
    • Programmer/Analyst
    • Quality/Risk Assessment
    • Claims/Policy Management
    • JCAHO & CMS
    • HL7
    • Windows & Web
    Towers Perrin & EDS
    • Programmer in the Defined Benefits Department
    • Java, COBOL, Perl 5.0, DOS Batch Processing
    • Visual Cafe, MicroFocus NetExpress 3.0, Weblogic, VSS, PVCS
    • Oracle, SQLPlus, PL/SQL, Spreadsheets
    • Code for a product that is composed of hundreds of program files and multiple data sources.
    • Requirements analysis, design, test, trouble shoot, implement and maintenance of defined benefits record keeping and calculation software.
    • Necessary to work as an individual and with multi-disciplined teams
    • Lead programmer for a team that administers a major client
    • New hire mentor
    • Develop training material and conduct training classes
    • Document code and in-house procedures
    • Convert 16-bit compiled systems to 32-bit systems
    • Conducted Y2K programming changes and tests