Rizwi S. Faizer Ph.D. McGill



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From Abû Bakr to the Umayyads

indicates my preference
indicates a primary source

  1. Balâdhurî, Ahmad b. Yahyâ (d. 892), Ansâb al-Ashrâf.
    • Vol. 1. Ed. M. Hamidullah. Cairo: Dâr al-Ma`ârif, 1959.
    • Vol. 11. Ed. M. al-Mahmudi. Beirut: Dâr al-Ta`âruf li'l- Matbû`ât, 1974.
    • Vol. IV A. Ed. Max Schloessinger and M. J. Kister. Jerusalem: Mahnes Press, 1971.
    • Vol. IV B. Ed. Max Schloessinger. Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1928.
    • Vol. V. Ed. S. D. Goitein. Jerusalem: Hebrew University Press, 1936.
  2. ________. Futûh al-Buldân.(a) Ed. M. J. de Goeje. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1866. (b) Translated by Philip Hitti and Francis Murgotten as The Origins of the Islamic State. 2Vols. Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law. Vol. LXVIII, nos. 163, 163a. New York: Columbia University Press, 1916-24.
  3. Barthold, W. "The caliph `Umar II and the Contradictory Information about his Personality," Islamic Quarterly 15(1971):
  4. Bashear, Suliman. "The Title of Fârûq and its Association with `Umar 1", pp.17-70
  5. Bates, Michael. "History Geography and numismatics in the First Century of Islamic Coinage," Revue Suisse de Numismatics 65(1986): 231-263.
  6. Beg, M. A. J. "Mu`âwiya: a Critical Survey,"Islamic Culture 51 (1977):
  7. Bell, H. I. "The Administration of Egypt under the Umayyad Caliphs,"BZ 28(1928):
  8. Bosworth, C. E. Sistan under the Arabs. Rome: 1968.
  9. ________. "Raja b. Haywa al-Kindi and the Umayyad caliphs," Islamic Quarterly 16 (1972): 36-80.
  10. ________. `Ubaydullah b. Abi Bakra and the Army of Destruction in Zabulistan (79/698)." Islam i(1973): 268-83.
  11. Bravmann, M. M. "Sunnah and Related Concepts." In his Spiritual Background of Early Islam. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972.
  12. Collins, Roger. The Arab Conquest of Spain. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989.
  13. Cook, M. Early Muslim Dogma. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
  14. Cresswell, K.A.C. Early Muslim Architecture. Oxford: 1969.
  15. ________. "The Origins of the Cruciform plan of Cairene Madrasas." BIFAO 21 (1922): 1-54.
  16. Crone, Patricia. Slaves on Horses. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1980.
    • For a review see Donner, Fred M. "Review of Slaves on Horses", inJournal of the American Oriental Society (1982): 367-371.
  17. ________. "Were the Qays and Yemen of the Umayyad Period Political Parties?" Der Islam 71(1994):1-57.
  18. Dennet, D. Conversion and the Poll-Tax in Early Islam. Cambridge Mass.,: 1950.
  19. Dixon, A. A. The Umayyad Caliphate, 684-705. London: 1971.
  20. Donner, F. M. The Early Islamic Conquests. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1981.
  21. Elad, Amikam. "Why did `Abd al-Malik Build the Dome of the Rock?: A Re-examination of the Muslim Sources." In J. Raby and J. Johns (eds.) Al-Haram al-Sharîf: `Abd al-Malik's Jerusalem. Oxford Studies in Islamic Art. Vol. ix, pp 33-58.
  22. _________. Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic Worship: Holy Places, Ceremonies, Pilgrimage. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1994.
  23. Grabar, Oleg. The Shape of the Holy: Early Islamic Jerusalem New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1996.
  24. Hawting, G. R. "The Umayyads and the Hijaz." Proceedings of the 5th Seminar for Arabian Studies. London: 1972.
  25. ________. "The Significance of the Slogan la hukma illa lillah etc." BSOAS 41 (1978):
  26. ________.The First Dynasty of Islam: The Umayyad Caliphate A.D.661-750. London: Croom Helm Ltd.,1986.
  27. ______. "The Tawwâbûn, Atonement and 'Âshurâ'" JSAI 17(1994):166-181.
  28. Hinds, G. Martin. "The Murder of the Caliph 'Uthmân" IJMES 3(1972): 450-69.
  29. Hodgson, Marshall G. S. "How did the early Shi`a become sectarian?" JAOS 75(1955):
  30. Ibn `Abd al-Hakam, Abû al-Qâsim `Abd al-Rahmân (d. 870). Futûh Misr wa Akhbâruhu. Ed. C. C. Torrey as History of the Conquest of Egypt, North Africa andSpain. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1922.
  31. Ibn `Asâkir (d. 1176), Ta`rîkh Madînat Dimashq. Abridged edition(incomplete) by `Abd al-Qâdir Badrân and Ahmad `Ubayd. 7 Vols. Damascus: 1911-32.
  32. al-Isfahânî, Abû Faraj (d. 967). Kitâb al-Aghânî. 20 Vols. Bulaq, 1284-85/1867-69. Vol. 21. Ed. R. Brunnow. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1888.
  33. Ibn Sa`d (d. 845), Kitâb al-Tabaqât al-Kabîr. Ed. Eduard Sachau et al. 9 Vols. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1904-40.
  34. Madelung, Wilferd. The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
    • For review articles see:
    • MORONY, MICHAEL G. "Review of The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate," JNES v59, n2 (April, 2000):153.
    • Graham, William A. "Review of The Succession to Muhammad: A Study of the Early Caliphate," in MW v89, n2 (April, 1999):194.
    • Daniel, Elton L. "Review of The Succession to Muhammad," Middle East Journal v52, n3 (Summer, 1998):471.
    • s
    • Mattson, Ingrid. "Review of The Succession to Muhammad," Journal of Religion v78, n2 (April, 1998):321.
    • Crone, Patricia. "Review of The Succession to Muhammad," Times Literary Supplement, n4897 (Feb 7, 1997):28.
  35. Petersen, E. L. "'Ali and Mu'âwiyah:The Rise of the Umayyad Caliphate," Acta Orientalia 23(1959): 157-96.
  36. ________. "Studies on the Historiography of the 'Ali-Mu'âwiyah Conflict," Acta Orientalia 27(1963): 83-118.
  37. Sharon, M. "An Arabic Inscription from the Time of `Abd al-Malik." BSOAS 29(1966):
  38. __________. "Notes on the Question of Legitimacy of Government in Islam," Israel Oriental Studies 10(1980): 116-23.
  39. ________. "The Development of the Debate Around the Legitimacy of Authority in Early Islam," in JSAI (9=1984): 121-141.
  40. _________. "The Umayyads as Ahl al-Bayt," JSAI 14(1992):115-52.
  41. Shoufani, E. Al-Riddah and the Muslim Conquest of Arabia. Toronto: 1972.
  42. Spellberg, D. A. Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past: The Legacy of `A'isha Bint Abî Bakr. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
  43. Tritton, A. S. The Caliphs and their non-Muslim Subjects: A Critical Study of the Covenant of 'Umar. London: Oxford University Press, 1930.
  44. Wellhausen, Julius. The Arab Kingdom and its Fall. Calcutta: University of Calcutta Press, 1927.

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  The background design is an adaptation of the eighth century Mshata wall.
Last updated: Sept. 2001
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