rants & raves

this page is dedicated to things i like, don't like, hate, admire, want, need, perceive, am irritated by, and generally everything that's not covered somewhere else on the site.

what i want from a man
what i hate about some drivers
cheers to others
jeers to others
on politics
are we clueless?
where are all the racists?
in memory of honor


what i want from a man

i want a man who will give money back to a cashier after she has unwittingly given him too much change
i want a man who will give $5 to a homeless person to buy a cup of coffee, or even better, to take the time to go buy the cup of coffee for them, and still give them the $5
i want a man who is admired by his peers
i want a man who will let me grow old gracefully
i want a man who understands the definition of the word "vow", in the medieval sense
i want a man who knows good classical music when he hears it
i want a man who understands the value of a dollar, and doesn't care
i want a man who appreciates sunsets
i want a man who wants to adopt older children instead of having his own
i want a man who doesn't mind when i leave the seat down
i want a man who won't mind if i sleep late on sundays
i want a man who sleeps late on saturdays
i want a man who has been to a library and a museum since he was in school, and who hasn't been to a nude bar since adolescence
i want a man who votes his conscience
i want a man who makes great chili
i want a man who doesn't mind i can't really cook
i want a man who thinks i'm the quintessential woman
i want a man who thinks the golden rule should replace the bible
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why i hate some drivers

i hate it when i'm driving through traffic and someone takes the "protection" space in front of me and uses it to move ahead. i read a bumper-sticker once...it said "the space in front of me is for my protection, not your convenience" amen!
i love it when someone dangerously zips through traffic and a mile down the road i see them along the side getting a ticket
i hate people driving while using the phone. pull over!
i hate always ending up behind the dirtiest, slowest, most unmaneuverable vehicle on the road
i love passing expensive, sporty cars
i love it when someone passes me as if i'm going too slow, then they end up next to me at the next light. didn't get very far going that fast, didya?
i love knowing where all the speed traps are
i hate finding new speed traps unexpectedly
i hate drivers who can't pick a lane
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 cheers to others

cheers to mix 102.9 morning deejays from dallas who, on wednesday, march 29, worked from 5am until late into the evening hosting an impromptu fund raising drive for the red cross in order to support victims of the previous evening's tornadoes in ft worth and arlington. they raised, oddly enough, $102,000. many kudos for their selflessness.
cheers to janet reno for standing her ground on the elian gonzalez issue. the boy belongs with his father.
cheers to the two homeless men "Mike" and "Randall", who used to come by my office building every day, and for "hanging on" while the tornado was blowing away their hang-out. they're good guys.
cheers the owner of 'reata', a restaurant on top of the bank one tower that was blown away by that same tornado, for continuing to pay his staff while the restaurant is closed so he doesn't lose any of them, and so they have a paycheck. that's so rare.
cheers the gay & lesbian protesters standing outside channel 11 studios, protesting the local airing of the "Dr Laura" show, for their persistence, but i hope the show airs anyway. 'giving hate a forum' isn't an easy choice, but it is the american way. allowing everyone a voice is how we all win.
cheers to cnn.com for changing their default font size from "small" to "medium". after their redesign a few months ago i wrote and told them i couldn't read the font, it was too small. they wrote back and told me that if i'd change my browser font settings from "smaller" to "medium" i would be able to read everything just fine. unfortunately, this fix caused me to have to scroll horizontally on almost every other page on the internet. i guess enough people complained about the font, because now it's back to normal. thanks cnn!
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jeers to others

jeers to the man in the old blue station wagon driving east on I-30 last week who threw an entire fast food bag, beverage and all, from his drivers-side window after he'd finished eating. may the road rise up to meet you smack in the face, and may it be littered with feces when it does so.
jeers to al lipscomb who, after years of distinguished service to the community, took bribe money from a cab company owner and then tried to convince us all that he wasn't the intelligent man he is by claiming he didn't know it was unethical and illegal.
jeers to the judge in lipscomb's case for sending him to a prison hospital without consulting his doctors on his condition first. it may not be coincidental that he was in the hospital when he was scheduled to be convicted, and again for sentencing, because the stress of these two events on an elderly man of ill health could have sent him there.
jeers to "dr." laura schlessinger for attempting to give legitimacy to people who hate gays and lesbians
jeers to andy garcia and gloria estefan for sticking their nose and their notoriety into the elian gonzalez case. the man doesn't want sanctuary, he wants his son. go sing a song or make a movie or something.
jeers to Rudy Guiliani for releasing the criminal record of an innocent man who was mistakenly killed by NYPD officers, using the man's past as if to say "see, he wasn't completely innocent, he would have rated being shot one day anyway!" disgusting.
jeers anyone who is for a flag burning amendment. how one can't see that making it a crime to burn the flag flies in the face of everything the flag STANDS FOR is beyond me.
jeers to the person who side-swiped my car while it was parked on a residential street last october. you should have acknowledged it at the very least, even if you didn't have insurance.
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rmacgregor @ swbell dot net

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