Fostering individual's artistic expression through the study of speech arts and drama

Policies and Procedures


  • Students are expected to respect one another. Any student found repeatedly harassing, harming or bullying another student will be suspended from the school year without tuition reimbursement.
  • For your child's safety, all students under the age of 12 must have a parent or guardian sign the child in at the beginning of class and sign them out at the end of class. If a parent is late, the child will sit at the door in the classroom under supervision until the parent arrives.
  • Due to allergies, NO FOOD or beverages (besides water) are allowed in the classroom.
  • All parents of students with any allergies or medical conditions should inform the teacher and provide the appropriate treatment and emergency procedures in writing.

  • Students who miss class will not have their fees refunded. For your child's safety please inform the teacher that your child will be absent.
  • Students who are forced to drop the class due to medical reasons must provide a medical note to be refunded for the unused portion of the tuition minus a $25 administration fee.
  • In the case of the teacher being ill or absent a substitute teacher with equal qualifications will teach the class. If a substitute teacher cannot be found, the class will be rescheduled for the last Saturday at the end of the summer term.
  • Any class with enrolment of less than 4 students will be canceled. Students can join a different class, enroll in private lessons or receive a full refund.
  • To ensure quality teaching, no class will exceed 12 students.

  • Although your child's safety and wellbeing are considered at all times during the creation of the Academy's programs, Rising Star Performing Arts Academy or its staff will not be held liable for the injury of your child, injury inflicted on your child by another child, injury on your child by another parent, or loss or damage to personal property.

  • The personal information collected through application and registration process will remain sole property of the school.

Blaze 2007