Hoo-Ryde           Hoover High School

Hoover Learner Outcome


Habit of Inquiry 

Habit of Work

Communication of Ideas 

Lifelong Learning 

AOIT Experiences 


Rosa's Senior Web pages 

Rosa Lopez
Phone:  (619) 283-6281 

E-mail:  rlopez2005@yahoo.com



Rosa Lopez

Per 1

April 7,2005

Habits of Inquiry

Have you heard of Habit of Inquiry and Knowledge? Do you now that it means. Well Habit of Inquiry is a HLO. It means that you are able to demonstrated scientific inquiry by posing research question and conducting research and supporting decisions. It also demonstrated the knowledge of electronic information sources, including the internet and CD ROMS, to research, interpret, and process information. In order to give you a better explanation I have choice three project that have the done in my four years of high school. The first project I choice is how I expend my money, Border Patrol career essay, and my last project is Mountain Lions.

            The first project I am going to talk is my How I expend my money. This project was done during my sophomore year in my typing class with Mr. Sanchez. I did this project because I wanted to show the way I was going to expend my money three years after graduating from high school. We need to collect date from the Internet and magazines. We needed to combing price of furniture’s, food, rent, and car. After having all the price and name to the things we wanted then we create a excel sheet and started typing the name and the price of each thing. Ones that gone we need to calculated the total. Each day there was something to add or to take some thing from the list. This project demonstrated that I was able to collect data and facts and to discover any good solution to a problem. I also Distinguishes and state fact from opinion or acknowledge differing points of view.

            The second project is my Border Patrol Career PowerPoint. I did this project in my senior year in my tech Info class. This project was about my career I wanted in the future after finishing high school and getting a degree in Collage. I got information from books, Internet, and by contacting the CBP office that downtown.  The PowerPoint consists of what are the requirements, benefits, programs, cost, and the education you need. I also got information from the Internet of the first person as a Border Patrol officer. The history of Border Patrol and the changes that have been make for a better serve. This Project demonstrates the ability to apply decisions or solution to future situation by making predictions.

            My third project this my Mountain Lion essay this essay was completed in my Biology class with Dr. Birney. This essay is about the life of a mountain lions the way they live what they eat and the activity. In this essay I also did a PowerPoint with picture and some of the fact of Mountain lions. This essay demonstrates that I was able to creativity by using habit of mind evidence and connection supposition, and significance. Also by collecting fact from different books and Internet sources.

            In conclusion I think that Habit of Inquiry is a HLO that is use almost in all the project you do. Habit of Inquiry is a HLO that demonstrate all lot of knowledge. I have know present all the three project that satisfies the Hoover Learner Outcome by using my three projects which are How I expend my money, Border Patrol career essay, and last project is Mountain Lions. The three project were an example of how I understand the HLO.