Tennis Best Points. YouTube video, 7:25 min. World Table Tennis Championships (WTTC).

2009 English National Championships Part 1. YouTube video, 9:42 min.
2009 English National Championships Part 2. 8:46 min.
2009 English National Championships Part 3. 9:28 min.
2009 English National Championships Part 4. 8:10 min.
2009 English National Championships Part 5. 8:46 min.

Ai Fukuhara (Japan). Slideshow of photos from YouTube. 2:06 min. Ai Fukuhara (Japan) vs. Kim Kyung Ah (Korea). Olympics Table Tennis, Athens, 2004. Video from YouTube. 6:11 min.

Arizona Online - Gao Jun (USA) vs. Shen Yanfei (ESP - Spain). 2005 Chinese Taipei Open Table Tennis Tournament - Taiwan. Women's Singles Semi-Final - Match Video. Narration in Chinese (Mandarin).

Balls of Fury - Paddle Grip Technique and other video clips from YouTube. (Same clips as Balls of Media - Video Clips and Trailers above, but with easier access).

Beijing 2008 - SIXTY Seconds - Table Tennis Women Prelimnary Class 1/2 - Paralympic Games. YouTube video, 1:11 min.

Beijing 2008 - SIXTY Seconds - Table Tennis CHN-GER Women - Doubles - Paralympic Games. YouTube video, 1:11 min.

Canada Cup Table Tennis Finals - 2005 Video. Vancouver, BC - July 3rd, 2005, posted by Alex Li, MyTableTennis.NET forum. Video sizes range from 24 to 135 MB.

A Funny Chinese Ping-Pong Match. Chinese table tennis video clip. How to beat an opponent whose hits never miss the table? Jump over the table to the opposite side and hit a bad shot for him. This Godly Ping Pong video - unbelivable table tennis play is accessible from Funny Videos.

Funny Japanese Table Tennis Video. An excellent and hilarious performance. Matrix-style bullet-time game of table tennis performed in front of a live audience with no computer special effects. Video available from,, and Google Video.

Funny Video: How to play ping pong with a man's best friend.

Funny Videos - Ping Pong. Two skillful players displaying some amazing shots. Video accessible from

Google Video:

º Ballwechsel 49 - Table Tennis Extreme Rally - 46 sec. Video as shown on Also available on YouTube: Great Table Tennis. Ballwechsel 49. 46 sec.
º Bence Czaba vs. Feng Zhe - Ping-Pong Match - 17:32 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º 2006 Western Open Table Tennis Championships - 25:16 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º Bence Csaba vs. Zhu Hong Bin - Ping-Pong Match - 30:30 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º Wilson Zhang vs. Feng Zhe - Ping-Pong Match - 33:10 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º David Zhuang vs. Johnny Huang - 4 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º David Zhuang vs. Johnny Huang - Ping-Pong Match Game #2 - 3:17 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º David Zhuang vs. Johnny Huang - Ping-Pong Match Game #3 - 6:45 min. Submitted by Sean O'Neill.
º Adam Bobrow Table Tennis Promo - 1 min. Submitted by Adam Bobrow.

Kong Linghui (China) vs. Werner Schlager (Austria) 2003 WTTC Part 6. Video from YouTube. 10:22 min. Narration in Chinese (Mandarin).

Magnificent table tennis. YouTube video, 4:12 min.

The Magnificent World of Table Tennis. Collection of miscellaneous video clips, from YouTube. 4:11 min.

Paralympic Table Tennis - Men Singles. YouTube video, 8:17 min.

Table Tennis. Denmark beats China. Both players left-handed. Video from YouTube. 6:12 min. Narration in French.

Table Tennis Great Points. YouTube video, 4:04 min.

Table Tennis Master Class Points. YouTube video, 5:32 min.

Table Tennis - Spectacular!! YouTube video, 1:54 min.

Tabale Tennis Top 10 Shots. Video from Table Tennis action from the best players. 1:16 min.

Table Tennis World Cup 2006 Wang Hao vs. Werner Schlager. Viedo from YouTube. 6:32 min. Narration in German.

Table Tennis Video Clips. Collection of video clips gathered by One of a Kind Categories: Instructional videos / coaching. Matches / games videos, e.g. Amazing Table Tennis Video Clips.

Table Tennis Video Clips of Americans from See some of the best table tennis players in America hit, loop, and smash the ball online.

Top 10 Ping Pong Shots of All Time. YouTube video, 2.56 min.

The Top Points of All-Time. 17 video clips showing some of the best table tennis points of all-time, e.g. Point #1: Jorgen Persson (SWE) vs Jan Ove Waldner (SWE) - 1991 World Championships Men's Final, Chiba City, Japan. Point #12 - Li Bun Hui (PRK) vs. Qiao Hong (CHN) Video - Women's Singles, 1991 World Championships, Chiba City, Japan. Check out also other free videos from

Weird Ping Pong Match. Entertaining video from YouTube. 1:05 min. Narration in Chinese (Mandarin).

WTTC 2009 table tennis best points.. enjoy. YouTube video, 9:19 min.

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