Rick's Movie List (2005)

Note: (TH) marks movies that I saw in the theater. The date shows when I saw the movie.

  1. Star Wars: Attack of the Clones 1/2/05
  2. Tom Dowd: The Language of Music 6/15/05
  3. Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith 6/24/05 (TH)
  4. The Interpreter 11/20/05
  5. The Jacket 11/22/05
  6. Ocean's Twelve 11/26/05
  7. Crash 11/27/05
  8. Aardvark'd 12/1/05
  9. The Machinist 12/15/05
  10. Syriana 12/17/05 (TH)
  11. The Polar Express 12/18/05
  12. My Architect 12/18/05
  13. Ronin 12/25/05
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Rick (rickumali@gmail.com) Umali
Original: 10-Jan-2006
Last generated: 25-Dec-2007