Novial Gramatike -- Valter Ahlstedt


Io es nunc in el processo de copiar le Novial Gramatike de Valter Ahlstedt.
Si tu pote leger iste texto in interlingua tu etiam es capabile a leger le
texto del grammatike. Si tu es interessate, vole ben inviar me un message
electronic. Io invia le "gramatike " como posta electronic e postea il tu
carga de dar le texto un formato que te place. cursiva es notate in iste
maniera. "citato" es notate in iste maniera. Le resto es Ancian Machina a
Scriber Revisitate :-)

I am now in the process of copying the Novial Gramatike by Valter Ahlstedt.
If you can read Novial, Interlingua, Esperanto or Occidental this may be
interesting reading for you. Just send me a message and you will get the
first installment. As people work in different formats I think the easiest
method will be to send the text as small installments in the form of

Another possibility is that I put it in auxlang, but than there may be a
lot of people who are not interested in it and that is not a good solution,
I think.

James Chandler asks about my source. It is the very typescript of V. A. of
which I got a copy.


Noval Gramatike de Valter Ahlstedt 
[ Pagine 1 | Pagine 2 | Pagine 3 | Pagine 4 | Pagine 5 ]


Copyright © 1997 Valter Ahlstedt - All rights reserved.
Material originally featured in posting to Auxlang List by Kjell Rehnstrom.

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