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*Make Cookies!
*ADO Database Techniques!
*Advanced SQL!
*Detailed Tutorials!
*Form Field Validation!
*Multiple techniques for Connections, Recordsets & SQL

The FOOApp is a simplified "jobsonline" application coded in ASP. Post your resume to see how it works, then steal all of my code! Click here to get the code!  

All of the code and tutorials you find here are royalty and notoriety free and part of my effort to make programming more accessible to more people. Programming is like art- There are some basic fundamentals and tools that you need but beyond that, creativity and hard work are your only roadblocks. The best artists don't follow conventions so don't be afraid to "push the envelope". If it works who knows, you may have just found a "better way." Enjoy and learn ASP!

  • ASP 101 - helps programmers through the use of tutorials, articles, news, a resource directory, and user forums.
  • LearnASP.com - resource site with tutorials for new users, articles, links, and book reviews. By Charles Carroll.
  • Active Server Corner - offers a non-technical perspective of the technology, as well as books, chat, tutorials and more.
  • ASP Toolbox - offers source code for Microsoft Active Server Pages with examples, tutorials, books, and related links.
  • PowerASP.com - offers articles, links, and tutorials.
  • Stardeveloper.com - features articles and tutorials about Java server pages, COM, database access, JDBC, and more.
  • UltimateASP.com - sample codes, tutorials, bulletin board, downloads, chatroom, components, and more.
  • 1 ASP Street - provides source codes, tutorials, articles, discussion boards, and a job database.
  • ASP Trenches, The - tutorial site designed for both beginning and experienced programmers.
  • ASPSamples.com - tutorials, articles, real-time interactive ASP code windows, and more.
  • Kathi's Place - offers tutorials, samples, tools, and components.
  • ASP Resource Index, The - links to sites about ASP components, applications, scripts, tutorials, and references.
  • 411 ASP.NET Directory - features links to ASP.NET tutorials, code scripts, assembly, and other programming resources.
  • ASP Index.net - links to books, software, tutorials, source code, references, jobs, and other sites.
  • 123aspx.com - with code library, scripts, tutorials, and examples for programming and hosting ASP.NET.
  • Leenas.net - offers beginners guides and forums that cover, HTML, javascript, design, ASP, and more.
  • DevGuru - featuring references for ASP, HTML, JavaScript, Jet SQL, style sheets, and VBScript. Also provides tutorials.


• Perl
  • Perl Tutorial, A - introducing most of the concepts of data and variables.
  • Perl Tutorial: Start - assumes a very basic knowledge of UNIX and concentrates on how to write basic working perl programs.
  • Perl Monks - offfers tips, information, tutorials, and more for learing and improving PERL skills.
  • 1 Perl Street - offers scripts, articles, tutorials, job listings, and a monthly coding contest.
  • Picking Up Perl - freely redistributable Perl tutorial.
  • Perlmasters Resource - hosts a tutorial section and has free scipts available for download.
  • NetSpade - contains programming tutorials, articles, and forums for a range of languages including Java, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, CGI, Perl, and HTML.
  • Building HTML-based Interfaces - This document describes how to build graphical, form-based interfaces for end-user programs using HTML.Tutorial includes examples in C, C++, PERL, and PASCAL.

• Php
  • PHPDeveloper.org - providing scripts, tutorials, and forums.
  • phphelp - offers related news, documentations, tutorials, scripts, and downloads.
  • 1 PHP Street - offers scripts, articles, tutorials, job listings, and a monthly coding contest.
  • Webmonkey's PHP Programming - tutorials teaching the PHP way to authenticate and track users, generate images on the fly, create threaded discussion, and more.
  • NetSpade - contains programming tutorials, articles, and forums for a range of languages including Java, JavaScript, VBScript, PHP, CGI, Perl, and HTML.
  • Techdevelopers.com - offers Flash 3 and 4 tutorials, PHP scripts, free web hosting, and more.
  • Abscissa Tech - resource guide for web designers, with references and tutorials on implementing HTML, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheets, PHP, C++, and more.

• MySql


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