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Spatial Elements
Trasliteration Tamil Meaning
aduppati «ÎôÀÊ Means kitchen. Traditionally in Jaffna people cook by sitting on the floor. Therefore the hearth, which is called Aduppu in Tamil Language, also made at the ground level. The main element of this aduppu is an earthenware item made by potters and sold in the market. One or more of these are embedded in a row within a platform made up of wet earth and finished with cow dung and clay mix. 
aRai «¨È ARai has more than one meaning. Related to buildings it means room. 
kakkUsu ¸ìÜÍ  
kunthu ÌóÐ The word Kunthu as a verb means sit. Derived from this, a platform or a short wall normally found in traditional houses, are called Kunthu. The word Thinnai also means the same thing.
mAti Á¡Ê Maadi denotes an upper floor. Maadi veedu means a house consists of more than one floor.
mAl Á¡ø  
machchu ÁîÍ This word generally means a attic.
mUlai   Corner
muRRam ÓüÈõ Mutram means forecourt. However a centre court yard also referred to as Mutram.
natai ¿¨¼ This means Walk. In traditional houses, the lowered floor created for using as a circulation space, is called as Nadai. This space is normally paved with rough granite slabs. In a Taditional Naatsar House three Nadais are provided, one from the main entrance, another from rear entrance and the last one from the main room and all end up at the central court yard.
nataikUtam ¿¨¼Ü¼õf  
periya aRai ¦Àâ «¨È Main Room. Literally it means Big Room.
thalaivAsal ¾¨ÄÅ¡ºø Literally  it is main entrance. However in village houses in Jaffna, a semi open structure, with a roof supported on wooden posts and consists of short walls are called "thalai vAsal". This is a space mainly used by male occupants and visitors.
thiNNai ¾¢ñ¨½ Platforms intended sitting or sleeping. These are generlly provided, in old houses, inside the house and out side on either side of the main entrance. This word has its root in "thiN" means "solid" in Tamil. "kunthu" is another word for this.
vAsal Å¡ºø Entrance. Alternatively the word "vAyil" also is also used with the same meaning. 
vIttaRai Å£ð¼¨È In certain areas of Jaffna, people use the word "vIddaRai" for "main room". Originally, the Main Room is the only room space in a house and it was called as the house. Although susequenly the houses became big with more rooms, the main room was still called the House (vIdu) or vIttaRai.
veLi ¦ÅÇ¢ In Tamil this word stands for "out" or "out side",  space, open area.
viRanthai Å¢È¡ó¨¾ Verandah 

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Last updated on 09 February 2005